

Assignment代写:Carbon emission issues

2017-12-28 15:42:27 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Carbon emission issues,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了碳排放问题。学术界认为森林、海洋吸收二氧化碳的能力是有限的,只能吸收人类活动新增排放的很小一部分。但这种看法是错误的,人类活动产生的碳排放和自然界本来已有的碳循环总量相比只占很小的一部分。但无论如何,人们应该想办法减少碳排放,以减缓温室效应。

Human carbon emissions are mainly derived from the use of fossil fuels and other industrial production. Carbon emissions from coal, natural gas, oil and cement accounted for 39.2%, 17.2%, 40.5% and 3.1% of the cumulative emissions in total emissions over 1960-2012 years. The 2012 ratio was 42.8%, 19%, 33% and 5.2% in turn. From the above data, carbon emissions from fossil fuel energy production and utilization accounted for 2/3 of emissions, so the general view was that the way to reduce carbon emissions was to reduce fossil fuel consumption.

Energy is the foundation of economic growth, and all developing countries face the dilemma of developing economies and coping with and mitigating climate change. Under existing ideas and technical conditions, reducing carbon emissions means they have to bear the huge cost of slowing or even stalling. It doesn't make sense in both reality and morality. It is especially difficult for China. Even with more aggressive energy policies, including increasing the proportion of clean energy sources such as renewables and oil and gas, China's coal consumption still accounted for about 60% per cent by 2020.​

This assignment will make a new analysis of the current situation of carbon emission, put forward series of innovation theory to reduce carbon emissions, increase carbon fixation, and use the resource efficiently to ensure the market power of the whole process of emission reduction, to achieve sustainable carbon resource recycling and economic low-carbon development.

Now academics believe that forests and oceans have limited capacity to absorb carbon dioxide, only a small fraction of the new emissions from human activity. But in fact, the carbon emissions generated by human activity are only a small fraction of the total amount of carbon cycle already available in nature. Carbon dioxide emissions to the environment in the process of soil carbon respiration are 3000~5000 billion tonnes, which is 8~10 times the annual carbon emissions of about 50 billion tonnes. In 2010, this ratio was 12~16 times. The fact that the carbon dioxide emissions generated by deforestation in the world each year are comparable to the emissions from fossil fuel combustion in the same period can also prove this view

We also know that, whether terrestrial plants or aquatic plants or algae, are carbohydrates, the vast majority of plant carbon is the only source is carbon dioxide, plants each generation of 1kg dry matter will consume carbon dioxide about 1.6kg. In the process of soilless culture plants, as long as the nutrient solution has a small amount of necessary inorganic salts, do not require any organic matter, that is, do not require carbon, you can fully guarantee the normal growth and development of plants. So why does organic manure in the process of food crops grow and develop? Its function is mainly the organic matter under the microorganism action decomposition produces the carbon dioxide and the heat. Without organic manure, crops do not grow but grow badly, and the reason is that there is not enough carbon dioxide for efficient photosynthesis. The experimental results show that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the ambient atmosphere of human production is about 100~2000ppm, and crop yield increases with the increase of carbon dioxide concentration. If the carbon dioxide concentration drops to 50ppm, photosynthesis will stop. In the production practice, it is found that the greenhouse carbon dioxide gas in the greenhouse is accumulated by the plant respiration and the decomposition of soil organic matter, reaching a high level, usually between the 600~1500ppm before sunrise, after sunrise, the crops begin to photosynthesis, and the carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouses drops rapidly, if there is not sufficient supplement 2 hours or so carbon dioxide concentrations will fall below 100ppm, crops in the carbon dioxide starvation!

It is generally believed that the most suitable carbon dioxide concentration of plant photosynthesis is 800~1500ppm, spraying carbon dioxide in the greenhouse, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air from the field average concentration of 200ppm to 1200ppm, that is to reach or close to the concentration of carbon dioxide in our office, The growth rate and yield of different varieties of crops increased 60%~200%. In other words, increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide can greatly improve the conditions of plant photosynthesis, promote photosynthesis, improve plant nutrient synthesis and processing. Of course, it also means that plants have multiplied their ability to fix carbon dioxide.

