

Assignment范文:Digital Image Processing Technology

2017-12-13 16:24:15 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Digital Image Processing Technology,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了数字图像处理技术。数字图像处理技术,是一门采用计算机和其他数字化技术对图像信息进行处理的新技术。人类获取外界信息有视觉、听觉等多种方法,但绝大部分是来自视觉所接受的图像信息。因此,图像处理技术的广泛研究和应用是必然的趋势。图像处理虽然在理论方法研究上已取得不小的进展,但它本身是一个比较难的研究领域,对该领域的研究仍存在不少困难。
Digital Image processing technology is a new technology to deal with image information by computer and other digital technology. Image processing science and technology has become the subject of study and study in many disciplines, such as engineering, computer science, communication Science, information science, military, public security and medicine. This article from the basic concept of digital image processing, research content as the starting point, focus on the digital image restoration technology, finally introduced the Digital image processing system, but because the Digital Image processing technology field is extremely extensive, and many other disciplines are inextricably linked, therefore, the study of this technology requires further human efforts.
"Graph" is the distribution of light or reflected light, "like" is the impression or recognition of the human visual system in the brain. The former is objective, and the latter person's feeling, the image should be the combination of the two. Image processing is the processing of image information to meet the needs of human visual psychology and practical application. The human obtains the outside information to have the vision, the hearing, the sense of touch, the smell, the taste and so on many methods, but the most is the image information which receives from the vision, namely the so-called "believing". Therefore, the extensive research and application of image processing technology is an inevitable trend.​
Because the image array is very large, it is processed directly in the space domain, which involves a large amount of computation. Therefore, a variety of image transformation methods, such as Fourier transform, Walsh transform, discrete cosine transform, and other indirect processing technology, transform the processing of space domain into transform domain processing, not only can reduce the computational amount, but also can obtain more effective processing. At present, the wavelet transform of new research has good localization in both time domain and frequency domain, and it is widely and effectively applied in image processing.
Compressed image coding compression technology can reduce the amount of data describing the image, in order to save image transmission, processing time and reduce the memory footprint. Compression can be obtained without distortion, or under allowable distortion conditions. Coding is the most important method in the compression technology, it is the earliest and mature technology in the image processing technology.
The purpose of image enhancement is to improve image quality, such as noise removal and image clarity. Image enhancement does not take into account the causes of image quality reduction, highlighting the areas of interest in the image. If the high frequency component of the image is enhanced, the contour of the object in the image can be clear and the detail is obvious. As for image restoration, we will discuss it in detail below.
The amount of information processed by Digital image processing system is very large, which has certain requirements for processing speed and precision, and the application range of the system is quite extensive. Therefore, the current Digital image processing system has a variety of structures, and its commercial products are more kinds. Classification by use, can be divided into special and general-purpose two broad categories. Specialized systems are designed for special purposes and generally require simplicity, rapidity, accuracy and economy. Therefore its structure is simpler than the general system, the processing purpose and the function are clear, the scale is also small. The UK Quantimet720 Image Analyzer, for example, is designed to quantitatively quantify the microstructure of a material. Computed tomography scanning system for the diagnosis of disease in human or brain tissue. General system processing function is complete, the application is also more extensive. Therefore, its structure is more complex and large, such as the PRL system of Pittsburg University, the United States remote sensing image processing system is a large scale, high speed, complex structure of the image processing system.
Digital image processing, as a discipline, was formed in the the early 1960s, while image processing has made great progress in the research of theoretical methods, but it is a difficult research field, and there are still some difficulties in this field. This paper starts with some basic knowledge of digital image processing, this paper introduces the development and research contents of the technology, but it is only a very small part of the technology, and it is believed that with the progress of science and technology, especially the rapid development of computer technology, the research on Digital image processing technology will achieve more remarkable achievements.
