This hillside in Tottori city is an optimal place for a wind farm. And Hokuei Town in central Tottori Prefecture set up the 9 gigantic wind turbines facing the Japan Sea. They are perfectly positioned to gather the energy available from the strong winds which are particularly powerful in the winter.
鳥取市の閑静な住宅街から山間に風力発電機が見える。鳥取市越路775-1 鳥取放牧場風力発電所だ。

鳥取市の閑静な住宅街から山間に風力発電機が見える。鳥取市越路775-1 鳥取放牧場風力発電所だ。

イヌワシ Wind turbines at wind power plants pose a significant threat to birds, including the endangered Steller's sea eagle, due to collisions known as bird strikes. These collisions can increase the extinction risk for species.