

Assignment范文:Basic education in Australia

2017-12-08 16:31:30 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Basic education in Australia,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了澳大利亚的基础教育。澳大利亚的基础教育在文化教育方面的发展,无疑达到了世界一流的水平。他们的教育和职业教育普遍融合,不再是一所特殊的中等职业技术学院。除了高效的校园管理之外,多元化的高考制度,办学多元化的基础教育模式也极大地推动了教育事业的发展。澳大利亚给人印象最深刻的是他们的教师,专业素养和工作强度远超国内。
Australia land area of 769 square kilometers, only 23 million people. The economy ranked 13 th, living standards for the world seventh, the Nobel Prize winner emerge (there were eight), this much attention to development foundation with Australia education have close relationship. The foundation education through Australia in culture and education aspects of the transplants, reference and innovation, and reached the world first-class level. Their education and vocational education general integration, no longer a special secondary vocational and technical schools; The board of directors of the implementation of the form of school-based management, and to pay attention to the community, the parents of the students in the school of management role; Implement the national curriculum and the two levels of school-based curriculum course management mode; A diversified the university entrance exam system, and diversified basis education mode of running school; Pay attention to practical effectiveness school construction, etc. But give a person the deepest impression is that the fast pace of the teachers' work, high efficiency, the school management of humanity, and a wide range of courses, teaching materials and teaching organization form. Work is the source of teachers' happiness Australia is the world's most livable country, imagine the Australian teachers will be very relaxed ease. But in the park, o blessed wave middle school for a week after the internship with hillock, I find that I am wrong. Australia teacher professionalism and working intensity and we even compared to his big workload, fast, high efficiency and hungry study, left a deep impression on me.
They work in the school absolutely during the day time, though less (8:30 a.m. to school before, after 3:15 in the afternoon after school), but have a class time is very long, each person every day on average 4 class above. As long as in the school, the teachers everything into work, nervously prepares for students in class, and talk, then is reading and study, even lunch break and tea time also to bring the book, noon is looking for student conversation and the time, can't see there is any slack. They each teacher taught at least three classes, some teachers can even teach five subject. In order to drive good elective courses, often need to access a lot of material, most teachers are using night preparing in the home, the development of new curriculum, online corrects students' papers. Each management personnel, from the principal, vice principal to staff all the time in the almost busy, check, talks, reception, for a meeting, but MangErBuLuan, busy and orderly, busy and effectively. O blessed garden park high school have wave a principal, vice principal a, assistant principal three, the management team of each member not only every week working arrangement, and every day the detail work menu, and according to the menu nervous orderly work. Each principal, vice principal in school a week working 50-60 hours.​
Big workload, fast, high efficiency and continuous learning is Australia principals and teachers work of normal. Australia's school teacher evaluation of very fuzzy, also did not establish inspection rewards and punishment mechanism, never review forerunner, why do they have such work attitude and professional spirit? Tracing the reason, be they put personal value realization on the work done, long since the shape the common values: the work of responsible, to professional responsible for, and to work is responsible, to professional responsible for is responsible for yourself. Since chose teachers to the work, will naturally put taught the students as their duty, without any reason to choose the responsibilities of the job. As a teacher, first should set up the right values, to the student is responsible for, to the work as the value orientation of responsible for work, sink down and teaching, calm down to education. We have choose this job, and also it hard to change their work. Although the traditional education under the system of teacher assessment, title engaging policy more or less job burnout, the psychological phenomenon in imbalance phenomenon, some are we can change, some is we can't change, it needs to be more in the work for how to create their own value and happy. In the sunshine on the campus of work is happy, and sunny campus should have the students to come to support the sun, and the sun of the students need sunshine teachers to develop. Therefore, teachers to take positive upward spirit, sunshine state of mind to work, to students, to colleagues, and treat the environment, in the work to improve ourselves, improving themselves, influence others and their development.