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2017-12-13 16:23:57 | 日記
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Paper代写:Martin Blest's film art

2017-12-13 16:23:39 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Martin Blest's film art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了马丁·布莱斯特的电影艺术。 马丁・布莱斯特是一个游离在好莱坞外的导演,他的《午夜狂奔》堪称“史上最有趣的公路片”,影片的情节内容、叙事走向、视觉风格都可谓一流。公路电影是美国文化的特有产物,它作为一种类型电影已经有40余年的历史。《午夜狂奔》作为典型的公路片,整体基调张弛有度,紧张的气氛配上轻松幽默的对白,时而出现的喜剧元素使其不同于传统意义上的“类型电影”。
Martin Blest is a free outside Hollywood director, a handful of film and television works, in addition to the well-known "smell of women" outside, "Midnight Run" is also a masterpiece. The film is "the most interesting road in history", the director of the plot content, narrative direction, visual style of control is a first-class. This paper probes into the artistic style of the director from the perspective of the genre of the film, and explores the author's style through the interpretation of multiple elements.
Genre film is the result of commercialization, in the pursuit of commercial profits, the type of film constantly meet people's aesthetic needs for a certain type of classical works, and the film market operation has a positive significance, thus becoming a trend of film development. With the increase of film type and the development of genre film, as one of the important parts, the highway film is becoming more and more attractive. "Midnight Rush" as an interesting road film, about two men between a thrilling journey, identity special bounty hunter Jack and a embezzlement but good-natured accounting Jonathan, Jack thought this journey simple and easy, the bounty is like Shing, it turned into a fugitive in the pursuit of gangsters and police officers.
The road film is a unique product of American culture, it has been a genre of film for more than more than 40 years of history. The road movie takes the modern industry of the Fifties or sixties of the 20th century as the background of the Times, takes the journey and the road as the narrative carrier, and promotes the plot development by the protagonist's encounter on the road and the inner change of the character, and shows the type of film that people are alienated, lonely, searching, communicating and rebelling. "Midnight Rush" as a typical road film, the overall tone of relaxation, the tension of the atmosphere with a relaxed humorous dialogue, and sometimes the comedy elements to make it different from the traditional sense of "type of film." Different directors use road film as a carrier, express their own thinking, from the details of their own ingenuity, "Midnight Run" is not to show the audience of Martin sincere feelings and unique style, as well as the director itself for the pursuit of film.
Comic elements are popular with audiences, and the trick of Hollywood to produce comedy is to find the audience's appetite, and Martin Blest must be a director who is particularly well aware of the audience's taste, and the comedy element in Midnight Rush is the best proof. The film is a typical multi-party interest group of the big scuffle, set bounty hunters, police, gangsters and peer competitors in one, sometimes to forge alliances, and sometimes each other, in only one goal of the chase, these no one does not constitute the comedy elements of the film.
Some of the big hot scenes in the film, such as gun battles, car chases, fighting, and even the plot of a plane, are just some of the elements that the director uses. Martin Blest is different from the general director only in the film to build the conflict between the gangster and the government, the police relationship between the classic type, nor the police as the center of the organization of the narrative, but through Jack this character to join the multiple elements of the deduction. In character role setting, Jack "bounty hunter" This identity set more appear in the traditional western film, the director will be grafted to the modern gang crime theme, and again applied to the road piece, have to admire Martin Blest's genius creation.
Martin directed the use of landscape elements, the road reflects the character of life changes, but did not focus on the end of the road, instead of focusing on the road to the story. Jack and Jonathan after the plane, train and choose to continue to go to Los Angeles on the way, looking out of the window landscape changes, Jonathan constantly use words and Jack Communication, two people's mind course also changed, after experiencing adversity became friends. What's even more impressive is the scene where Jack and Jonathan competed with the plane on the highway, the scenery of the mountain road has been breathtaking, Jack every time the steering wheel is gripping, and the excitement of the aircraft is also giving viewers different visual experience, the director through the landscape elements to promote the plot development.
"The actor chooses right, the film succeeds half", for "Midnight Run" such film, chooses Robert Denirolay plays Jack is undoubtedly. What is not known is that the director's choice and insistence on Jonathan's actor Charles Grodin at first, the company hoped that the snow son to play, but Martin refused, and later Paramount also recommended the Williams and Bruce, even the one by one rejected by Martin Director, because it violates Paramount's will, this makes the The midnight Rush was eventually taken over by the universal company. In order to choose an actor to change the production company, such as the director of the film Art in addition to Martin is a handful. In fact, Grodin in the role before the play, but in the director's insistence let the audience see a different grodin, see how he became a role, and beyond the role of the actor in front of Grodin is no less inferior, successfully shaped the image of the strong Nathan.
