

場所千代田区有楽町一丁目 東京ミッドタウン日比谷

2024年08月17日 | Weblog

「有楽町で逢いましょう」という歌が懐かしいが、ミッドタウン日比谷で待ち合わせして、スタバでおしゃべりして、銀座を歩いた。「二人の銀座」Is it errant to go on a date with a married woman while being this close and holding hands? If this is a relationship between "a man and a woman", it might be called an escapade, but she is important person and we cherish the memories of our friendship from the past and are still good friends now.  I was feeling like I'm walking on air. I was feeling like a million.  I'm exhilarating, a burst of energy that ignites the spirit and lifts the heart. Every moment feels alive with possibility, as if the world is a canvas waiting for vibrant strokes of creativity. はじめての鳩居堂

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