アメリカの原発などの専門家で今、日本の原発の担当をしている方の検証らしいのですが、どうも使用済み燃料棒がたくさん詰まっているはずの、4号機のプールにはすでに水がなくなっているのでは? 、、、、との見解が発表されています。
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission official Charles Casto was assigned to direct site operations for the U.S. government's response to the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant
(米国NRCのCharles Casto氏は福島第一原発事故に対する米国政府の対応に関する任務に命じられている。)
Less than a week later, NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko told U.S. lawmakers that all the water from a spent fuel pool was gone ? a development that if true raised the risk that the used fuel could
ignite and spread more radiation into the environment.
They had the greatest concerns about the spent fuel pool on the Unit 4 reactor, which had the hottest fuel.
Without reliable information from plant sensors, his team believed a combination of circumstantial evidence showed that Unit 4 pool could be empty.
"You see all that damage on the top of that building and you're thinking, `There's probably some damage on the spent fuel pools,'" Casto said.
Casto said. Images from flying drones and even TV cameras showed white smoke ? likely water vapor ?
coming from the area of the Unit 4 pool. Casto's team interpreted that as a sign water from the spent fuel pool was boiling.
"And then suddenly it stopped," he said.
Japanese officials once called Casto to an emergency center where he watched video taken from a helicopter that flew over the Unit 4 building. Japanese officials told Casto that they saw a reflection among the rubble,indicating there was water in its pool.
"I couldn't see it," he said.