Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Bandリリース50周年を記念してCDに収録された音源のレコーディング・データをまとめました。 ディスク1と4はジャイルズ・マーティンによる新たなステレオとモノ・ミックスですが、当時のデータを記載しました。 久しぶりにマーク・ルイソンのレコーディング・セッションズを見ています。 新たな発見があるのかな?
【Disc 1】(New Stereo Mix) 1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Recorded on 1 and 2/2/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road; 3 and 6/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono and Stereo Mixes - 6/3/1967
- Paul: vocal, bass, lead guitar John: harmony vocal, guitar George: harmony vocal, guitar Ringo: drums
- Four French horns
- マル・エヴァンスが言った一言をポールが聞き間違えたことからこのプロジェクトは始まった。
2. With a Little Help from My Friends - Recorded on 29 nd 30/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 31/3/1967 Stereo Mix - 7/4/1967
- Ringo: lead vocal, drums, tambourine Paul: backing vocal, piano, bass John: backing vocal, guitar, cowbell George: backing vocal, lead guitar
- George Martin: Hammond organ
3. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Recorded on 28/2/1967, 1 and 2/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 3/3/1967 Stereo Mix - 7/4/1967
- John: double-tracked lead vocal, guitar Paul: backing vocal, lowrey organ, bass George: lead guitar, acoustic guitar, tamboura Ringo: drums
4. Getting Better - Recorded on 9,10,21 and 23/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road; Final Mono Mix - 23/3/1967 Final Stereo Mix - 17/4/1967
- Paul: double-tracked vocal, pianet electric piano, bass John: backing vocal, guitar George: backing vocal, guitar, tamboura Ringo: drums, congas
5. Fixing Hole - Recorded on 9/2/1967 - Regent Sound Studio, Tottenham Court Road, London; 21/2/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 21/2/1967 Stereo Mix - 7/4/1967
- Paul: double-tracked vocal, harpsichord, bass, guitar John: backing vocal, bass George: backing vocal, lead guitar Ringo: drums, maracas
- George Martin: harpsichord
6. She's Leaving Home - Instrumental backingrecorded on 17/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road; Vocals recorded on 20/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 20/3/1967, Stereo Mix - 7/4/1967
- John and Paul: vocals
- four violins, two violas, two cellos, double bass and harp
7. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! - Recorded on 17/2/1967 - Studio Three, Abbey Road; tape effects on 20/2/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road; 28,29,31/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- John: vocal with ADT, hammond organ Paul: bass, guitar solo George: tambourine, bass harmonica Ringo: drums, bass harmonica, tambourine
- George Martin: harmonium, lowrey organ, mellotron, glockenspiel Neil Aspinall: bass harmonica Mal Evans: bass harmonica
8. Within You Without You - Recorded on 15,22/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road; 3/4/1967 - Studio One, Abbey Road; 4/4/1967 Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Final Mono and Stereo Mixes - 4/4/1967
- George: vocal, sitar, tamboura
- Dilruba, swaramandala, tabla, eight violins and three cellos
9. When I'm Sixty-Four - Recorded on 6/12/1966 - Studio Two, Abbey Road; 8/12/1966 - Studio One, Abbey Road; 20 and 21/12/1966 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Final Mono Mix - 30/12/1966 Final Stereo Mix - 17/4/1967
- Paul: vocal, backing vocal, piano, bass John: backing vocal, guitar George: backing vocal Ringo: drums, tubular bells
- Two clarinets and bass clarinet
10. Lovely Rita - Recorded on 23, 24/2/1967; 7, 21/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 21/3/1967 Stereo Mix - 17/4/1967
- Paul: vocal, piano, bass, comb and paper John: backing vocal, acoustic guitar, comb and paper George: backing vocal, acoustic guitar, comb and paper Ringo: drums, comb and paper
- George Martin: piano solo
11. Good Morning Good Morning - Recorded on 8/2/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road; 16/2/1967 - Studio Three, Abbey Road; 13, 28 and 29/3/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 6 and 19/4/1967 Stereo Mix - 6 and 19/4/1967
- John: double-tracked lead vocal, guitar Paul: backing vocal, bass, drums, lead guitar George: backing vocal, lead guitar Ringo: drums, tambourine
- Three saxophones, two trombones and French horn
12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) - Recorded on 1/4/1967 - Studio One, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 1/4/1967 Stereo Mix - 20/4/1967
- Paul:,vocal, hammond organ, bass John: vocal, rhythm guitar George: vocal, lead guitar Ringo: vocal, drums, tambourine, maracas
13. A Day in the Life - Recorded on 19,20/1/1967, 3/2/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road; 10/2/1967 - Studio One, Abbey Road; 22/2/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 22/2/1967, Stereo Mix - 23/2/1967
- John: lead vocal, acoustic guitar, piano Paul: vocal, piano, bass George: maracas Ringo: drums, congas
XX. The Run-Out Groove - Recorded on 21/4/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- John, Paul, George and Ringo: speech
【Disc 2】(Sessions) 1. Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 1) 2. Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 4) 3. Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 7) 4. Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 26) 5. Strawberry Fields Forever (2015 Mix) Master Version 1 - Recorded on 24, 28, 29/11/1966 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 22/12/1966 Stereo Mix - 29/12/1967