Obviously, the main carbon sources of natural plants are not provided by human activity, and the carbon that plants absorb and reuse comes mainly from the decomposition of the organic matter in the surrounding soil, releasing carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide that comes through air convection and diffusion is only a small proportion. Even if the carbon dioxide concentration in the Earth's atmosphere rises by 50%, from 280ppm to about 380ppm, it is still difficult to change the plant's photosynthesis significantly. Therefore, it is impracticable to increase the environmental carbon sequestration capacity by increasing the area of aquatic and terrestrial plants.

We have been to several chemical plants to investigate, this factory usually has a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions, the scale of dozens of, hundreds of tons of carbon emissions per hour. Communication, the factory's friends are invariably mentioned a phenomenon, factory built in just a few years, the surrounding small environment, microclimate has changed greatly, no special intervention for artificial, barren land quickly become lush, favorable weather. It is very easy for plants to grow and develop. We analyzed that this should be carbon dioxide "gas fertilizer" played an "unexpected" role.

Therefore, we boldly put forward a conclusion: the natural plant carbon sinks potential is enormous, far greater than the human activities generated emissions. Forest vegetation destruction can lead to rapid increase in carbon emissions, and the carbon fixation effect of planting trees and grasses is slow and long-term. The use, impact and recovery of carbon cycles to address carbon emissions is far more effective than reducing fossil fuel consumption, chemical use of carbon dioxide, direct physical storage and storage, and increasing forest vegetation area absorption.

Let's capture the new carbon emissions as much as possible, transported to the sea, forests, grasslands, farmland, warm shed, resulting in a substantial increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide, the impact of charcoal respiration, carbon cycling process, so that the role of plant carbon sequestration multiplied, but also promote the rapid growth of plants, crop production also increased significantly. To achieve low carbon, reduce emissions, increase efficiency and win the situation.

We also need to analyze the historical causes of the large amount of carbon emissions produced by the process of human industrialization. Even today, emissions of carbon dioxide are taken for granted in the industrial sector and in people's daily lives. Environmental assessment of the time, the emissions if there is no special compounds, such as sulfide, nitrogen oxides, dust to achieve clean emissions standards, emissions contain carbon dioxide, water vapor, heat is in fact the local environment of air growth and interference, will also affect local environmental indicators, should also be dealt with.

Every boiler has chimneys, carbon emissions become a habit after burning coal, but a careful analysis of the coal combustion process is a chemical reaction process that produces nearly 4 times the weight of carbon dioxide while releasing the heat of combustion. Emissions of carbon dioxide is actually more valuable than the heat released by the burning process of resources, the current market wholesale price per ton up to 500~800 yuan, Taobao retail price reached 10,000 yuan per ton. The value of chemical products is 2~3 times higher than the energy released, people have long been caught burning heat this "sesame", throwing the burning chemical products This "watermelon." This result also has its historical reasons, backward for decades, the smoke of carbon dioxide can hardly be recycled, recycled, and there is no much use, people did not reduce the environmental pressure of carbon emissions. But today is completely different, the technology of recycling flue gas carbon dioxide is ripe, the cost of recycling is low, recycled carbon dioxide is widely used. It has also been recognized that carbon emissions are harmful to the environment, and that the time has come to deal with carbon emissions thoroughly and to address the issue of carbon emissions as a fundamental solution to carbon emissions.

Let us make another suggestion for the widespread use of coal, the fuel and gas process is reformed so that every boiler, every combustion device, works like a chemical plant's reaction equipment, using both the heat released by the combustion reaction and the chemical products produced by the chemical reaction to "eat up the value of the fossil", While reducing the environmental pollutant emission, realize the substantial increase of the benefit, realize the organic unification of Low-carbon, emission reduction and efficiency.

We also remind that for those who build chemical companies that are far away from the city, a large number of carbon-emitting enterprises, perhaps not necessary for carbon capture, as long as the surrounding small environment to strengthen plant cultivation, I believe that soon as the chemical enterprises mentioned above, through the "production and production of carbon emissions", on the spot to achieve low-cost, efficient, Environmentally friendly carbon fixation. Carbon-emitting enterprises and carbon-emitting equipment, which do not have a large amount of vegetation around to achieve carbon sequestration, should strengthen carbon capture, carbon recovery, through urban capture, space transfer of field emissions, winter traps, time shifts in summer emissions, with the photosynthesis of green plants, achieve carbon fixation efficiently, and achieve direct and Indirect creation of new economic benefits.

