《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)
四 我在十八日早晨, 我知道上午有群眾向执政府請願的事; 下午便得到噩耗, 說衛隊居然開槍, 死傷至數百人, 而劉和珍即在遇害者之列。 但我對於這些傳說, 竟至於頗為懷疑。 我向來是不憚以最壞的惡意, 來推測中國人的, 然而我還不料, 也不信竟會下劣兇殘到這地步。 況且始終微笑著的和藹的劉和珍君, 更何至於無端在府門前喋血呢? 然而即日證明是事實了, 作證的便是她自己的屍骸。 還有一具, 是楊群君的。 而且又證明著這不但是殺害, 簡直是虐殺, 因為身體上還有棍棒的傷痕。 但段政府就有令, 說她們是“暴徒”! 但接著就有流言, 說她們是受人利用的。 慘象, 已使我目不忍視了; 流言, 尤使我耳不忍聞。 我還有什麽話可說呢? 我懂得衰亡民族之所以默無聲息的緣由了。 沈默呵(啊), 沈默呵(啊)! 不在沈默中爆發, 就在沈默中滅亡。
Typing: Teppei
But in the same day, it was proved. The evidence that came out was her own body. And another body is Miss Yang dequn's. On their bodies, evidence showed that they not only were killed, but also they were slaughtered, because of there were some wound by sticks on their bodies.
But Duan government said, "They are rioters!"
Shortly, some rumers spreat that, "They are some cheated by someone."
Suffering scene, has made me not want to see; rumers, specially made me not want to hear. Is there anything that still need me to say again? Now, I get to know why there is no power in the world for a nation that is becoming feeble and die. Keep silence, keep silence! If a nation couldnot wake up to resist from the silence, and he would die in the silence.
(continuing) つづく