- John: vocal, electric guitar Paul: mellotron (flute setting), bass George: mellotron (guitar setting), maracas Ringo: drums
Master Version 2 - Recorded on 8, 9, 15, 21/12/1966 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Mono Mix - 22/12/1966 Stereo Mix - 29/12/1967
- John: vocal, percussion Paul: mellotron, percussion George: mellotron (guitar setting), swaramandala, percussion Ringo: drums, percussion
- George Martin: mellotron
6. When I'm Sixty-Four (Take 2) 7. Penny Lane (Take 6) 8. Penny Lane (Vocal Overdubs and Speech) 9. Penny Lane (2017 Stereo Mix) - Recorded on 29, 30/12/1966, 4, 5, 6, 9/1/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road; 10, 12/1/1967 - Studio Three, Abbey Road; 17/1/1967 - Studio Two, Abbey Road
- Final Mono Mix - 25/1/1967 Stereo Mix - 30/9/1971
- Paul: vocal, pianos, harmonium, bass, handclaps John: vocal, guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, handclaps George: backing vocal, guitar, handclaps Ringo: drums, tambourine, tubular bells
- Four flutes, two trumpets, two piccolos and a flugelhorn (9/1/1967); Two trumpets, two oboes, two cors anglais and a double bass (12/1/1967); piccolo trumpet (17/1/1967)
10. A Day in the Life (Take 1) 11. A Day in the Life (Take 2) 12. A Day in the Life (Orchestra Overdub) 13. A Day in the Life (Hummed Last Chord/Takes 8,9,10 and 11) 14. A Day in the Life (The Last Chord) 15. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Take 1) 16. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Take 9 and Speech) 17. Good Morning Good Morning (Take 1) 18. Good Morning Good Morning (Take 8)
【Disc 3】(Sessions) 1. Fixing a Hole (Take 1) 2. Fixing a Hole (Speech and Take 3) 3. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! (Speech from before Take 1; Take 4 and Speech at the End) 4. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! (Take 7) 5. Lovely Rita (Speech and Take 9) 6. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Take 1 and Speech at the End) 7. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Speech, False Start and Take 5) 8. Getting Better (Take 1 - Instrumental and Speech at the End) 9. Getting Better (Take 12) 10. Within You Without You (Take 1 - Indian Instruments) 11. Within You Without You (George Coaching the Musicians) 12. She's Leaving Home (Take 1 - Instrumental) 13. She's Leaving Home (Take 6 - Instrumental) 14. With a Little Help from My Friends (Take 1 - False Start and Take 2 - Instrumental) 15. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Speech and Take 8) 【Disc 4】(1967 Mono Mix and Bonus Tracks) 1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 2. With a Little Help from My Friends 3. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 4. Getting Better 5. Fixing Hole 6. She's Leaving Home 7. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 8. Within You Without You 9. When I'm Sixty-Four 10. Lovely Rita 11. Good Morning Good Morning 12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 13. A Day in the Life (Bonus Tracks) 14. Strawberry Fields Forever (Original Mono Mix) 15. Penny Lane (Original Mono Mix) 16. A Day in the Life (Original Mono Mix) 17. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Original Mono Mix - No.11) 18. She's Leaving Home (First Mono Mix) 19. Penny Lane (Capitol Records U.S. Promo Mix)
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歴代天皇と元号の関係をまとめましたの続きです。 平安時代 - 文治(1185年~1190年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1185年9月9日
- 出典:『礼記』
- 天皇:82代後鳥羽天皇
- 元暦2年8月14日(1185/9/9)の地震による改元とされている。
- 元暦(1184年~1185年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1184年5月27日
- 出典:『尚書』
- 天皇:82代後鳥羽天皇
- 寿永(1182年~1184年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1182年6月29日
- 出典:『毛詩』
- 天皇:81代安徳天皇・82代後鳥羽上皇
- 養和(1181年~1182年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1181年8月25日
- 出典:『後漢書』
- 天皇:81代安徳天皇
- 治承(1177年~1181年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1177年8月29日
- 出典:『河図挺作輔』(かとていさほ)
- 天皇:80代高倉天皇・81代安徳天皇
- 安元3年8月4日(1177/8/29)の災害により改元
- 安元(1175年~1177年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1175年8月16日
- 出典:『漢書』
- 天皇:80代高倉天皇
- 承安(1171年~1175年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1171年5月27日
- 出典:『尚書』
- 天皇:80代高倉天皇
- 嘉応(1169年~1171年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1169年5月6日
- 出典:『漢書』
- 天皇:80代高倉天皇
- 仁安(1166年~1169年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1166年9月23日
- 出典:『毛詩正義』
- 天皇:79代六条天皇・80代高倉天皇
- 永万(1165年~1166年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1165年7月14日
- 出典:『漢書』
- 天皇:78代二条天皇・79代六条天皇
- 長寛(1163年~1165年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1163年5月4日
- 出典:『維城典訓』
- 天皇:78代二条天皇
- 天変、疾疫により、応保3年3月29日(1163/5/4)に改元。
- 応保(1161年~1163年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1161年9月24日
- 出典:『尚書』
- 天皇:78代二条天皇
- 永暦(1160年~1161年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1160年2月18日
- 出典:『後漢書』
- 天皇:78代二条天皇
- 大乱(平治の乱)により、平治2年1月10日(1160/2/18)に改元。
- 平治(1159年~1160年)
- 改元年月日:ユリウス暦1159年5月9日
- 出典:『史記』
- 天皇:78代二条天皇
- 父からの譲位を受け、代始として改元。
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