At present, the industrial field of carbon emissions are relatively easy to capture, trapping many methods, each one ton of carbon dioxide to capture the cost of about 100 yuan or lower. But in recent years, there is little breakthrough in the resource utilization of carbon emission, the reason is that the theory of theory is obsolete, the concept innovation and theoretical innovation need to be carried out in order to completely change the present situation of the utilization of carbon emission resources. This paper will start with dry ice as a kind of power conversion medium, and discuss the innovation of the utilization of carbon emission resources.

Over the years, countless scientists have tried to turn carbon dioxide back into some kind of "fuel." Almost all of these people are in the chemical reverse reaction of the fuss. But such a process, all is the need for energy, to achieve combustion reverse reaction is also very difficult, and in addition to consider the use of solar energy, simulation of plant photosynthesis, even if the reverse reaction, can only be a high grade energy storage can be released, the loss of the candle.

In recent years, we have made a further understanding of the working principle of the heat engine and put forward the idea of "let the engine cool down". The nature of the heat engine is caused by thermal expansion of the medium, work, heating is the means, the expansion of pressurization is the purpose. People should not be the Heat engine working temperature section rigid, fixed in from room temperature to high temperature, and from low temperature to room temperature will also cause a certain medium temperature, expansion, push the piston, turbine blade movement work, will be room temperature, low temperature of the same energy into mechanical energy.

Carbon dioxide is a very magical substance, at atmospheric pressure, it can be -78.5℃ ultra-low temperature, solid form of "dry ice" exists, to about 10 atmospheric pressure environment, carbon dioxide will become liquid flow easy to transport. Dry ice as a working medium, you can absorb the use of environmental medium air, water heat gasification, if limited to a closed container, you can get dozens of atmospheric pressure at ambient temperature carbon dioxide gas. This high-pressure, ambient carbon dioxide gas can completely promote the pneumatic machinery output power work. Since the principle of the heat engine has not changed, the engine also needs no big changes, only need to improve the existing car, you can make the original consumption of fuel, working in the High-temperature temperature section of the engines, instead of using ultra-low temperature working quality, pry dynamic environmental heat participation, so that the cylinder produces the same size expansion pressure to promote the piston, Let the engine continue to work at ambient temperature.

Before the transformation, the car was carrying an energy substance, inhaled without the need to pay the ambient air, heat released after the combustion to allow the reaction of the mixed gas heating up, expansion, high pressure and high temperature gas expansion potential in the engine into kinetic energy, driving the vehicle movement, the work after the waste heat of the high temperature exhaust gas is discharged into the environment; The car is with ultra-low temperature working medium dry ice, through the heat exchanger, absorption does not need to pay the temperature of the air heat, vaporization, gasification, heating up expansion, and finally high-pressure carbon dioxide gas at ambient temperature to promote the operation of the engine, driving the vehicle movement, the expansion of the release of the internal energy after the This process has been validated in the experiment. Preliminary estimates, let the engine output the same power consumption of the "working medium" volume is the original fuel consumption of 5~8 times, and the overall cost is nearly one-third of the use of fuel, the equivalent of a return to the steam engine era, the difference is that the refrigerant from water into dry ice, the source of heat is not dependent on coal It is taken from ambient air or water.

The modified experiment also noted that dry ice first gasification process, in fact, is a endothermic process, that is, a cooling process, is a very good "cold source", can provide power at the same time, for refrigeration, refrigeration transport equipment to provide a large amount of cold, for freezing seawater desalination equipment to provide high-quality cold source. After doing work, the gas temperature decreases again as the internal energy decreases, and reaches -50℃ or lower, and can be used as cold source output cooling again.

For the transformation of agricultural machinery, in the provision of power at the same time, dry ice gasification after the carbon dioxide has become a crop of gas fertilizer, reducing the cost of agricultural machinery, reduce the consumption of petrochemical fuel, back to crops, farmland with gas fertilizer, one count.

When using fuel to burn heat in winter, a new type of boiler that can reclaim dry ice is used to reclaim carbon dioxide from the flue gas, and the process of making dry ice also achieves high efficiency and maximum recovery and reuse of fuel combustion heat. No plants in winter, should be stored in dry ice; in the summer, the use of dry ice endothermic refrigeration, gasification of high-pressure carbon dioxide gas to promote the steam turbine output power generation, the ultimate emission of low-pressure carbon dioxide gas into the summer plant gas fertilizer, the realization of carbon resources across time, the efficient use of space, comprehensive utilization.


