カラフルバードでやっと空撮できました ファジーテールもどきも試しました(メタルテープがしゃらしゃらといい音がします 25mをダブルにして12.5mです) 機械式シャッターでの空撮もうまくゆきました 今回は簡単に針金にカラビナもどきのマリンリングキャッチというもので吊りました
At can finally have been done with Colorful bird
. A fuzzy tail and the retreat were tried. (25m that ..metal tape.. sound is shara shara is made double and 12.5m. )KARABINER was easily hung on the wire by obtaining a marine ring about the retreat this time at the time of having gone well also by At in the machine type shutter.

Fujifilm Finepix f410 を吊り揚げました(みずどりの浜公園) Was hung and it deep-fried. (mizudori beach park. )

It changed into the hyper dash motor that used it and it copied it onto mini 4WD by a full pixel in about eight seconds in ..motor of the gearbox.. old times of 130 types ー.

電池も単4に換えて ソーラーバッテリーは今日は稼動しませんでしたが 総重量は444gでした
The all up weight was 444g though the battery was changed into the AAA and the solar
battery did not operate today.

機械式シャッターで空撮中 2006.6.10
ほとんど動きもなく おだやかに揚がってます It rises almost in movement.

カメラの向きを換えるために降ろしにかかってます もっと右に向けたつもりだったのですが
Though it was going to have turned to the right more ..hanging to unloading to
change the direction of the camera..

凧が急上昇してカメラが振られたようです 振られて一瞬停止した時にパチリ!
It is shaken and when stopping momentarily, Patiri that zooms the kite and was
shaken the camera.

わんこの散歩中のようです It is strolling.

iso200 のAuto で撮りましたが 絞りF7 シャッタースピードは 1/280~1/480 秒で切れていました
Squeezing F7 shutter speed cut at 1/280~1/480 second though it took with Auto of iso200.
ファジーテールもどき 2006.6.10
突風がきます The gust comes suddenly.