


2024年07月28日 | Weblog

The Kawaguchi gigantic lion statue has one paw raised like Manekineko. Manekineko is believed to bring good luck to the owner. Some of them have a battery-powered slow-moving paw beckoning customers to enter the place. That right paw is always raised. This much bigger, fiercer cat is quite possibly trying to wave it’s mighty paw from the rooftop to get customers. 


The tiger motif is common around the precincts of Mount Shigi. It is because Prince Shotoku is said to have made his prayer to the god of war at the hour of the tiger on the day of the tiger in the year of the tiger. トラ!トラ!トラ!Entering the temple grounds you will see the world’s largest paper mache tiger guarding the entrance! There is also a man selling tiger-shaped manjuu. You can freely explore the temple at your pace. I recommend walking through the tiger tunnel to you. 


場所:奈良県信貴山:A huge papier-mache tiger is installed on the approach road overlooking the main hall.  Shigi was like an attraction with a tiger motif throughout the mountain. 招き猫+招きトラ とらとらとら Everything is going so well. There is no choice but for everything to go well. 私自身はむしろ Misfortunes always come in pairs. One misfortune has followed another. But my best successes always came on the heels of failure. と感じる。


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場所埼玉県蕨市 One Chief

2024年07月28日 | Weblog

One Chief, a Western restaurant at the west exit of Warabi Station brought a close to its 57-year history last year. Warabi City is the smallest city in Japan. (普天間飛行場の広さしかない)With a population of about 75,000 in Warabi City, the population is densely concentrated.

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場所鳥取若桜町落折 ニュー平家 羅保派

2024年07月28日 | Weblog

There is an abandoned drive-in. It was likely named "New Heike" because it is close to a settlement associated with the legend of the defeated Heike clan members who fled after the Genpei War(1180-1185). The ruins of the drive-in, which aimed to be a tourist attraction, have a somewhat melancholic atmosphere, mirroring the fate of the Heike clan members who fled and faced demise after their defeat.  This connection between the drive-in and the Heike clan serves as a poignant reminder of history and local tourism.


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食べ物 ピザ

2024年07月28日 | Weblog

If you're eating an authentic Italian pizza in an authentic Italian restaurant, you should cut the pizza with fork and knife and then eat the slices with your hand. One reason is that pizza is served piping hot, too hot to rip apart with your hands. 

In Naples, pizzas featuring tomatoes and cheese became popular and turned into a tourist attraction. In 1889, a pizza was presented to Queen Margherita during her visit to Naples, which was subsequently named "Margherita." This pizza is made with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and basil, and it spread throughout Italy.


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場所伏見桃山陵 羅保派

2024年07月28日 | Weblog
伏見桃山陵 is the mausoleum of the Meiji Emperor. It still attracts people who come to pay their respects to the Emperor or walk the quiet paths amongst the deep green trees in solemn atmosphere. 
There is a Nogi Shrine nearby. Speaking of Nogi Shrine, there is also one in Akasaka, Tokyo, located adjacent to the residence where General Nogi and his wife committed ritual suicide on the day of Emperor Meiji's funeral. 

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