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2017-12-28 15:42:11 | 日記

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Paper代写:Saussure's Linguistics

2017-12-28 15:41:51 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Saussure's Linguistics,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了索绪尔的语言学。索绪尔是法国瑞士语言学家,现代语言学理论的奠基者,被称为现代语言学之父。索绪尔将语法定为语言学史的第一阶段,语法定为语言学史的第一阶段。在索绪尔看来,不涉及一定历史条件下的语言运用,只研究语言本身的话,他将群体语言分为整体语言和个体语言。其中,在整体语言中又分为整体语言和抽象整体语言,并且整本语言学教程都是根据这几点构成框架而展开。

Ferdinand De Sol, a French-Swiss linguist, the founder of modern linguistics, is called the father of modern linguistics, and he has shaped linguistics into an independent discipline that has had a tremendous impact on world linguistics. Saussure's linguistics also becomes "Saussure", which is based on the distinction between language and speech, and studies language.

Saussure defined grammar as the first stage in the history of linguistics. The ancient Greek philosophers put language analysis and philosophy research together, to draw grammar and logic, so far we also have firsthand experience, such as we learn Western English grammar and logic are inseparable. From Herman Steithal in 1864, the publication of the history of Greek and Roman languages, with special regard for logic, to Plato to distinguish between sentences with static words and two elements of verbs, the predicate is expounded in the book of the Wise, and the Kraderu chapter contains nouns and verbs until Aristotle puts forward the name of "the verb" is gradually perfected by the logic and grammar focusing on the main speech and the predicate and the name verbs. Among them, Aristotle thought that noun is "because of the common sense of a certain meaning, and time independent of the voice."

The second stage of the history of linguistics is philology. Philology is a completely different and profound language, which refers to the differences between linguistics and philology, linguistics only studies the language itself, and does not involve the use of language under certain historical conditions. In the Bu Grime of the origin of language, the classical literature, which focuses on language habits, poetic art and content, has achieved little success in basic morphology. Nowadays, philology is the means and tool of school-setting and training-releasing, which has the historical age. For example, in the history of Chinese Traditional philology, "Ye" has become the word "you" as we speak today, including all the problems related to the language function and the life history of the people who speak the language.

In Saussure's view, language use, which does not involve certain historical conditions, only studies the language itself, he divides the group language into the whole language and individual language. The whole language is divided into whole language and abstract whole language, and the whole linguistics course is based on these several frame.

What is the difference between language and rationality? Does the logic dominate or is the grammar dominant?

"In the first place, the grammar, which was pioneered by the Greeks, was invariably inherited by the French, and it never looked at the whole grammar itself in a philosophical perspective, and it had an important relationship with logic," he said. All traditional grammars are normative and, in other words, governed by preconceived notions of good rules, and distinguish between some supposedly correct group language and other supposedly erroneous group languages, beginning with the abandonment of a holistic view of the overall language phenomenon. "Ferdinand de saussure:cours de liuguisique generale,premier et troisieme cours, French text by the Japanese Pine English-assisted editor, the Japanese Institute of Learning 1993, 181th page." And Saussure believes that all the rules of the grammar, the so-called correct or not, but most people think of the standard. Therefore, the language, the rationality and the logic, also became the egg raw chicken, the chicken egg-laying problem.

In Rashid's point of view element study, "people ... When he turned back to himself and began to reflect, he set the rules for his own judgment, that is, logic, the rule for his words was grammar, and the rule for his desires, which was ethics. According to Trachy's point of view, the language itself is a set of rules, people comply with the rules, there is a normative, there will be the so-called language, human beings can communicate, in order to progress, in fact, in the rules of the formation of the language of the process is rational, the answer is self-evident. Therefore, the first stage of linguistics history-grammar, not the real meaning of linguistics.

The whole "Saussure's third course of general linguistics" is a concrete and clear framework, because the group language is not unified and cannot be classified, so saussure divides the language into the whole language and the individual language. And "Language study language" is the center of the book, fully embodies the language is the form, not the essence, this is also a well-known point of view of linguistics researchers, we enter a symbolic system from the inside to study the language, there is the concept of signifier and referred to. At the same time, because language is formed only to express people's cognition, concept and imagination, so from the beginning of human society, the name called language is assigned to different things, so that between the concept and the symbol, between the signifier and the finger to achieve a written contract, that is, can refer to and refer to the two elements of the symbol respectively, It is also one of the two sides of language symbol, which is opposite and indivisible. In order to better distinguish the signifier from the signifier in the whole language, Saussure's auditory and conceptual terms are explained separately.

