中島さん Mr.Nakajima
のページを参考にさせてもらって 真鋳製の滑車(回転セミブルック)を購入して改良しました 揚げ糸にセットしやすいようにひのきの角棒(85cm)を追加 糸はすべりのいい物に換える必要があります(動くことは動きますが!)それよりも私の場合は重心で吊ることが問題です
It drinks, the pulley made of I true (rotation Semiblcc) is bought will being to refer to the page, and it has improved it.
Hanging by center of gravity is from it that should change it into the thing that slipping is good (Though moving moves) to the problem of corner stick (85cm) of the Japanese cypress in an additional string as set easily in the deep-frying string for me.
Because fixation in the corner stick of the Japanese cypress is in the state of
the wood screw, it is necessary to change it certainly.
真鋳製の滑車とひのき棒を追加したために総重量が約660gになりました これはちょっと重い
ひのきの棒と滑車をなくすと約520g程度になります ピカベットサスペンションはカメラを水平に保つためのリグのようです
This that the all up weight becomes about 660g because it added the pulley and the Japanese cypress stick of Isei is heavy for a moment.
To keep the camera to be the horizontal, Picavet saspention that becomes about 520g when the stick and the pulley of the Japanese cypress are lost is like the rig.
《追記》曲げ板を直接 吊ることで重心で吊ることは一応解決!
《 the postscript 》 bend board is hung directly by center of gravity solves one respondent.
ビニル被覆された『黒ひーとん』という商品と凧糸で作りましたが あまりすべりがよくありません 室内ではセッティングできますが 凧を揚げてセットするとなると結構難しそうです
Considerably indoors in there is often not slipping so much in the accident instigating though it made from the commodity and Kite Line 'Black hi-ton' to which the vinyl is covered if it flies a kite and it sets it though the setting can be done
日曜日に我が家の仲間いり 少なくとも30分~1時間は袋のまま同じ水温になるまで待ちます
Needing between relations of my home waits for one hour from at least 30 minutes
until becoming the same water temperature like the bag on Sunday.
おもむろに口を開いて めだかが自然にでていくようにします その後 草花の散水用の貯水雨水を水槽の上面から2cmまで足してやりました 一夜明けて いきなりの地震の洗礼でした
It was a baptism of the earthquake as for beginning to talk deliberately and the rain water of storing water of the flowering plant afterwards at the time of made going out the killifish nature for watering. dawning it at night added from the upper surface to 2cm of the water tank
ひめだか 2006.6.11
震度4(M6.1)(05:01)の長い揺れにふとんを被って身構えました 弱い横揺れの後に少し強い横揺れが10秒程度続きましたので やばい!と思いました