Today is our area's traditional holiday- Dragon Boat Festival day(旧暦の端午節、竜船節).
It is well know to memory about 2500 years ago, Chinese famous person: quyuan(屈原).
Today, people will keep to watch dragon boat show, dragon boat competition, eat dragon boat lunch, eat zongzi(粽子-ちまき)-a food that is used glutinous-rice wrapped in bamboo leaves(etc.) then steamed.
Maybe a lot of people connect the network, the net often down today. Writting something is becoming uneasy.
zongzi(粽子-ちまき):(made by my friend, none business production)
1. Salty taste: Glutinous-rice wrappeded with bacon, soy beans, fatty meat, (others whatever you like), salt water, ...and dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves(etc.) , then steamed. (ベーコン、脂身加入するの粽-ちまき)
2. Sweet taste: Glutinous-rice wrapped with the lye-for-food, small red beans mixed with suger, ...and dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves(etc.), then steamed. (食用の灰汁製の粽-ちまき)