Ability refers to the nature of time, is in the historical dimension of people's auditory response, and the existence of the signifier to reflect the voice of the heart of the imprint, that is, can mean in essence is arbitrary. In short, it is also the meaning of language itself, which is the concept that people reflect things through language.

For the invariance and variability of a symbol, whatever the signifier is, it is arbitrary for the concept it represents, and has the freedom to be replaced by another. Relatively speaking, the symbol is not free, human society imposed on the concept of symbols to express, profoundly reflects people's forced selectivity of language, it seems that symbols can be arbitrarily changed, but because of the large number of symbols to form a language, change is almost impossible. In the passage of the motion, it is mentioned that the historical factors of history have completely dominated the language, excluding any general and sudden change, "any nation, in general, is satisfied with the language it accepts, in the form of deposition in the brains of everyone who is so gathering, and when it participates in every moment of everyone, Because it is constantly receiving the influence of people, it is enough to explain to him that the revolution is impossible, according to this historical factor, interpretation of the symbol of the immutability is completely understandable. At the same time, Saussure pointed out that the variability of symbolic deformation, because of the continuity of the symbol itself, the choice of the change is based on the principle of continuity.

Sopur that "language" and "speech" together constitute a speech activity. For the two parts of the verbal activity that were taken apart, Saussure elaborated separately, language is the social part in the speech activity, it is not subject to the individual will, it is the society member altogether, but the speech is the part which is controlled by the individual will in the communication activity, it has the personal pronunciation, uses the word, the consciousness and so on the characteristic, The whole language provides the elements of speech, that is, the elements of speech are extracted from the whole as the individual language to use and express, and the language has become the speech, personalized, so that the language can not be separated from the existence of words.

Just as the ancient Greek philosophers put linguistic analysis and philosophical research together, the "language" and "speech" proposed by "Saussure's doctrine" can also be explained in the view of commonness and individuality in philosophy. Generality determines the basic nature of things, and points out the universality of different things. In the same way, language determines the social part of speech activity, so that people can have common and acceptable parts, so that it can be used to communicate emotion and speech activities, thus become the pillar of social promotion. Individuality, refers to the special nature of a thing different from other things, reveals the difference between things, it is difficult to find the so-called law. Speech is the expression of personal color and thought in communication activities, and it is not necessarily that everyone understands and digests, thus accomplishing the mission of making differences between things. Philosophy also points out that under certain conditions, commonness and individuality can be transformed into each other, and when the words were first put forward, they were not recognized by people, that is to say, any personality can not be completely included in the common, but after the baptism of time history, in the speech activities gradually become an essential language of communication, It becomes a language that is accepted and used by the mass population. In this, speech is a relatively conditional existence.



Paper代写:The hint line in the art of painting

2017-12-28 15:41:35 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The hint line in the art of painting,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了绘画艺术中的暗示线。在绘画艺术中,有一种隐性的线,我们称之为暗示线。这种线本身不存在于画面当中,但是通过画面中一些其他因素的关联,可以为我们所感受到。因此,暗示线是存在于我们的视知觉中的。这种线不像显性线那样,本身具有造型和审美功能,但是也有着平衡构图和揭示画面意义的功能。

In the art of graphic painting, line is one of the most basic elements, and the point and surface constitute the basis of visual effects. However, in addition to these can be seen, does exist in the picture of the dominant line, there is a class of hidden lines often do not arouse people's attention, but in the revelation of the meaning of painting and balance of the relationship between the picture also plays a pivotal role, that is implied line. Based on the concrete examples, this paper analyzes the causes of the implied line and its role in the picture, and further points out that the meaning of the understanding hint line for appreciating an artistic work.

In the art of painting, lines can be divided into two categories. A dominant line, such as an edge line, a structural line, or a decorative line. This kind of line not only plays the role of helping the modelling, itself also has the esthetic significance. For example, in the abstract art works of kangding, the characteristics of the line and the combination of the form itself has a visual aesthetic significance. In Chinese painting, "To line modelling" has always been the mainstream of painting ideas, such as Sengyou line with the "sharp sword," the characteristics of the GU line "such as Silkworm silk, flowing." The other is the hidden line, which we call the hint line. The line itself does not exist in the picture, but it can be felt by the connection of some other factors in the picture. Therefore, the implied line is present in our visual perception. This kind of line is not like the dominant line, itself has the modelling and the esthetic function, but also has the balanced composition and reveals the picture significance the function.