It is with the person this is the essence of school management Australia schools school-based management mode, the school management, the curriculum and treat students everywhere full of human nature to change. Such as, wave f garden park middle school, the management idea is "respect, care for and cooperation, honesty", in the campus often see the principal, the teachers, the initiative to greet students, students cheerful chatting with teachers. The class teacher the first work of students is to know the attendance, absence of students and their parents immediately contact. The relationship between teachers and students speak equality, classroom teaching about democracy, the exam results in the class should be asked students I announced within the agreed to, or otherwise it will not be released. Our best efforts to meet the school to the needs of students, the school library, the microcomputer room, playground, interior training room, go to work in time always open to students, students can be used at any time, including copiers and typewriter. In the park, o blessed wave middle school, I took part in the school the teacher meeting once a week. The meeting presided over by a director, agenda is the principal, vice principal, assistant principal and administrative office points summary, the mouth layout work, then the teacher questions, the principal or other members of the management team to reply. Teachers can according to the arrangement of before the individual speech, present their teaching and management of the views and ideas. The meeting for work and teaching on the specific problem discusses and exchange, and valuable opinions and Suggestions be recognized and put into practice, the meeting has been in equality, democracy and open atmosphere.
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Expository Essay写作技巧讲解

2017-12-08 16:31:13 | 日記
Expository Essay是众多留学生作业中的一种,它跟Argumentative Essay有点类似,但实际却不一样。Expository Essay需要你对你认同的观点进行调查,并表明你的立场,最后Argue你的观点。那么就给大家详细讲解一下。
了解Expository Essay的基本常识
Argumentative Essay经常被布置为Capstone Project (学期论文)。所以,很多专业通常给学生一个学期的时间来准备。然而,Expository Essay经常以考试或者随堂写作的方式呈现。所以,你的research 的过程并不需要过于深刻(而且考试的时候也不可能给你资源去调查),由于时间的限制,你的调查工作也就只能发生在你的大脑里了。另一方面,虽然Expository Essay和Argumentative Essay拥有相似的结构特征,但是Expository Essay通常采用较“personal”的语气。然而,请不要讲personal tone同personal idea相混淆。Expository Essay的观点还是需要基于逻辑的,而不是个人的空想。
Expository Essay是最常见的一种传统Essay形式。无论你是哪个年级的学生,你都非常可能“遭遇”到它,而且,不只是一次。最常见的形式就是“5段式”的Expository Essay 啦。(是不是看见“5段式”就头痛?!)不过不要担心,我们这篇文章将会深入浅出地讲解一下Expository Essay的写法。
Expository Essay的基本要素
首先,我们先介绍一下Expository Essay必须要拥有的一些基本要素。缺少下面的要素,你们的老师很可能会把你辛苦写的文章丢到垃圾桶里哦~
1、一个可被支持的话题(a supportable topic)。当你选择一个话题的时候,你需要确定你是能够去支持并讨论这个话题的。很多情况下,话题是给出的。那么你针对话题给出的答案和立场必须能够去扩展讨论。比如,你至少要有3个比较强的证据“evidence”去支持你的论点。这时候,brainstorming就显得很重要了。
2、可靠的资源(reliable sources)。如果您的Expository Essay作业是允许您进行调查研究的,那么请使用可靠的资源。可能您会说,“这个还用说吗?这不显而易见吗!”。然而,在我们所修改过的文章中,我们不知多少次发现有的同学从“Wikipedia”上面进行引用。虽然Wikipedia很有名,而且也是我们获取知识的一个主要资源之一,但是他上面的内容是可以被任何人在任何时候进行修改的。
3、合适的论证方式(an appropriate method of development)。在你计划你的outline之前,选择一个最合适的文章组织方式最为重要。常见的文章组织方式包含“compare and contrast, definition, description等等”。你需要考虑哪种行文方式最适合将你的观点组织成一个结构清楚并具有说服力的文章。比如,如果文章的话题是“What is the best online editing service?”,那么你可以采用“compare and contrast”的方式。然而,市面上可能存在大量的不正规的公司,那么你不可能浪费你和读者的时间来进行一一对比。那么你就需要用“exemplification”的模式来给出几个典型的例子来说明为什么我们提供最好的文章修改服务。
5、包含三部分-Introduction, body, and conclusion。不管你的文章结构是什么样的,你的文章都不能缺少上面提到的这三个部分。在introduction 段,你应该介绍你的话题。首先,提供一些背景知识,告诉你的读者为什么这个话题是重要的。在你介绍的时候,一定要“引起读者兴趣”。然后在你的introduction的结尾,一定要有一个清楚的thesis statement如果你的文章缺少这一项,那么它将会被老师归为“文章没有重点”。Thesis statement应该清楚的定义你所讨论的话题,你的立场等等。你的文章应该紧紧地围绕着thesis statement来书写。
Body段应该“又有骨头又有肉”。“骨头和肉”代表“evidence and information”。你的body段的每个点应该包含一个evidence或者info。这样你的文章会显得非常专注,你的读者也非常容易从一个点转移到下一个点。
Conclusion段应该首先重新提及一下文章主题的重要性(很多老师也要求重新提及一下thesis statement)。你可以迅速的浏览一下你文章中的证据和信息来进行总结。但是请记住不能再添加新的信息。
a. 你的主题是否在thesis statement中被很清楚的表达了;
b. body短重的每一个证据是否支持和巩固了你的thesis statement;
c. 文章中的信息或者论证是否有逻辑漏洞;
d. 最后,纠正文章中出现的各种错误(用词,语法等等)。让别人帮你检查是个很好的办法,因为我们自己很难发现自己常犯的错误。
