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★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、2

2016-07-09 05:44:49 | 好結果の聖母

★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、2

Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"



※恩知らずで裏切り者の聖職者が、聖なる御心にとても愛された者が、われわれの主を追い出すことになるでしょう。「わたしは正義の審判を、わたしの愛する修道院の上にくだすことになる、そして、町じゅうにさえ、正義の審判をくだすことになる」 それは、主の近くにいる者、主に仕えている者がわたしの心を拒否し、御聖櫃の中の主を見捨て、そこに私が彼等への愛のためにいることをほとんど思い出しもしないからである。他の信者たちよりも、彼等のことをより多く愛したにもかかわらず。




「ああ! もし、人が、とりわけ司祭や聖職者が冷淡で、無関心で、信頼せず、明らかに私に属している者が小さな不完全さの常習犯であることに、私がどれほど傷つき、いらだっているか理解することがあったならば・・・・でも、私は、これらに対して寛容になることはない。中途半端なことで私を喜ばせることは、ない。私は、すべてを望む。あるいは、全ていらない。私の例によると、こうである・・・私が十字架上で自分をささげたとき、私の傷ついた体には、一滴の血も一滴の水も残っていなかったのである。





Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times"

In this one of so many extraordinary vision, Christ told the favored daughter of His Heart many things about the future:

 That “the dogma of Faith of the Immaculate Conception of My Mother will be proclaimed during a time when the Church would be strongly attacked.”

 That the ingratitude and betrayal of religious souls, so dear to His Heart, would compel Our Lord “to let My justice fall upon My beloved cloisters ? and even over cities ? when those so near to Me who belong to Me reject My Spirit, abandoning Me alone in Tabernacles, rarely remembering that I live there especially for love of them, even more than for the rest of the faithful.”

 That imprudent admissions and internal abuses permitted by superiors are the ruin of communities: “Such communities can only be preserved ? while they exist ? at the cost of much penance, humiliations and daily and solid practice of religious virtues by those religious who are good. Woe to these corrupt members during those times of calamity! Weep for them, beloved spouse, and implore that the time of so much suffering will be shortened.”

 He warned her that the chastisement would be sever for those religious who squandered so many graces with their pride and vainglory to secure positions of power and rank. He especially condemned the lukewarm: “Alas! If men, and above all, priests and religious souls, would only realize how greatly I am wounded and displeased with the coldness, indifference, lack of confidence and small inveterate imperfections on the part of those who so closely belong to Me…But I will not tolerate this. Halfway measures are not pleasing to Me. I desire all or nothing ? according to My example, for I gave of Myself to the last drop of Blood and Water from My shattered Body on the Cross. Moreover, I have continued to live in the Tabernacle under the same roof with these hidden souls, exposing Myself to so many hateful profanations and sacrileges! For I know well all that takes place in My sacramental life!...Woe to souls like this! Woe!"

 Thus ended this vision during which the Child Jesus spoke at great length to the holy Conceptionist abbess, revealing many secrets that would take place in the times to come. The Conceptionist religious had beseeched the Most Holy Virgin that her name be unknown. The Mother of God assured her that her request would be heeded and that only after three centuries of mysterious silence, her name would become known. Devotion to Our Lady of Good Success would also wane, until almost no mention would be made of it. But this devotion would resurge and Mother Mariana’s story would be known at the end of the 20th century, the terrible century she had previewed and for which she had offered herself as an expiatory victim. Then, Our Lady promised, she would give her “good success” to those who had recourse to her and fostered devotion to her under this invocation.