Visual perceptual habits can help us see things that don't exist. Gestalt theory studies that when the information from the human perception into the brain, the brain began a variety of analysis and collation of the work, the information is structured so that it can be understood to form a certain pattern. In this particular process, Gestalt psychology is produced, and it can help the perceptual thinking of human beings. This theory holds that information must be sorted and organized in the brain to form perception. If you look at the classic example of a "nonexistent triangle", you may see a white triangle, in fact, this triangle is not a physical existence, and we see it because of the way these black lines and dark circles form. If you cover the circle, the white triangle disappears. It is there because our brains tend to complete the cues and add the missing information to form the order that it needs. This is the main reason the hint line will be perceived.

One of the main functions of the hint line is to guide the vision. In his work, Huado, a French painter in the 18th century, made use of the arrangement of men and women in love, creating a form of dotted lines. Starting with a pair of lovers sitting on the right, our eyes swam with the lithe S-shaped curve of the sketch, and finally vanished into the faint air of a young Jupiter in the distance. West Moss Island is a sacred place of love in myths and legends. In France, the name of the painting is rather vague, we do not know whether these lovers go to this place or come back from this place, do not know whether they are sailing to their happiness or out of this happiness. Hua is good at depicting aristocratic men and women gathered together in the woods to love the scene. However, this kind of picture often reveals a faint feeling of sadness. Here, Hua more cleverly used this hint line to connect this picture, our vision near to the distance, showing the west of the Island of Love Holy Land of great significance to people.

The guiding clues we follow in our lives can also create suggestive lines. When a person suddenly stops in the street and then looks up, other passers-by will stop to look up and follow the visual line. When a person points to a direction, we automatically look in the direction we are pointing. In Raphael's "Madonna on the Grass," three characters were arranged in a triangular composition, one at the top of the mother's head, the other on her extended right foot, and the third on the knee of the child kneeling on the left. Below this large triangle there is a smaller, implied triangle. The sight of the Virgin and the sight of two children combined the composition, and then directed the eye of the viewer to the most important figure in the picture-the Holy Baby Jesus. The Virgin cast her gaze down upon John the Baptist, and John turned his gaze upward toward Jesus, creating a triangular visual flow. As the viewer, we naturally follow the visual line inside the picture, just as we encounter someone looking up in the street and looking up.

Besides the function of visual guidance, the hint line can effectively reveal the meaning of the picture if it is used skillfully. For example, in Raphael's work, which is analyzed above, the hint line plays a function of emphasizing the meaning of the picture in addition to the rhythm of forming a stable composition and inner visual flow. In Christianity, Jesus as the Son of God, in lieu of human suffering, is the embodiment of love. In Raphael's composition, the young Jesus was placed in the middle of the picture, and Raphael used these visual cues to guide our gaze. The mother's eyes looked down at John, and John's eyes looked up at Jesus. Our sight also naturally follows the eyes of these two people, focusing on the most important figure in Jesus ' image and the most important person in the whole of Christianity. It is through the ingenious use of the hint line in the picture, to complete this clever revelation of the meaning of the picture.

Another typical example is the Nonomura Sotatsu of the Japanese Edo period, the Zen priest Choka. The composition of the ink painting is very bold. The parts of the form are placed so far left that they are largely invisible. Sotatsu relies on visual cues to balance composition and reveal meaning. We naturally looked at the monk sitting in the tree, which was all that could be seen. Then we looked down at the blank space with his eyes. The idea of empty meditation is a Zen practice, and this wonderful painting reveals it clearly. Our eyes kept on seeing the monk, and he kept pushing us to the blank note. Artistic conception is an important standard of outstanding works of art, not only related to the content of the work, but also related to its expression form. Here, the hint of the monk's eyes plays a decisive role in the picture mood.

The expression of the meaning of the picture is not only the theme it describes, but also the way it is expressed. And the way they are expressed depends on the human visual perception. On the one hand, we feel the color of the picture and the impact of the form on the visual, on the other hand, we also think from the concept of the object depicted, schemata. The hint line can visually take our attention to the most important concept of the picture, can skillfully combine the two, further point and strengthen the meaning of the picture.