好,现在你已经了解了写好一个Expository Essay的基本要素了。那么我们现在来探讨一下如何让你的“中规中矩”的文章变得更加出色。
更加出色的Expository Essay
首先,缩小你的话题(narrow/focus your topic)。其次,要喜欢你的话题(选择你感兴趣的话题)。如果你对自己选择的话题感兴趣,那么你写出来的文章会让你的读者也会感兴趣。如果你都不喜欢自己写的话题,或者你觉得你自己的话题已经被写过太多遍了,那么很可能你的读者也看不下去你写的文章。选择一些独特的,你自己感兴趣的话题。比如,你可以写一个“一段式”的文章来论证“5段式”文章是多么八股和法西斯。
以上就是关于Expository Essay的写作讲解,同学们要是遇到Expository Essay的话,就可以参考一下上面这些写作技巧去写作Expository Essay。
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Paper代写:Personalized Education

2017-12-08 16:30:55 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Personalized Education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了教育个性化。在教育领域,评价与教学无疑是相辅相成的。而多元评价非常注重评价过程,注重学生对知识的自我建构,注重评价与真实生活的联系,注重问题解决与创造能力的培养,这种注重学生个体差异和能力的新评价观,对课程与教学改革将产生深远的影响。
Evaluation and teaching complement each other. The pluralistic evaluation pays attention to the evaluation process, pays attention to the student to the knowledge self-construction, pays attention to the appraisal and the real life link, pays attention to the question solution and the creation ability training, this new appraisal view which pays attention to student individual difference and the ability, has the profound influence to the curriculum and the Teaching reform The multivariate evaluation will bring challenges to the traditional paper-pencil evaluation method, and it is also a necessary supplement to the evaluation method of paper-pencil test.
Evaluation is a kind of value judgment activity, and it is the judgment of the subject to the degree that the object satisfies its need. In the evaluation of high skilled personnel training, depending on the basis and values, there may be different or even opposite views on the same educational phenomenon. Because of the influence of exam-oriented education for a long time, the evaluation of traditional education often focuses on knowledge, ability, especially comprehension, memory and so on, and it is less related to students ' communication, creation, language expressive ability, students ' interest and so on, and the evaluation method and the evaluation subject are single. Single evaluation goal, evaluation method and evaluation subject will lead to the development of one-sided and passive, which deviates from the goal of all-round and active development advocated by quality education. Therefore, in order to meet the requirements of quality education, we should renew the concept of educational evaluation.
Under the restriction of examination-oriented education, the current educational evaluation mechanism has become a single evaluation and selection tool. Therefore, we should reform the existing educational evaluation mechanism to obliterate individuality, pay attention to human factors, form people-oriented, respect the education of human factors and life value of the evaluation system, "the people-oriented" evaluation instead of "screening, selection" type of evaluation, so that highly skilled personnel training evaluation mechanism has personalized thinking, Finally makes the appraisal truly becomes the important tool which guides the quality education, lets the appraisal manifest to the student individual development to have the unique value means and the encouragement teacher and student independent development huge impetus.
Education individuation thought: Education people-oriented, student-centered; True love every student, make its personality development, layered expectations, layered evaluation. One more measure of a ruler, a number of good students, the principle of motivation, in the face of every student, teacher and student, born and born democracy, equality, respect, understanding.
Based on the above educational thought, this paper designs and implements a series of evaluation programs and evaluation activities which have been widely participated by the reviewers, to carry out self-education and promote the all-round development of students. The evaluation of students, highlighting the "multiple evaluation mechanism of highly skilled personnel, pay attention to education personalized" advanced education ideas.
