情報流通促進計画 by ヤメ記者弁護士(ヤメ蚊)日隅一雄

知らなきゃ判断できないじゃないか! ということで、情報流通を促進するために何ができるか考えていきましょう


2008-04-07 04:34:30 | メディア(知るための手段のあり方)

【IT IS hardly surprising that Japan's technophile population has created one of the world's most vibrant internet cultures and arguably its biggest blogosphere.

What observers consider strange, however, is the muted response to a government proposal to scrutinise and regulate all internet content in the same way that it controls newspapers and television broadcasts.



【Kazuo Hizumi, a journalist-turned-lawyer who blogs on media issues, has been particularly scathing: "If you look at the fascist movement in prewar Japan, the dangers in the regulation of information by the Government are obvious.

"That the Government is going to get involved in selecting, by means of filtering software, what information should be blocked - this is completely outrageous. This absolutely cannot be allowed."

【The communications ministry has been quick to point out that its report "takes the position that Japan should abstain from adopting regulations aimed at promoting government censorship" and that internet service providers should deal with harmful content.


【But it has been less than resolute on the matter, with its report also stating that it is hard for internet service providers to judge whether content is harmful and that there may be "a need for an active effort from the Government".


【The internet has become a bastion of rigorous political and social debate of the like that Japan - and its uneasy Government - has never seen before. That could all change by 2010.



【Mr Hizumi says: "As long as government supervision is permitted, Japan's freedom of expression will be nothing more than that of a communist country or dictatorship."

なお、同じ記事を同日付のシドニーモーニングヘラルド紙(※2)も報道。ただし、こちらは、タイトルが、「Japan does a bonsai on blogs, websites」(日本は、ブログやウェブサイトを盆栽化しようとしている)とパンチが効いている。盆栽化、つまり、政府によって本来の姿をねじ曲げ、矮小化しようとしているということだろう。


【The government is also seeking to rein in some of the more unsavory aspects of the Internet, leaving in its wake, critics say, the censoring hand of government interference.



【"Japan's Internet is increasing its clout, so naturally the government wants to control it," said Kazuo Hizumi, a former journalist who is the Tokyo city lawyer.



【Soon after the war we followed the U.S. model with the government issuing licenses through the FCC," Hizumi said. "As one party, the LDP, came to dominate politics, it sought more control of the media so the FCC was abolished. There is no ombudsman here, so the government controls the media directly. With this new bill, the LDP will seek to do the same for the Internet."



【"The Internet threatens the government, but the new law will put the government back in control by making the ISPs directly answerable to the government," Hizumi said. "This is the untenable position we are facing in Japan."



【What really strikes Hizumi and others is that there is so little public opposition or debate on a bill that would bring enormous change.



【"I'm afraid ordinary citizens don't care about these lack of rights, consequently the Internet in Japan is heading for the Dark Ages," Hizumi said.




★「News for the People in Japanを広めることこそ日本の民主化実現への有効な手段だ(笑)」(ヤメ蚊)
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