An actor is a mirror of a director, a good director is a performer who can play and maintain the character of an actor while making an actor a director's intention. Any director from the beginning of the film is expected to have a design for the performance of the film, the performance of the actor to anticipate, from the release of the film to the door of the two eavesdropping on the expression, Jack's ex-wife's youngest son's various performances, as well as the cheated supermarket campers and so on, By virtue of the excellent performance of the supporting actors can be inferred that the director itself is very acting talent, he knows how to play in the plot, rhythm, character psychology, character of the need to mobilize the organic nature of the actor, to tap the potential of the actor.
A good film in addition to the good script, the director is how to convert it into the audio-visual language, and how the actor is acting through the role of the life process, which is the creation of the director and actor. Jack is a man who has divorced his wife for 9 years, is a scruffy, often mouthful of "fuck", using violence to solve problems. In the script about the set of lines, there is no "fuck", but Jack in the film said 100 times fuck, rather than as an actor to the role of the creation, as the director in the name of the actor performance. In contrast to the strong Nathan, clearly is a criminal is dapper, the image of unrestrained, completely overturned the former positive and negative role of the image design. The emotional change between Jonathan and Jack in the film is also in depth with the shifting of the means of transportation, and the advice on how to use the Bounty in Jack's future: "If I were your accountant", the original line was "as an accountant". This seemingly simple change, virtually promote the emotional development between the characters, but also more embodies the director and the actor's successful creation, which gives the role of a more powerful vitality.
Martin Blest directed the successful use of comedy, landscape, police bandits and other elements in the "Midnight Rush" in the film, Jack and Jonathan because of different personalities, facing the specific events of the various attitudes and then constantly produce contradictions, conflicts, understanding, influence, from the beginning of the escape of Jonathan, to the last step into Jack's heart, Open up Jack's inner invisible barrier to the family. Director in the film character molding, adhere to their own style, with exquisite artistic language expression character emotion, to the audience is not the same attitude, in thrilling and funny also have moved, this is the film between the director and the spirit of the agreement.

Paper代写:Thomas Hardy's poems

2017-12-13 16:23:22 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Thomas Hardy's poems,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了托马斯·哈代的诗歌。托马斯・哈代是英国文学史上一位伟大的自然诗人,他的自然诗中所蕴含的一正一反的态度,体现了哈代对人与自然关系的思考,折射了他超前的生态整体观。哈代笔下的自然不仅是人类身体和心灵的庇护所,也同人类一样,是具有自我意识的独立主体。
Thomas Hardy is a great natural poet in the history of English literature, his keen observation and description of nature, concerned about human activities in nature and the state of nature under the influence of human activities. The two kinds of one-positive attitudes embodied in Hardy's hundreds natural poems reflect the thought of Hardy's relationship between man and nature, which reflects his advanced ecological holistic view.
The increasingly serious ecological environment problem since the 1960s is the direct cause of the trend of ecological criticism. "Ecological criticism explores literary criticism of the relationship between literature and nature under the guidance of ecology, especially the idea of ecological holism". It is an important mission of ecological critic to alleviate the ecological crisis by rereading the literary classics and digging deeply into the social root of the ecological crisis. The ideological basis of guiding ecological critic is ecological holism, namely: "The overall interest of the ecosystem as the highest value rather than the highest value of human interests, and whether it is conducive to maintaining and protecting the integrity, harmony, stability, balance and persistence of the ecosystem as the fundamental yardstick of all things."
As the most famous novelist and poet in Victorian England, Thomas Hardy was mainly engaged in the novel creation in the early and middle period, leaving many famous works, but he really loved poetry, from domicilium to him resolves to Say No more, Hardy's literary creation began with poetry and finally poetry. Near $number meaning deep, the meaning of meaningful poetry is his important contribution to English literature, in which Baiyu's description of nature reflects Hardy's keen insight and ability to describe nature, so he gets the evaluation "in the poetry creation, Thomas Hardy is undoubtedly a true sense of the natural poet."
