日曜日に我が家の仲間いり 少なくとも30分~1時間は袋のまま同じ水温になるまで待ちます
Needing between relations of my home waits for one hour from at least 30 minutes
until becoming the same water temperature like the bag on Sunday.

おもむろに口を開いて めだかが自然にでていくようにします その後 草花の散水用の貯水雨水を水槽の上面から2cmまで足してやりました 一夜明けて いきなりの地震の洗礼でした
It was a baptism of the earthquake as for beginning to talk deliberately and the rain water of storing water of the flowering plant afterwards at the time of made going out the killifish nature for watering. dawning it at night added from the upper surface to 2cm of the water tank
ひめだか 2006.6.11