Comprehensive evaluation and individual evaluation. One of the individual evaluation mechanisms includes a number of small items. In order to make the evaluation of the process characteristics, we not only in the semester and the end of the school assessment activities, and let the evaluation permeate the student's daily learning students. Break the old examination mode, will attendance, obedience, questions and answers, homework, etc. into the student's performance assessment, enhance the overall assessment.
"Layered teaching" includes layered class teaching and daily classroom teaching, which mainly solves the problem that the students ' comprehensive quality is different. In the formative examination process, the examination divides into a, b volume, by the student chooses the examination paper independently according to own situation. If students are dissatisfied with their grades, they can apply for a retake test.
Allow students to choose their own ability to complete the work, but to ensure that the professional knowledge required to master the professional skills. Work to ensure quality, on time delivery, but allow to specify not to do the individual topics, to facilitate the teacher's individual guidance.
The modern teaching view holds that the essence of teaching lies in the bilateral activities of education and learning, and promotes the all-round development of students ' quality. In the classroom teaching, each student has the independent personality, is the development main body. Teachers should understand and respect students, recognize the differences between different students, and provide equal opportunities for each student to create and succeed. At the same time, teachers should care about what the students learn and think, care about their current academic achievement and development level, care about their future learning ability and sustainable development, which reflects a new social trend and new value pursuit. Under the guidance of this idea, set up a series of evaluation mechanism to the teacher. The principle of evaluation is: embody the characteristics of teachers ' individuation, encourage evaluation as the leading, fuzzy evaluation as the means.
Two types of evaluation mechanisms are developed. One is the backbone teacher. Its basic condition is the education thought science, the teaching method is flexible and diverse, the teaching is welcomed by the students, and has the teaching research paper publication. Selection method: The basic conditions for the standard, the teacher personally self-evaluation, and then the members of the Department of Mutual Review, and then the student evaluation, finally submitted to the leading group to determine the selection of candidates, the winner in the pay concessions. Single best teacher: The most popular course for students like teachers and students. Monthly review by the students, the final general comments, and in the summary conference to be commended.
The standard of classroom teaching evaluation is established: the Professional teaching method of "three points" in classroom instruction, namely, knowledge point, skill point and interest point. Teaching, training must be around the "three points", so that students can really understand, learn, remember to live, to consolidate professional knowledge, master operating skills, the development of students potential teaching purposes.
The CPC Central Committee and the State Council's decision on further strengthening the work of talents put forward that we should establish a scientific view of talents, adhere to the principle of political integrity, and regard moral character, knowledge, ability and performance as the main standard of measuring talents.
First of all, we should further break through the age, seniority, identity, proportion and so on, accelerate the establishment of work performance as the focus, with professional ability as the guidance, pay attention to professional knowledge level and professional ethics of highly skilled personnel evaluation system, and gradually explore the establishment of enterprise skills evaluation, professional skills appraisal socialization, The multiple evaluation mechanism of vocational qualification certification and special professional ability assessment in colleges and universities.
Secondly, we should take advantage of the large enterprises with conditions, carry out the pilot evaluation reform of high skilled personnel, combine the production and scientific research activities, and carry out the evaluation of technicians and senior technicians. The outstanding skills in the professional skills competition can be directly promoted to professional qualification or to take part in the evaluation of technicians and senior technicians according to the relevant regulations.
Finally, we should break through the traditional recognition mode of high skill talents, do not only see the ability of academic qualifications, not only professional titles to see the technology, not only the seniority to see the performance, not the identity of the quality, the establishment of a prominent personality of the multiple highly skilled personnel evaluation mechanism. Through individual initiative application or unit recommendation, to the enterprise performance tracking evaluation and expert on-site skills assessment, and then to social publicity and other strict procedures, the selection of senior skilled personnel, only in this way to stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff to learn skills, but also to create a good social atmosphere of respect for labor, talent, advocating skills to play a positive role.

