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★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、4

2016-07-09 05:41:17 | 好結果の聖母

★ 善き出来事の聖母(好結果の聖母)、4

Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times" p.12から


※マリアナ修道院長は、実に三度 死にました。歴史的にも、文書的にも記録が残っています。この聖なる修道女は、本当に1582年に死に、生還しました。それから、彼女は、2度目の死である1588年の聖金曜日まで生き続けました。それから2日後、御復活の主日の朝に復活しました。最終的に、彼女は1635年1月16日に亡くなりました。




Dr.Marian Therese Horvat"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times" p.12

The life of Mother Mariana is so extraordinary that it seems necessary to clarify some points here to avoid confusion for the reader.

*Mother Mariana did, indeed, die three times. Historic and documented evidence record that this holy religious truly died in 1582 and returned to life. She then continued to live until a second death on Good Friday of 1588; two days later, on Ester Sunday morning, she was resurrected again. She finally died on January 16, 1635.

*Mother Mariana was chosen as abbess of the convent numerous times during her lifetime. Therefore, to conform to English usage, she would at times be called Mother, and other times, Sister. However, in this work the title “Mother” is always applied to her and the other founding mothers as a sign of respect following the style in the original manuscripts.

*The number of visions and mystical favors granted to Mother Mariana by heaven as well as the miracles that graced her life are too numerous to recount in a small book. Therefore, this summary will make a brief sketch of her remarkable life and describe only the most important visions and prophecies of Our Lady.

*I would be very pleased if this small book on Our Lady of Good Success would raise a greater devotion to her. May this hasten the day when she will be known and honored everywhere as Queen of Heaven and Earth as she has prophesied in Quito and in Fatima.