Hardy grew up in the tranquil and beautiful Dorset County, his hometown is the source of inspiration for Hardy's creation, and his maiden poem is the domicilium of the scene of the spring in his hometown. Poetry in the hometown of Harmony, quiet, is Hardy's body's destination is also his soul sustenance. The hometown is the healing place that Hardy seeks solace. When Hardy was misunderstood in the city and felt lonely and helpless in his heart, he came to Wessex Heights and wrote the home of Wessex Heights―― Hardy's poems: "Wessex Some heights, it seems to be opened up by a benevolent hand/for people to think, dream, Bury, critical I often go there to stand/....../ As if it were the place where I was born, and the end of my death.
The nature of Hardy's writings is not only the sanctuary of human body and soul, but also the independent subject of self-consciousness as well as human beings. As Hardy himself puts it: "I can't help noticing that landscapes in natural scenery, such as trees, hills and houses, have expressions and temperaments." The tree and the trees in the lady are willing to pay for the one they love: "I have done all I can for the woman I know." Braved the heat, I shaded for her/when the heat of the summer made her weary, I gave her the songbirds/provided the home in the forest. When its devotion is favored by the loved ones, the trees are filled with joy: "She silently treats me as a friends." And finally when "she" in order to pursue the warmth without a trace of nostalgia to turn away, it was desperate to say: "She went, to me a bare branch dismissive." The love and devotion of a tree for a man, the joy and pride of being loved by the shade of the summer, the grievances and the reluctance of the loved ones are the "expressions and temperaments" of the plants, which show the reader a vivid existence, a life that should not be ignored by human beings.
In an $date midnight, hardy treats "long legged flies", "moths", "wasps" and "Sleepy Flies" as "guests" in the "long winged, horned, and ridged spines". Although this was an uninvited visitor who soiled the lines he had just written, Hardy did not care and called them "the most obedient children of God", "because they knew the mysteries of the earth that I did not know". In Hardy's view, insects also have the intelligence that human beings cannot reach. Therefore, humans are not entitled to be above other animals, but should place themselves and them on equal footing and coexist with other living beings in nature.
Therefore, the nature of Hardy's poems is not only as the background of human activities, but also as the object of human pastime and conquest, but with thought, spirituality and emotional life. It has kinship with people: "The tree is a bone of human limbs, animals and all kinds of skin color is the same family," natural and human breathing, a total of fate, together constitute a complete community of life.
The holistic view of ecology is the highest value of the overall interest of the ecosystem, and it is believed that human beings should respect the ecosystem as a whole, not as a useful servant but as a living existence. On the contrary, human centrality is the opposite of the values, it regards mankind as the Earth's master, and the human interest as the ultimate yardstick of value judgment. Criticism of human-centered behavior is the consensus of ecological critics. The nature of Hardy's poems is independent of the human needs, and its significance is not to serve the development of mankind, but to enjoy the same right to pursue stability and happiness as human beings. Therefore, Hardy denounced human beings as the masters of all things in wanton conquest and destruction of natural behavior, that the human "has always been killed, destroyed, suppressed/this is tantamount to suicide self-destruction." This criticism of the human-centered behavior, which destroys the harmony, stability and beauty of the whole, is another manifestation of Hardy's holistic view of ecology.
"Logging" describes a father and son in less than two hours of time to cut down a tree 200 years of lush growth. As the chainsaw cut through the skin, into the body, the tree trembled with fear and pain, and the loggers did not stop their atrocities because of the agony of the trees, the trees could only wait for the death in despair of the woodcutter's atrocities. Hardy likened the lumbering father and son to carrying the icy grim axe and saw, sneaked into the forest, looking for the victim's "executioner". The executioner was the man who executed the prisoners and took the lives of others. Hardy used the "executioner" to refer to the father and son, intended to point out: "The end of the tree life behavior as the executioner to seize the lives of others as cruel and bloody." Saw a 200-year-old tree, which took less than two hours for the father and son, and the astonishing destructive power of human beings made hardy angry and shocked. For the tree in the face of the "executioner" when the fear and pain, hardy empathy but helpless. In addition to caring for plants, as members of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Hardy also participates in animal protection with action and literary creation. He wrote many poems to protect animals, especially birds, such as: The puzzled Game birds, blinded bird, the bullfinches, the bird-catcher's boy, the caged and so on. The images of the birds in Hardy's poems are changeable, they both sing the vision of life and freedom, and accuse the human being of ignoring the selfish behavior of other species: "Hardy's bird is a solitary bird, a bird with no freedom, a battered bird, a bird singing in the wilderness, a bird of nature."
