


2015-06-29 16:32:53 | 日記
Dear Mitsuo March 17, 1992

Thank you for coming to Ann Arbor for a visit.

It was very special to share these two days with you.

I also appreciate the beautiful gifts and the Chinese dinner.

How was your trip back ?

Are you enjoying being back with the students ?

How was the dinner with the host families on Monday evening?

Please say hello to Bill.

It was a pleasure to talk with him on the phone on Sunday.

Perhaps I will get to meet him , if I come to Oneida ,N.Y.

I would like to see you again, before you return to Okinawa.

I wonder how your schedule will be organized from March 28th to April 1st .

I enjoyed the two videos you brought very much too.

That was a very good idea.

When I decide about the trip to N.Y.,depending on your situation and duties,(and the possibility of staying with you and Bill)

I will phone you and Bill.

Be well Your friend ,