Paper代写:The liberalisation of American Airlines

2017-12-08 16:30:36 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The liberalisation of American Airlines,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国航空的自由化。1978年,《航空公司取消规制法案》的通过,正式宣告了美国航空自由化的开始。之后美国在国内航空运输业获得了一个更加自由的运营环境后,政府将更自由航空运输环境的争取进一步推向了国际市场。直到20世纪80年代中期,建立一个更加开放的规制体系的概念,从而被引入别的国家和地区。
In the history of civil aviation in the world, the United States pioneered the opening of the civil aviation market and the process of open skies. With the deepening of economic globalization, aviation liberalization, aviation market integration has become a new trend of civil aviation development. The process of American aviation liberalization is worthy of study, recalling the history of American civil aviation towards the process of liberalization, summing up its relevant experience, it is of great significance to analyze the new challenges faced by China's civil aviation industry in the process of aviation liberalization.
In the history of civil aviation in the world, the United States pioneered the exploration of aviation liberalization. Reviewing the course of American aviation liberalization, we have gone through the three stages of the deregulation of aviation regulations, the implementation of "open market" policy and "open Skies".
Aviation regulations are cancelled. 20th century 20, 30, the United States civil aviation in the early years, airlines are also in the initial stage of development. The United States Government is concerned that in the case of limited technical facilities and management of airlines, excessive competition in the market will lead to waste of aviation resources and to aviation safety. To avoid the devastating impact of excessive competition in the aviation market on the nascent aviation industry, the United States Government enacted the Civil Aviation Act to regulate and control competition among airlines. The bill expressly stipulates that the establishment of airlines, the entry into or exit from a particular route market and the formulation of fares must be approved by the government. In the same year, the United States established the Air Transport Management Committee. The agency is empowered to govern all issues related to international prices, routes, mail prices and aviation security, including the granting of the right to operate the airline. For the next 40 years, the Air Transport Management Committee has been strictly using its power.
In the 1970s, the operating conditions of the control airlines and the control of foreign airlines were very contrasting. According to statistics of the International Air Transport Association, the average guest rate for domestic airlines in 1971 was only 48.5%, up from 1977, and no more than 56%. In stark contrast, airlines, such as Pacific Airways in California and Southwest Airlines in Dallas, which are not under the jurisdiction of the Air Transport Commission, are well received by travellers for their fares are lower than the average 32%~47% airlines. The existence of this situation has also made the opposition to air regulation increasingly powerful.
A special report on the management reform of the American Air Transport Management Association was launched in the second half of 1974 after a Kennedy hearing in the U.S. Senate judicial branch. The report cites the problems existing in the Air Transport Management Association in the process of managing the air transport industry: "Excluding the possibility of new airlines entering major routes, protecting the interests of airlines with relatively low production efficiency, leading to excessive labour costs and excessive service costs in the air transport industry, lack of emphasis on price competition and price- The quality level of the trade-off, difficult to meet the needs of different customers.
October 24, 1978, when the United States President Jimmy Carter signed the "Airline Deregulation act." The ACT calls for the phasing out of air transport committees ' control over the entry and exit of airlines, fare changes, airline establishment, and so on, allowing airlines to enter the market, expand their business independently and allow free mergers and reorganizations. The Air Transport Commission was also revoked on January 1, 1985, marking the shift in American aviation policy from restricting competition to encouraging competition.
The implementation of the "open market" policy. The passage of the Airline Deregulation Act heralded the start of American air liberalisation. After the domestic air transport industry has gained a freer operating environment, the U.S. government will be more free air transport environment for the international market. From 1977 to 1985, the United States Government had intense bilateral negotiations with several countries. In March 1978, the U.S. government and the Dutch government to revise the Air transport Agreement for the United States launched a "market opening" policy set a model. The two sides agreed to downplay the government's regulatory role in capacity, frequency, bargaining and market. By the mid 1980s, the concept of a more open regulatory system had been introduced into many countries and regions, and the rules of the international air transport industry had changed in the signing of new bilateral agreements, and a freer space for international air operations had been gradually opened.
In the new bilateral agreement, the opening of market access is an important change, the increase in the number of navigable sites between States parties and the granting of a wider fifth freedom rights to air transport enterprises, the abolition of restrictions on Charter rights, and the right to authorize the Contracting Parties to designate any number of air transport enterprises to operate the agreed routes in accordance with their needs and increased the right to allow the replacement of the model halfway; In terms of capacity arrangements, the number of flights and capacity restrictions were removed; the principle of "double non-approval" was implemented in the management of tariffs, that is, only if the two governments do not approve the for tariff, the tariff agreement will not be valid, which means that air fares have taken a big step towards liberalization.