In the period of Hardy Europe, a game called "Bird Play" was popular. The game player put more than a pale head in the cage to compete which bird in a certain time, the number of tweets. In order to keep the birds from distracting, the red-burning needles in their homes are cruel to blind their eyes. "Blind Bird" is a description of such a "red Needle stabbed" and blind bird, it "forever in the Dark of the doom/grope through the long life/suffering from the sting of Burns/in the ruthless wire cage." Human beings to satisfy their vulgar taste, regardless of the bird's pain, extremely cruel to take away its light, so that it "alive as if buried." Ironically, however, the blind bird was "long suffering and still virtuous and/....../with no evil thoughts but singing." The human eye of the blind bird symbolizes the killing of mankind against nature, and the tolerance and optimism of the birds are more contrasting with the filth and darkness of the human heart.
The son of the Fowler describes a father and son who have diametrically opposed attitudes towards birds. The son of an ecological consciousness questioned his father's behavior of catching birds, and he thought that birds belonged to the sky, not cage, and that the birds were as eager for survival and freedom as men, and that "every nightingale in a cage will die or languish soon." But in his father's eyes, the bird is the way he gets money, and the meaning of it is that he means to make a living. He even shouted: "Birds are the Catch," which is a typical human-centric view. At the end of the poem, the death of the son of the Fowler shows the nature of retaliation for the human-centric behavior of the Fowler. Hardy used the death of the son of the Fowler to ring the Bell: Mankind will pay a huge price for destroying the balance of ecosystems.
In the history of English literature, Hardy is a poet with advanced ecological Consciousness, many poems describing nature and the relationship between man and nature embody his ecological whole consciousness. Leopold points out that the most common criterion for judging ecological holism is: "It is right to help maintain the harmony, stability and beauty of the community of life, or else it is wrong." Hardy loves and celebrates the "harmony, stability and beauty" of the ecological environment, this love is not out of human superiority, the nature of Non-human life as the object of compassion and protection, but put them in the same important position as the brothers and sisters to respect. At the same time, Hardy realized that the fundamental reason for destroying the whole of harmonious ecology is human-centered ideology, so it is severely complained in poetry. The two positive attitudes towards the "right" thing and the Critique of the "wrong" behavior reflect Hardy's thinking on the relationship between man and nature, reflecting his clear and profound view of ecological holism.

Essay代写:Advertising design of Micro Media

2017-12-13 16:08:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Advertising design of Micro Media,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了微媒体的广告设计。随着科技的进步和时代的发展,微媒体被越来越多的人所关注,并以其独特的优势迅速发展。这不仅冲击着传统媒体形式,更刺激了广告的传播,应运而生的微媒体广告也成为广告界新宠。微媒体广告通过对多种媒体形式的解构与建构,在多种信息之间建立连接,从而实现广告形式的创新。
With the progress of science and technology and the development of the Times, micro-media has been more and more people's attention, and with its unique advantages of rapid development. This not only impact on the traditional media form, but also stimulate the spread of advertising, the emergence of micro-media advertising has become a favorite in the advertising industry. Through the discussion of micro-media and micro-media features, this paper probes into the design of advertisement based on micro-media from the perspective of vision and design.
With the rapid spread of information and fast development of life rhythm, everything in life is full of Chanping characteristics. Mobile terminals such as mobile phones and tablets have sprung up with "micro" products such as micro-blogging, micro-movies, micro-letters and micro-clouds. China's new media has entered the "micro" era, the rapid development of micro-media, and is becoming the largest carrier of information, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published in the 2014 New Media Blue Book.