In appreciating an art work, as the viewer, we actually carry on the very complex psychological activity. And these psychological activities are mostly by the visual design of paintings and visual effects of a kind of associative imagination. The dominant line in the painting works gives us a visual sensation, whether it is contour lines, structural lines in the shape of the visual experience to us, or a variety of real lines of their own texture, size, thickness of the formation of the changes in the form of aesthetic visual effects, are we can visually observe. However, we must also consciously note those implicit lines, which sometimes play a crucial role in balancing the relationship between the picture and revealing the meaning of the painting. As a connoisseur, we must consciously interpret its role. As the creator of the subject, the artist also needs to understand the special role of these hint lines and skillfully apply them to their artistic creations to enrich their artistic works. In short, the hint line as an extremely secretive means of expression, is very specific and ingenious, it is in the art of the charm is irreplaceable.



Essay代写:Logic Philosophy and philosophical logic

2017-12-28 15:27:08 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Logic Philosophy and philosophical logic,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了逻辑哲学与哲学逻辑。逻辑是时代哲学的独特标志,对语言哲学的风格有着很大的影响,还为形而上学、心智哲学以及元伦理学等的发展提供了基本的框架和丰富的资源,极大促进哲学分支的进步和发展。但同时,逻辑也在一定程度上受到哲学的制约,两者间存在极为复杂的关系。

Logic, as a unique symbol of the philosophy of the Times, not only directly influences the style of the philosophy of language, but also provides the basic framework and abundant resources for the development of metaphysics, mind philosophy and meta ethics. Even logic plays a role as a neutral arbiter in the development of philosophy. Since the 20th century, modern logic has provided rigorous analytical techniques for the development of most branches of philosophy and promoted the progress and development of the branch of philosophy. But at the same time, logic is restricted to some extent by philosophy, such as logic must rely on the basic presupposition of philosophy, and many logic systems have profound metaphysical background. This essay begins with the philosophical aspects of logic and the logic of philosophy, and correctly understands the dynamic, complex and diverse relationship between logic and philosophy.

As an ancient discipline, logic originated from ancient China, ancient India and Ancient Greece. With the continuous development of human society, with the continuous improvement of people's cognitive level, as well as the emergence and rapid development of science and technology, logic has also been developed rapidly, and is constantly improving and innovating, and gradually divided from the philosophy, and gradually formed a very large, advanced discipline system. This makes the discussion about the application and reflection of logic in philosophy, and the development of logic philosophy and philosophy logic has attracted the attention of many logics.

As a new subject, the main purpose of logic philosophy is to reflect positively on some problems in modern logic. Therefore, the primary prerequisite of learning logic philosophy is to understand the main characteristics of modern logic. The development of modern logic is mainly embodied in the development of symbolic logic, that is, the development of mathematical logic. Traditional logic takes natural language as the main tool language, while the main tool language of mathematical logic is symbolic language. The most basic part of mathematical logic is the first-order logic, which is the most valuable part of mathematical logic in everyday thinking, and is closely related to the traditional logics. The main characteristics of first-order logic are as follows: mainly embodied in the processing of words and propositions, that is only to consider the extension of words or propositions, in the study of the true value of the proposition, only the truth or truth value false, usually the first-order logic that a proposition only exists in the case of untrue or false; When studying quantifiers of first-order predicate logic, It is considered that all quantifiers have practical meanings and there are no empty words.

The logic of philosophy arose in the early 20th century, and it is also an emerging discipline system. At present, the concrete meaning of philosophy logic, whether it is a logic or a philosopher, has a different understanding. Specifically divided into the following three kinds: Feng. Wright and the other logics, such as Levin, think that "logic" is the subject of philosophical logic, and that, fundamentally speaking, philosophical logic is only a few nonclassical logic systems, such as modal logic, multivalued logic, and so on, that philosophy logic is the logical philosophy we are talking about. While the Wolfram and Strawson and many other logics are represented, the main body of Philosophy logic is "philosophy" rather than "logic", and they also put forward that the essence of philosophy logic is the study of philosophy of logic and the philosophical problem. This is a philosophical study that can be thought of as language, the third kind of understanding, represented by Grayling and other logics, thinks that "philosophy" is the subject of philosophical logic, and the essence of philosophy logic is to put some philosophical problems in logic into a more general philosophical background.

