

千と千尋の食事風景 It reminds me of the Sugar Candy Cottage.

2022年06月14日 | Weblog
Chihiro's parents eat food that has been left out in the open in unattended booths. It was like a enchanting  trap. It reminds me of  the sugar candy cottage belonged to an old witch. It is the trap for catching unwary child victims.  

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歴史論 It reminds me 成田管制塔占拠事件

2022年06月14日 | Weblog

The former control tower of Narita Airport was demolished in 2018. 

It was once occupied by protesters in 1978. They intruded into the airport premises through a manhole and sewerage. The invaders heavily damaged the control tower’s equipment.  

It reminds me the Trojan Horse. The Greek forces unexpectedly retreated to a nearby island, leaving behind a huge wooden horse as an offering to the goddess Athena. Hours after the horse was rolled into the walled city, a few dozen armed warriors emerged from a trapdoor in its hollowed-out belly and, under cover of darkness, opened the fortress gates for their comrades, who had covertly sailed back from their island hiding place. Caught off guard, the Trojans were helpless as the Greeks destroyed the city of Troy and successfully ended the war.

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