The word "micro-media" is accompanied by the emergence of microblogs, the academia on the concept of micro-media is not clearly unified, some people think that "micro-media" is the micro-blogging media, there is also a view of the micro-media and the new media, that "micro-media" is sometimes referred to as the new media, is the new technology support system in the form of Baidu Encyclopedia of a number of independent publishing points in the network structure, called micro-media, and specifically pointed out that the word, always refers to a large number of individual network structure, only to understand that the individual is meaningless. Therefore, the view that "micro-media" is microblogging media is clearly one-sided. It is also unreasonable to equate micro media with the concept of new media, because the concept of new media is too broad, using digital technology, network technology, through the Internet, broadband LAN, wireless communication network, satellite and other channels, as well as computers, mobile phones, digital TV and other terminals, The dissemination of information and entertainment services to users can be called New media.
In practice, we call Sina, Sohu those portals as media, because they are run by large enterprises, so compared to the portal site, the personal operation of the site is a micro-media. Zhang Honghong in the "research on the factors influencing the competitiveness of micro-media advertisement", the paper puts forward the definition of micro-media. Micro-media is a subset of the definition of the original micro-media, it is a special dissemination of information media, in addition to have a number of independent publishing points of the network structure of the characteristics of the communication, at the same time has a small form, simple structure and other characteristics of the media form. Therefore, micro-bo, micro-letter and so on are micro-media forms.
Micro-media takes the network as the dissemination background, compared with the traditional media, the micro-media information source is open to the information, the propagation path has no copyright barrier, the interested individual can become the node on the propagation path spontaneously by forwarding and sharing. Therefore, the spread of micro-media is relatively spontaneous. Micro-media to mobile terminals as the main carrier, people with mobile phones, tablets, such as information dissemination platform, because of easy to carry, arbitrary, so the release of information is not limited by time and space. At the same time, mobile phones, tablets, such as the reception platform for information, can better adapt to the fast-paced life, so that people in the car, rest time can get first-hand information, convenient and fast.
The short level of micro-media is mainly embodied in the content and the way, "short" is a short content, such as micro-BO information within 140 words, micro-letter voice every 60 seconds, even micro-letter news is usually controlled in about 500 words. Micro-media Content short, concise information, more suitable for the fast pace of life. "Ping" is a participatory approach to the civilian population, compared with the traditional media publishers are mostly ordinary people, there is no high threshold limit, do not need professional technology to participate in it. The popularity of the participatory approach makes the micro-media more easily accepted by the general public, thus greatly increasing the participation of micro-media users.
Micro-media can be reproduced or commented on the source of information, when new information is added to realize the value of the information, so that interested audiences, and publishers reviewers are not subject to threshold restrictions. At the same time, information sources in countless times to share and transfer of the process has been the attention of countless netizens, to achieve the spread of fission. With the linear transmission of traditional media and the network communication of network media, the fission-type efficient transmission of micro-media provides a new way for advertisers.
The micro-media advertisement in the mobile internet Big Data age has created the new era of advertisement, and compared with the traditional advertisement design, the advertisement design based on micro-media shows unique advantages in the aspects of innovation, interactivity, flexibility and pertinence.
Traditional advertising and graphic combination of graphic ads and audio-visual combination of video ads, the form of a single, the screen boring, difficult to meet the needs of many audiences. Micro-media advertising in the form of innovative, it combines text, pictures, audio, video, animation and other media information. Micro-media advertising through the deconstruction and construction of a variety of media forms, in a variety of information between the establishment of a connection, so as to achieve the innovation of advertising forms. For example, IKEA home 2015 spring new ――sprutt series micro-letter promotion, combined with video images and other media forms. Micro-media advertising design integrates a variety of media forms, dynamic images and voice transport ideas and feelings, with the image of the rhythm and temperament, directly to the audience's visual auditory organs. The setting of the play button in the advertising interface is well adapted to the needs of the audience, and the button design is simple and quick to operate. Innovative micro-media advertising design is not only personalized more humane. Micro-media advertising reception platform is based on mobile phones, tablet computers, such as mobile terminals, in order to avoid mobile phone screen too small, IKEA home new products to promote the design of information, follow the slide reading habits, information vertical expansion. The interface color Harmony unifies, the graph color and the background color relations handles properly, the screen topic prominent level is distinct, each page's visual information is single-minded.