The advance of "open skies". In the more than 10 years since the signing and implementation of the "open market" agreement, a large number of emerging airlines have failed or been merged and restructured, and some big companies, such as American Airlines and United Airlines, have emerged in the US aviation market. These big airlines are not satisfied with the scope and degree of freedom of international aviation under the "open market" policy, and urge further air liberalisation.
In September 1992, the United States and the Dutch government signed the first "open skies" agreement, marking the further relaxation of international air transport regulations. Compared to the bilateral agreements of 1978, the new bilateral agreement fully liberalized market access, and the airlines of the Contracting Parties have the right to fly to any one of the other countries, breaking through the original agreement that foreign airlines only allowed a limited number of navigational points in the United States; in respect of the right of navigation, States parties provide unrestricted fifth freedom rights In the area of tariff management, the principle of "double non-approval" is replaced by free pricing, except that the government generally does not intervene in the formulation of fares in order to prevent the occurrence of discriminatory prices. The new agreement adds that airlines are free to sign code-sharing agreements or other commercial cooperation agreements.
In the late 1990s, after the European market was largely liberalized by a second package of measures in Europe, the United States had reached agreements with Singapore, Brunei, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and other Asian countries and regions to lift most of the restrictions in the air transport industry, opening up the "open skies" of the US and Asia. Market。 By May 2000, the United States signed a "sky-open" agreement with 60 countries and regions. In June 2003, the European Council of Transport Ministers authorized the European Commission to consult with the United States to fully liberalize air transport between Europe and the US. On April 30, 2007, the two sides signed the first phase of the "Open Skies" agreement between Europe and the United States, which entered into force on March 30, 2008. Under the new agreement, any airline in 27 EU countries could fly from any city in the country to any city in the United States, and vice versa.
The agreement, while providing new navigation rights for both airlines, provides a broad platform for cooperation between the European and American administrations and eliminates barriers to market access, capacity and tariffs for trans-Atlantic and further routes. The signing of the "Open Skies" agreement between Europe and the United States opened the curtain on the construction of the trans-Atlantic air transport market. To prevent air freedom from being wrong. While the United States has opened up an enticing condition for increasing the number of navigable portals or granting antitrust exemptions to partners in the process of air liberalisation, it is not to be overlooked that certain elements of these bilateral agreements still have an unequal nature. As in the "market opening" phase, the United States Air transport enterprises can fly from any point in the United States to each other in terms of the agreement on aviation market access, while the other country's air transport enterprises can only fly to a limited number of navigable points in the United States. For United States Air transport, the full liberalization of market access has been achieved, but is limited to other parties to the agreement. In the "Open Skies" agreement, the United States has a wide range of protection for its own airlines. If American carriers can bid for air mail shipments in the UK or other countries, but other carriers cannot bid for American air mail shipments, the General Post Office's International air Mail can only be carried by American carriers; American Airlines cannot hire foreign aircraft and crew, But they can rent their own aircraft to foreign airlines; the demand for goods transported by U.S. government contracts can only be borne by American air companies. It can be seen that in the two phases of aviation liberalization, there is an asymmetry in the agreement between the United States and the State party. Therefore, in the process of concluding bilateral agreements, how to deal with and retain the right to speak and to maintain the equal status of the two sides is another challenge for China's civil aviation.
We should diversify our aviation capital. In the European and American "Open Skies" agreement, there is an important content is to achieve the European and American aviation industry investment Open. In a new agreement reached on March 25, 2010, the European Union would make reciprocal arrangements if Congress approved a majority stake in American Airlines. This important part of the latest agreement shows that the opening of investment in the air transport industry is an expanding area of aviation liberalization, also means that there will be a diversification of aviation capital, which will also be a challenge to China's civil aviation development. As early as August 2002, CAAC has promulgated the "Foreign investment in civil aviation transport regulations", and at present the total utilization of foreign capital in China's civil aviation has more than 30 billion U.S. dollars. This data will continue to grow as the air transport liberalization process continues to move forward. However, China's foreign capital injected into the civil aviation Management regulations are not perfect. How to improve the investment environment and attract foreign capital to serve the implementation of the strategy of China's civil aviation is still a problem that Chinese civil aviation needs to think about and deal with.

