

作品 映画 ミッドナイトラン 1988

2022年07月16日 | Weblog

The chemistry between De Niro and Charles Grodin is amazing. Jack also has to put up with the Duke's constant yammering, which is one of the things that makes the film truly special.  ロバートデニーロの最高傑作,はじめは、何かと反発しあう二人、相容れないはずの二人にやがて友情が芽生えていくのレッドサンと似ている。 

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生き物 マリモ

2022年07月15日 | Weblog
Lake Ball (Marimo) formations in the green alga

The conditions needed to form marimos are incredibly rare. Marimos are bumping up against one another to prevent their rivals from attaching them. And the bumping and rolling give them an opportunity to change their positions constantly so that they can get good sunlight. 

The Shinjuku Station is always overcrowded. People are bumping up against one another. The bumping appears bothersome and so does seeing to all the required apologies.


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奈良見物録 奈良公園の鹿

2022年07月15日 | Weblog

I went to Nara Park for the first time in forty years. I remembered finding first hand that the deer bowed to me when I tried to feed them. Why is this? How do they do this? Some evolutionary thing that the deer who bowed were the ones who got more food? Nara deer has been protected as messenger of God for more than 1,200 years.  Some say the deer simply learn to bow seeing the parents bow. Others say the deer intimidate us to move away leaving food for them.  

The deer in Miyajima were also considered sacred messengers from the gods. They're still protected by Japanese law today, but in Miyajima I never noticed any bowing deer there.

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東京見聞録 大田区池上本門寺

2022年07月14日 | Weblog

Ikegami Honmonji is a large Nichiren Budhist temple located in southern Tokyo, where Nichiren is said to have died. 東京都大田区池上にある日蓮宗の大本山であり、池上宗仲(いけがみむねなか)氏が鎌倉時代日蓮入寂の後に本門寺を邸内に創建した。お坊さん達が団体で訪れるほど格式の高い寺院であり、力道山のお墓がある。近くに力道山をかわいがった大野伴睦(おおのばんぼく)のお墓もある。 
















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東京見聞録大田区蒲田 榊原ベーカリー

2022年07月14日 | Weblog
Kamata is the gateway to Tokyo. You can also access to Haneda Airport easily from Keikyu Kamata station. You can enjoy nostalgic environment in Kamata. I can see a Ferris wheel on the rooftop of a department store, which was once typical combination but it’s rare now. Due to renewed fire acts, the rooftops on the department stores should be open space. So rooftop Ferris wheels did not last long. As of now, there is only one rooftop Ferris wheel left in the Tokyo and it’s located on top of Tokyu Plaza Kamata.  






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