I Understand Your Longing For The Grand Shift To Sheen! Until The Sacred Moment Of Now When Light Will Cover All Beings In Truth That Has Been Hidden, Be As One! This Is Your Power As A Sacred Soul! Go Within To…
— Family of Taygeta (@FamilyofTaygeta) July 31, 2023
Many Of You Have Noticed That A Desire For Material Objects Has Decreased As You Have Awakened! The Reason For This Might Be Obvious To You! The Essence Of Light That Is Gathering Souls To The Grand Shift, Is…
Everyday Americans love President Trump. He's a leader of men & when he is vindicated of these ridiculous indictments & elected the 47th President, he will clean out the corruption in Washington DC. They fear him because he can't be bought & he fights for us.
Everyday Americans love President Trump. He's a leader of men & when he is vindicated of these ridiculous indictments & elected the 47th President, he will clean out the corruption in Washington DC. They fear him because he can't be bought & he fights for us.
ギザのピラミッドは、スフィンクスの下に入り口があった内部地球を通るポータル通路のための DNA アセンブリを加速するための、青い炎メルキゼデクの精神的上昇プログラムのためのミステリースクールでした。ブルーフレーム・メルキゼデクは、彼ら自身の意識の個人化のグノーシス的プロセスを通じて、地球の膨大な遺伝子ライブラリとタイムラインの歴史の主要なアーキビストとして活動しました。
The first hearing in Trump's case will be August 28th at 10am/ET and at this time, the assigned judge will preside over the case to determine when the trial will begin.
The first hearing in Trump's case will be August 28th at 10am/ET and at this time, the assigned judge will preside over the case to determine when the trial will begin.