英国Essay代写:Industrial Design Overview

2017-12-08 16:07:33 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Industrial Design Overview,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了工业设计。传统的工业设计是产品设计的核心。随着历史的发展,设计内涵的发展,趋向于更加广泛和深入。现在,人类社会的发展已经进入了现代工业社会,现代工业设计理念因此应运而生。现代工业设计可分为一般工业设计和特殊工业设计两大类。特殊的工业设计和传统工业设计的定义是一致的。随着工业设计的不断发展,产品设计一直以产品设计为主,因此产品设计也被称为工业设计。
1. The formation and development of industrial design
By the end of this century and the beginning of 21 century, almost all developed countries will be after the completion of the industrialization process, will be more powerful to control information, market and technology and the development of the third industry. Industrial design is information, market, technology and the third industry's important constitute factors.
A, industrial design production
Broke out in two centuries before the industrial revolution shook the whole world strongly, with amazing speed to create splendid achievements, to show a good prospect. The industrial revolution has declared the traditional handicraft production of the end of way, mechanization, PiLiangHua production to each kind of work in various industries and social division of refined. Division among links exposed the production of cohesion, supporting contradiction, leading to the design and production, the production and the sales separation. It is in this transformation process, gradually reflect design as a kind of throughout the production always, and in a planned way and with the purpose of coordination, management of production every link thought method the important role.
With the industrial revolution robotic way to make large difference between production from the original artwork of bad, rough industrial commodity appears in the market, from industrial products and demanders conflicts of interest, the serious lack of product design, industrial development and design the contradiction of the crisis with production and improve the quality of survival and development. This case first British clearly put science, industry and art to combine, claiming that countries should plan to the government organization, management municipal design and industrial products design, at the time, the British industrial revitalizing found a way out.
Second, the development of industrial design
Industrial design in the home of the industrial revolution, Britain has a period of development, by the shackles of traditional ideas and boycott, slow down the development. Germany v, industrial design got there a bigger development. The 20 th century, European and American countries modern design movement affected the German mechanization production. The German industrial design famous theorist and activists mourinho Theseus, mechanization production methods and to the development of industrial design movement forward "rough products manufacturing machinery manufacturing, but not because of the improper mechanical users and our nothingness; batch production and division and no danger, but to have the industrial design to design the production of high quality products standard." This kind of idea led greatly of industrial products production and development, industrial design not only in small to the powerful fan, a water bottle of industrial product design, it goes into the big to plant building design, field. Bauhaus broke the pure fine arts and practical fine art opposition of the situation, with the machine tool for creation, will be included in the design results PiLiangHua production to the actual art has the bridge of communication technology, art and technology for the new unity.
A war and during world war ii, northern Europe, Italy, the United States and other countries of the industrial design have been great progress, and reflects distinctive characteristics. Such as the Nordic countries in a rich "human" aesthetic design thought, by designing the attention, and stands out in the 1920 s, broke through the geographical environment by closed, boarded the international design stage. Italy's long history and culture and modern industrial combine to create a large number of stylist, they and some famous enterprise cooperation, design like fiat 508 and Lancia-Ccoupe Aprilia classic brand, to make Italy products become people pursue fashion product. World war ii the United States, in the face of the huge demand munitions market, industrial designers prowess, this seems not assembly jeep mechanic after walking machine, designed to maximize adapt to all kinds of conditions of use in wartime transport, became the wartime industrial design model. The world war ii, the United States took a lot of Bauhaus exile personnel, together with rapid economic development, make it become the design center at that time. Meanwhile, industrial design, as a professional appeared officially, and get social recognition. To stylist attention also has reached unprecedented levels. In order to design "Coca-Cola" sign and the world famous American famous designer Raymond, was appointed by President Kennedy refers to the NASA chief design consultant.
After world war ii BaiFeiDaiXing, countries industrial designer responsibility to shoulder rebuild their homes and make products to move towards the world, and participate in the international competition of the important task. After the war the development of economy and the expansion of the consumption has the tendency to commercial design, such as the United States to cater to the taste of the consumer market popular style, and established the "planned design abandoned the" design strategy, through the product appearance to attract consumers, because the commercial design emphasize the appearance and neglected the function and the use of the people, so quickly by on the green hill. The ensuing economic yuan and the energy crisis back, environment, make the designer to the rationality of the product, the paper discusses the prompted industrial design and ergonomics, material study, psychology, marketing, environment and other modern science organically, and gradually formed in new scientist based independent discipline.