In the past long time, the logic has occupied the important position in the philosophy development process, embodied in the following: the development of logic and philosophy has permeated and merged with each other, from the theoretical level, the intrinsic relationship between logic and philosophy has been further enhanced, and from a practical perspective, logic is more closely related to some philosophical factions. At the beginning of the 50 's, people witnessed the great changes brought about by the methodology based on logic, and the "philosophical logic" began to rise rapidly in the 60 's. However, after a brief rise, the influence of logic in philosophy begins to weaken. Some philosophical schools have begun to take a contemptuous view of logic. On the other hand, the analysis of philosophy and the internal logic positivism, there are two opposing schools, coupled with the appropriateness of formal logic and correctness of the debate, making the objective in-depth study of the relationship between logic and philosophy has become extremely important. The following mainly from the application of logic in philosophy, thinking how to correctly view the real relationship between the two.

The general development pattern of modern logic holds that the main purpose of logic is to construct the form from object language system to meta language system, which is mainly to study the meta nature of logic system and logic calculus, and also a kind of self understanding of meta logic level. This understanding is mainly embodied in the development of modern logic, which is also mathematical logic, but throughout the development of the logic of the last century, such an understanding can only exist in a certain field. And this has been a constant shift for a long time, and even now has been subjected to a reversal of checks and balances. It is embodied in the relationship between logic and some other fields as well as the analysis of the concept of logic to the relevant subject at the object level. Therefore, the development of modern logic should have a broad philosophical view of history, if the lack of insight into this trend, it is difficult to truly understand the contemporary logic of the specific meaning of philosophy.

At present, logics have divided logic into two parts, namely first-order logic and higher-order logic. Such a division of the model from the big direction and there is no problem, there are certain reasons. But we must prevent the misunderstanding caused by the logical division. The study shows that such a method of division not only reveals the problem but may obscure the problem. For example, some of the current philosophical branches of logic always blindly imitate the geographical coordinates of some philosophies, when thinking about problems, they often framed themselves in an established mode of thinking, but neglected the consistency of some sub subjects and methodologies, which greatly weakened the logical dimension and philosophical dimension of the problem discussion. In general, the logic family is regarded as a family of the form system of logic and propositional logic including modal logic, higher order logic and first order predicate. However, if the view of formal systems is one-sided into a fixed class of processing mode, that is to say, all processes are incorporated into the system framework, so that those issues that should be considered in a broader context are confined to a particular form of system, and ultimately the philosophical depth of those issues addressed will be further weakened. In addition, the problems of logic philosophy that have greater relevance to the same form system, such as the ontology-related commitment of Quine in the context of first-order variable, and the question of the combination of meaning, have not yet been convincing to all. Some logics have struggled to break the pattern of such a system to discuss the problem, from the point of view, although it lacks the definition of general recursion and the best lexical expression of monotone inference, however, as long as it is known that some concepts are transcendental to a particular form system, and the study of such problems is a kind of way of cross system, This has a deeper understanding of the philosophy of logic and a greater progress.

Different from the application of mechanics in technology, the logic function of related logics is more indirect when applied to philosophical problems. The related logic provides a formal system, which facilitates accurate communication and optimizes the processing of philosophical discourse. Sometimes, logic is used to analyze traditional philosophical argumentation and make new exposition. The reality is that logic is less concerned with the meaning of the obtained conclusions, but philosophy is to seek the use of the logic program in order to solve the problem. Philosophy pays more attention to the conclusion, but the logic is to examine the procedure, and the philosophy is more open and the logic is to emphasize some specific formal rules. After a logical process, the relevant philosophical topics will be more enlightening and have a clearer and more transparent structure, and the original problems will disappear, and may in a new way make the change of meaning more subtle or more acute and urgent. Effective analysis through logical form facilitates the effective display of those problems which have not been observed before, and further analogies with such problems and concepts.

Logic is a unique symbol of the philosophy of the Times, which has great influence on the style of the philosophy of language, and also provides the basic framework and abundant resources for the development of metaphysics, mind philosophy and meta ethics, which greatly promotes the progress and development of the branch of philosophy. But at the same time, logic is restricted by philosophy to some extent, and there is a very complicated relationship between them. With the continuous development and perfection of modern logic, logic and modern philosophy are more and more penetrating and promoting, so the relationship between logic philosophy and philosophical logic becomes very necessary.

