

Haha, I will be bent to death by a lot of money...

2009年11月27日 21時46分45秒 | グルメ
Last night, I talked with riko,"Why do you go home so late? Others all prepare to go before the bell ringing. Then they could slip away soon...But you seem to love your work place very much? "She said, "You are so noisy.""I just put money in your pocket...you know."I muttered.

This afternoon, riko promised to call me if she would come back to eat or not, but she forgot. I had to call her and ask. She was sorry to say that she was working so she couldnot remember. I said, "You deeply love your work place again." Riko sweetly and charming speaked from another side of the phone, "Haha, I will be bent to death by a lot of money..."

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