


2020年11月16日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
  大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。
 以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。


①agree【əgríː】(Ex: I couldn't *agree with your idea more.)(081)
②reserve【rizə'ːrv】(Ex: I'd like to *reserve a table for three at seven.)(082)
③care【kéər】(Ex:Why do people *care so much about their reputation?)(083)
④educate【édʒukèit】(Ex:She was born in England and was *educated there.)(084)
(A)to make an arrangements for a room, seat, etc, to be saved for you
(B)to have the same opinion
(C)to teach or train somebody
(D)to be interested in or mindful of someone or something

①arrive【əráiv】(Ex:It was not until I *arrived at the airport that I realized I had forgotten my passport.)(085)
②sail【séil】(Ex:How long did it take to *sail from England to America in the 1700s?)(086)
③repeat【ripíːt】(Ex: Could you *repeat the question?)(087)
④arrange【əréindʒ】(Ex: We will *arrange a meeting as soon as possible.)(088)
(A)to say something again
(B)to travel on water in a ship
(C)to reach a place
(D)to plan or make preparations for something to happen in the future

①agree:同意する(Ex: 私はあなたの考えに大賛成です。)
②reserve:予約する(Ex: 私は七時に三人のテーブルを予約したいです。)

③repeat:繰り返す(Ex: 質問を繰り返していただけますか。)
④arrange:手配する(Ex: できるだけ早く会合を手配します。)

①excite【iksáit】(Ex: A lot of Japanese got very *excited about the news.)(089)
②pay【péi】(Ex:When you use a buy now *pay later service, you can buy a product and delay payment.)(090)
③announce【ənáuns】(Ex: Japanese Prime Minister *announced resignation over worsening health.)(091)
④discover【diskʌ'vər】(Ex:Newton *discovered the law of gravitation.)(092)
(A)to tell people about something publicly
(B)to make someone feel happy and full of energy
(C)to find out something that you did not know before
(D)to give money in order to get something

①follow【fɑ'lou】(Ex:If your dog *follows you everywhere you go, don't be too worried about it.)(093)
②produce【prəd(j)úːs】(Ex:How many cars does Japan *produce per year?)(094)
③rent【rént】(Ex:*Renting a car can give you freedom and flexibility when you're traveling.)(095)
④divide【diváid】(Ex:The equator *divides the globe into two hemispheres.)(096)
(A)to make or grow something to be bought, used, or enjoyed
(B)to pay money for the use of a house, room, office, etc.
(C)to separate something into two or more parts
(D)to go behind someone

①excite:興奮させる(Ex: 多くの日本人がそのニュースに興奮した。)
③announce:発表する(Ex: 日本の首相は悪化する健康のため辞任を発表した。)



(081)I couldn't agr------- with your idea more.
【to have the same opinion】

(082) I'd like to res------- a table for three at seven.
【to make an arrangements for a room, seat, etc, to be saved for you】

(083)Why do people car------- so much about their reputation?
【to be interested in or mindful of someone or something】

(084)She was born in England and was edu------- there.
【to teach or train somebody】

(085)It was not until I arr------- at the airport that I realized I had forgotten my passport.
【to reach a place】

(086)How long did it take to sai------- from England to America in the 1700s?
【to travel on water in a ship】

(087)Could you rep------- the question?
【to say something again】

(088) We will arr------- a meeting as soon as possible.
【to plan or make preparations for something to happen in the future】

(081)agree (082)reserve (083)care (084)educated
(085)arrived (086)sail (087)repeat (088)arrange

(089)A lot of Japanese got very exc------- about the news.
【to make someone feel happy and full of energy】

(090)When you use a buy now pa------- later service, you can buy a product and delay payment.
【to give money in order to get something】

(091)Japanese Prime Minister ann------- resignation over worsening health.
【to tell people about something publicly】

(092)Newton dis------- the law of gravitation.
【to find out something that you did not know before】

(093)If your dog fol------- you everywhere you go, don't be too worried about it.
【to go behind someone】

(094)How many cars does Japan pro------- per year?
【to make or grow something to be bought, used, or enjoyed】

(095)Ren------- a car can give you freedom and flexibility when you're traveling.
【to pay money for the use of a house, room, office, etc.】

(096)The equator divi------- the globe into two hemispheres.
【to separate something into two or more parts】

(089)excited (090)pay (091)announced (092)discovered
(093)follows (094)produce (095)Renting (096)divides

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は上記と同じ形式の練習問題を16語×50サイクル練習するため、語彙力、読解力、聴解力を効率的に養成できます。センター試験に比較してリーディングもリスニングも大幅に量が増えた共通テストを迎え撃つ極意は、できるだけ和訳せず英語を英語で理解することです。英英定義に親しむと英語を英語で理解する英語頭ができてくる結果、リーディングで時間が足りない、リスニングのスピードについていけないという悩みを大幅に解消できます。
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