The traditional advertising design and communication strategy is one-way transmission, with repeated playback, forced infusion of the way to people, the content of a single, the screen boring not only not to attract the attention of the audience, more easily to the audience to produce boredom psychology. Different from the one-way of traditional advertising, the interactive nature of micro-media advertising completely changed the traditional advertising audience passive acceptance of information.
The interactive forms of micro-media advertisement are various, such as stealing red envelopes, drifting bottles and so on. Pizza Hut 2015 White Valentine's Day launched the "mobile phone shake a shake" activities, users click the link to enter the "Shake a Shake" interface, shaking the mobile phone randomly appeared a half-price package, if not satisfied can continue to shake until to find a suitable package. Compared with Pizza Hut TV commercials, the same is a half-price package, this intelligent interactive form of advertising can not only better attract the attention of the audience, but also effectively avoid the audience to produce boredom.
When a micro-media advertisement is released, audiences can interact through comments or comment functions. This interaction is not only the interaction between audience and advertisement, but also the interaction between audience and advertisers and audience and audience. Of course, advertisers to receive feedback from the audience, the ads or products to adjust, in turn to meet the needs of the audience, so as to achieve the goal of mutual benefit.
The traditional advertising cycle is restricted by the distribution cycle of traditional media, the process of examination and approval is complex, it needs a series of audit to meet with the audience, limited by time and space. Micro-media advertising is not limited by time and space, can be based on social hotspots and trends in time to publish ads. For example, the 2014 World Cup, contact Food signed Brazil national team, the World Cup gossip as a breakthrough point, in contact with the food official micro-blog launched the "Contact grilled West Team" activities, 32 days each day will be based on the timely upload update a cartoon poster, continuous deep digging World Cup interesting news. Not only has the brand successfully participated in it, during the World Cup always keep the heat, but also let the fans and brand interaction. Thanks to the flexibility of micro-media advertising, combined with other activities launched by the food industry, it has become the biggest black horse in World Cup marketing. In addition, the flexibility of micro-media advertising can now detect advertising effects, advertisers can collect the feedback information of users by means of technology, and through the statistics and analysis of the feedback information, grasp the attitude and suggestion of the advertisement in time, delete and update the content and form of the advertisement at any time, so as to make the advertisers achieve more rapid and efficient marketing.
Although the traditional advertising is also aimed at some groups, but the scope of the larger, targeted, popular trend is obvious, the common form of popular advertising has always let consumers feel independent of their own advertising, it is difficult to arouse the attention of consumers and the interest and motivation to accept. It is easy to result in general advertising effect, serious waste of advertising resources and other phenomena. Micro-media release a lot of content and information, most of them need to be customized or subscribe to the user, objectively achieve the ads to reach users and advertising needs of the user overlap, improve the arrival rate of advertising, increase the targeted advertising, to avoid the waste of advertising resources.
In addition, according to the amount of clicks and the length of the data analysis, advertisers can clearly know which ads the individual consumers are interested in and which ads are not interested. Then the content and form of the ads targeted to design, according to the audience to publish different content ads, the ads accurately to the interested target consumers, the realization of advertising information on a one-to-one release.
Micro-Media Advertising design unique innovative design, interactive design, flexibility design and targeted design, can adapt to different product advertising needs, especially in micro-media advertising design performance most prominent, advertising content into people's clothing, food, housing, and many aspects of the line. For example, Tianjin Bar barbecue first brand ―― old boat bar, in the micro-trust public platform to do the advertising design not only integrates a variety of media forms and interactive forms, more importantly, its flexible electronic point meals and targeted member services. Micro-media has opened the O2O mode of consumption, micro-media advertising design has brought people a new experience of advertising.
Micro-media in the background of the micro-era adapt to the changes of the Times, the development of rapid, with its unique advantages and favored, micro-media advertising has been more and more people in the field of widespread concern. With the gradual improvement and development of micro-media functions, micro-media as a newcomer in the future will occupy an important position in the media sector, become the most influential media forms. The advertisement design based on micro-media is more and more accepted and recognized by more and more people with the incomparable innovation, interactivity, flexibility and pertinence of traditional advertisement, which will become the most valuable form of advertisement with the popularization and development of micro-media.