

場所 岡山 古代山城「鬼ノ城」総社市 羅保派

2024年08月09日 | Weblog
I went to Demon's Castle, the famous ancient ruins of a mountain castle. It is still being excavated. There are many mysteries about the castle. Who was the owner? Where did he come from? It is my favorite place to visit or my favorite hiking course. People can go there by car rather easily. But I prefer the mountain path to the top. I went there through the mountain path, being dripping with sweat. And after I reached the top I enjoyed cool breeze and view. And then I walked around the area and enjoyed the remains with the romantic imagination about ancient people and the life.      

場所総社鬼の城 My date went awry when I accidentally called her by my ex-girlfriend's name, creating an awkward silence that seemed to last for an eternity.         

桃太郎伝説との関連 And this ruins of a mountain castle is believed to be related to the "Peach Boy".  Peach Boy is one of the most famous Japanese old tale. Every Japanese knows and can tell this story. The boy who was born from a peach went to the island of ogres and inflicted severe punishment to them. The origin might be there in that ruins of mountain castle. Some day the restoration of an old castle will be achieved.    


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