Asuka is an ancient land. It has its origins in the Tumulus Period (250-552 AD). This era of Japanese history is characterised by a key shaped mounds surrounded by moats. One of the most unique features of Asuka is the multiple carved granite stones in peculiar shapes in various parts of the region.
The largest and most unusual of the carved stones is the Masuda-no-iwafune (the 'rock ship of Masuda'). The stone carving weighs approximately 800 tonnes. The upper surface has been completely flattened and there are two one-meter square holes carved into it and a ridge line that is parallel to both holes. At the base of the stone are lattice-shaped indentations which are believed to be related to the process that was used by the builders to flatten the sides of the rock. This is located on top of a hill just a few hundred meters west of Okadera Station. How or why this colossal stone and others was carved remains a mystery.
