人物斎藤元彦 The mayor of Akashi, Izumi Fusoho, advised Governor Saito to collaborate with city and town leaders, only to find himself blocked by the governor. Citizens, feeling stagnation under the two-decade rule of former Governor Ido, welcomed the youthful and refreshing Saito as the 53rd governor of Hyogo Prefecture. However, Saito\\'s initial actions included completely rejecting Ido\\'s policies, leading some to claim he stopped all ongoing initiatives without implementing viable alternatives.
同じパワハラマンでも 泉房穂苦労人でだんだん評判が回復してメディア露出も増えてきた。対照的に斎藤元彦はおぼっちやまで評判は地に落ちた。
泉房穂 He experienced financial difficulties from an early age. Furthermore, his younger brother had a severe disability, and the entire family faced discrimination and social pressure.