


2024年09月16日 | Weblog
Chanel transformed black, which was once the color of mourning, into an eternal fashion color.
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2024年09月16日 | Weblog
The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, clung to their success by meticulously protecting their innovations. After achieving the first successful powered flight in 1903, they focused on perfecting their aircraft designs and securing patents for their inventions. 
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2024年09月16日 | Weblog

場所岡山県備前法務局 I had to go to the Legal Affairs Bureau to register. I had to go through a complicated rigmarole. 

I don't have time for all this rigmarole. 

If you hire a judicial scrivener, you will be charged a high fee.  スクリヴナー The term "scrivener" historically refers to a person who was employed to write documents and manuscripts by hand.

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2024年09月16日 | Weblog

Brad Pitt, while promoting the movie "Bullet Train," mentioned that he was surprised when he rode the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto and didn't even notice when the train departed.  

It is characterized by Kotaro Isaka’s meticulous plotting and conversations full of humor.

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形容詞petulant とgrouchy

2024年09月16日 | Weblog
The terms "petulant" and "grouchy" both describe someone who is easily annoyed. 

Petulant: This adjective often implies a childlike or unreasonable irritability. It describes someone who is easily annoyed and complains in a rude or childish manner. The term suggests a more extreme or exaggerated form of irritability, often associated with immature behavior. 

Grouchy: This term describes someone who is easily annoyed and frequently complains, but it does not necessarily carry the same connotation of childishness as "petulant." It is more commonly used in informal contexts to describe general irritability or grumpiness.
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