2. The concept of industrial design and content
Industrial design means to the method of system, reasonable use requirement, healthy consumption and the spontaneous everyone involved active behavior, to create new way-work and life style.
A, industrial design concept (industrial design)
Design is to realize human of a particular goal the creative activity, it contains all the artificial articles in the formation process of. In primitive society, human will have a practical and aesthetic two needs and has begun to engage in the original design activities, in order to make these two needs blended, better service to humanity. In the long historical process, based on the two needs's understanding of the importance of different design concept is also in constant change, continue to emerge out of all kinds of thoughts, genres and style.
The most basic of design method is based on the classification of the mode of production force in order to distinguish mouth: that is the premise of modern industry is classified as industrial design; To make an important factor for manual sheet with the art and craft worth in design. The two in the treatment of the object, means and methods have different. Relative to character, arts and design more close to the traditional way, with stronger artistic creation of nature. But along with the development of society, the craft art design. Can use modern materials and technology to realize some function; Also, industrial design also may take a traditional materials and technology to meet the demand, in some industries between certain overlap, such as furniture, clothing and other industries.
1. The traditional industrial design
Industrial design really been recognized and play a role in the industrial revolution broke out after, by industrialization conditions for the development of mass production as up. When a large industrial products in a rough way, has seriously affected People's Daily life, industrial design as a condition of change was inevitable means boarded the stage of history. The traditional industrial design is on industrial production means of product planning and design, make and use the best match between the creative activity. From this concept analysis of the nature of the industrial design: first, the purpose of industrial design is obtained between the products and the best match. This match, not only to satisfy people use requirement, but also with the physical, psychological and so on various aspects have proper matching demand, this just reflects the people-oriented design thought. Second, the industrial design must be a "creative activities", which we will later include it focuses on. Industrial design to the nature of it is a cover a variety of the cross with science, dealing with the multitudinous discipline research fields, like the glue of industrial society, make originally isolated disciplines such as: physical, chemical, biological, marketing, aesthetics, human body engineering, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and so on, contact each other, mingles mutually, rallied organic unity. Realize the objective to reveal the nature of science and subjective, move to create activities of art to again.
2. The modern industrial design
From the above we can see that the definition, the traditional industrial design is the core of product design. With the development of history, the development of the design connotation, tend to be more widely and deeply. Now, the development of human society has entered the modern industrial society, the design of material success and bring living condition of human and the way of life is any past age will influence the incomparable, modern industrial design concept has thus arises at the historic moment. Modern industrial design can be divided into two levels: general industrial design and special industrial design.
General Industrial Design (Generalized Industrial Design)
Is to point to in order to achieve a specific purpose, from conception to establish a feasible plan, and with clear means out of the series said behavior. It contains all the use of modern means of production and service of the design process.
Special industrial Design (Narrow lndustrial Design)
Single means product design, namely of the person and nature in the context of the produce of the needs of the accoutrements of response. Including in order to make the life and the survival to the maintenance and development of the required such as tools, equipment and products material of equipment design. The core of the product design is the product to the user's body, heart has good compatibility and matching.
Special industrial design and the definition of the definition of traditional industrial design is consistent. With the industrial design since the produce has always been based on products design is given priority to, so the product design is often called the industrial design.
Widely used at present is the definition of international industrial design association federation (ICSID) in the 1980 annual meeting of Paris for industrial design of the fixed definition: "just batch production of industrial products it, with training, technical knowledge, experience, and visual experience and give material, structure, form, colour, surface processing and decorated with new quality and qualification, called the industrial design." According to the specific situation at that time, the industrial designer should be in the industrial products of all side or several aspects of work. And, when industrial designer to packaging, publicity display, market development problems to solve, and pay their technical knowledge and experience, and vision evaluation ability, also belong to the category of industrial design.
Paris annual meeting of the definition, and widened the connotation of traditional industrial design, reflect the industrial design to begin to penetrate and product design related packaging, propaganda and other areas of the trend. But this definition is based on the product orientation design concept, so the product design still as industrial design of the core. And the modern industrial design is to take human as the core, as the starting point of the consideration question, its application field, far beyond the range of product design. Based on this view, put forward a more simple here, also easier to understand and accept the concept: "with the method of system, reasonable use requirement, healthy consumption, in order to inspire everyone involved in the active behavior, to create new way--work, way of life". This concept makes it clear the significance of industrial design is to help people to create more reasonable way of life.