

鳥取見聞録 砂丘と風力発電 日本海の風

2024年09月30日 | Weblog
This hillside in Tottori city is an optimal place for a wind farm. And Hokuei Town in central Tottori Prefecture set up the 9 gigantic wind turbines facing the Japan Sea. They are perfectly positioned to gather the energy available from the strong winds which are particularly powerful in the winter.

鳥取市の閑静な住宅街から山間に風力発電機が見える。鳥取市越路775-1 鳥取放牧場風力発電所だ。

イヌワシ Wind turbines at wind power plants pose a significant threat to birds, including the endangered Steller's sea eagle, due to collisions known as bird strikes. These collisions can increase the extinction risk for species. 

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場所東京最強神社 神田明神 秋葉原 羅保派

2024年09月30日 | Weblog
場所神田明神 Kanda Myojin Shrine is Tokyo's oldest and the most potent. 
Kanda is always bustling with antiquarian book lovers 
Akihabara is bustling with fantastic freaks.The world is kind of a crazy, chaotic place.

聖橋⭐︎⭐︎Hijiri Bridge is an arch bridge spanning the Kanda River, connecting Chiyoda and Bunkyo wards in Tokyo. It was designed to cross the river and completed in 1927 as part of the reconstruction efforts following the Great Kanto Earthquake. The bridge is named "Hijiri" because it connects Yushima Seido to the north and Nikolai Cathedral to the south

Kitchen723 is a cozy eatery located under the elevated tracks near Kanda Station in Tokyo. Known for its original spice curry made without wheat flour, it offers a healthy rice option using konjac rice. なつみさん

Kuri Koketsu is the fourth-generation owner of Ohya Shobo, a bookstore located in Kanda Jimbocho. Founded in 1882 (Meiji 15), Ohya Shobo specializes in Edo-period Japanese books, old maps, and ukiyo-e prints. The Kanda area developed as a hub for bookstores during the Meiji era due to the establishment of many universities and law schools. 纐纈くりさん
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