

美国作业代写:William morris decoration design style

2017-12-25 16:54:33 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- William morris decoration design style,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了威廉·莫里斯的装饰设计风格。威廉・莫里斯作为一名英国的设计师,被称为“现代设计之父”。其围绕“红屋”进行的与社会理想相关的艺术设计活动,对工艺美术运动以及现代设计都影响深远。其“红屋”的设计,不管是自然的装饰动机,还是吸收自然主义的装饰纹案,都体现了莫里斯强烈的自然主义风格特征。

Morris, a British designer, is known as the "Father of modern design". The artistic design activities related to the social ideal surrounding the "red House" have far-reaching influence on the Arts and Crafts movement and modern design. This paper discusses the characteristics of Morris design style by analyzing the decoration of "Red House" architecture. The architectural decoration of "Red House" was an exploratory design work at that time, which embodies the strong naturalistic style of Morris. Morris's exploration and admiration of Naturalism provides a useful form for the later arts and Crafts movement.

Morris is known as "the father of modern design", and he is also an artist, writer, poet and social activist. He was born in a wealthy middle-class family in Britain and received a good education since his childhood. Influenced by the thought of John Laskin, he became very interested in medieval Gothic architecture and the beauty of nature, so he began to study architecture and to apprentice Stride architectural design firm, renowned for its Gothic style. Morris was also a supporter of Raphael's predecessor, who tried to be a painter, painting in the "Raphael's Front" circle. Then in the "Red House" period to give up painting, practical development and social ideal practice related to artistic creation activities. The design activities of the "Red House" period are of great significance to Morris's personal and artistic movement and even the modern design.​

Morris's important turn in life began in 1859 with the combination of Jane Borden, the famous model of Raphael's former school. Because the marriage needed to use the marriage room, and the building of Morris was not satisfied with the entire London market, the tedious Victorian style building, so he decided to design his own marriage room, and also invited friends-architects Philippe Vebery involved in the design and construction. After the new house was completed, there was a very nice name-"Red House". After the advent of the "Red House", in 1861, 27-Year-old Morris and his friends set up Morris,marshall,faulkner and company, engaged in furniture, textiles, stained glass and commodity design and production. The emergence of MMF can be seen as the early stage of the "Arts and Crafts Movement", and the Red House is the main base of MMF.

Morris treated life with an artistic eye. He once said, "Don't put something in your house that you think is useful but not beautiful." "He believes that in life both China and America should be combined with practicality." Morris's design theory can be summed up as: first, the art of no size, advocating the high degree of unity of technology and art. He believes that the combination of artists and craftsmen to create a perfect product, the main part of the art should be practical art. Second, the design is for the public service. He said: "The real art I understand is the happy expression of man in labor, the creation and serving of the people, and the pleasure for the creator and the user." "This kind of socialism cognition is extremely valuable at that time, also has laid the thought foundation for the later modernism development." Third, the design of materials to conform to their natural nature, the design of the work of the shape and its use of the same purpose. He believes that all art is rooted in craftsmanship. Four, emphasis on the integrity of the design, that indoor objects should be wallpaper, carpets and architectural design style of unity, harmony.

"Red House" is located in London, the red brick building is based on Morris and Weber are very popular British architecture for the prototype to build, it was quite different from the tedious Victorian style that prevailed at the time: The house was designed as a U-shaped structure, opened everywhere, emphasized asymmetrical design, and the red brick wall was exposed to the outside, hence the name "Red House". Its interior design is also unique, daylighting is rich, space uses high efficiency, interior decorates including furniture, wallpaper, rug, lamp and tableware and so on all by Morris personally organizes and designs. This building a complete set of decoration and life supplies left a deep impression, it became the Arts and Crafts movement of the model room and won the Gold Award.

"Red House" interior is basically red brick, mahogany color floor and wooden windows, light gray walls, gray green accessories. In the interior decoration of the Red House, Morris Most pay attention to the decoration of the wall inside the house. He has a unique view of wall decoration: you can hang a tapestry or a wallpaper on a smooth wall, or you can ask a good painter to make a mural for you, as long as it is for the purpose of pursuing beauty and not for vulgar ostentation, it will not be a luxury performance, nor will it break our golden rule. These fully reflect Morris's dislike of Victorian-era decorations and his embrace of nature and crafts. He designed the interior walls, dado, ceilings and decorative edges of different styles, and gave the social graphic design of the time to provide a wealth of artistic wallpaper patterns. In the design of the "Red House", Morris designed or helped to create a variety of decorative patterns and objects for interior space. He thought that metope decoration should be unified concise, in order to achieve the unification beautiful adornment effect, Morris the "Red House" interior wall surface divides into several levels to carry on the decoration, in order to break the 19th century popular Victorian adornment style. He will kick, dado these previously neglected elements, and eaves, ceilings as one of the decorative design. And the decoration of the wall is generally based on simple colors or printed wallpaper, and its style is based on the choice of material properties of the room and furniture. Morris put the practicality of the work first, practical and beautiful interior decoration became the "Red House" the biggest feature.

The long Victorian style spread, which led to people's aesthetic fatigue, Morris designed the "Red House" to get rid of its elaborate decorative features, decorative patterns around the nature of flowers and birds, rolls of grass design, so that people feel cordial, return to the natural pristine life, away from the noisy industrial era. For example, in the bedroom design of "Red House", the wallpaper is made up of his early design, the intricate pattern of pomegranate wallpaper, the pomegranate dense arrangement, the extension of the leaves and the color of the pomegranate colors, which vividly conveys the vitality of nature. He advocated in the interior only put the necessary furniture, not useless furnishings, so "red House" furniture simple, more choice of wood primary color material, golden bedspread and yellow curtains so that the entire space enveloped in a bright warm atmosphere. The Red House fireplace uses the exterior wall to use the red brick, the material is simple, the modelling simplicity is natural. In other interiors, the stained glass on the Red House corridor is also the focus of Morris's design. The glass depicts the natural plant and the bird pattern, is completely different from the traditional religious style thick glass painting, the "Red House" The stained glass decoration is clean concise, is relaxed sprightly, also causes the sunlight to illuminate the light to become soft.

The construction and decoration of the "Red House" is the beginning of the practice of Morris from family ideals to social ideals. This paper discusses the decorative design style of Morris from the interior decoration features of Red House. We find that, whether it is the natural decorative motives, or the absorption of naturalistic decorative pattern case, all embodies the strong naturalistic style of Morris characteristics. Morris's exploration and admiration of Naturalism provides a useful form for the later Arts and Crafts movement, and the design of "Red House" has always been a spiritual symbol to inspire designers to pursue social ideals.


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2017-12-25 16:54:16 | 日記



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2.喜欢用as far as I am concerned, I think, in my opinion等一类的表达。在口语中,偶尔加一个I think无大碍。在正式的写作中,这类表达应尽量避免,尤其不要出现诸如In my opinion, I think这样的句子,显得重复累赘。

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5.滥用also, just, so等副词。有的学生几乎每一句话都出现also这个词,恐怕源于他在中文写作中不正当使用“也”;也有学生过度使用just, 许多句子中出现不必要的just,恐怕也因在汉语表达时喜欢用“就”。


所以,依照英语习惯,一般不说 “The Effect of X on Y disease”, 最好说 “X prevents Y via … mechanism”。不说“The study of X in Y function”, 而是说明X在Y功能中到底起了什么作用。


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Paper代写:The decline of feudalism in Europe

2017-12-25 16:53:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The decline of feudalism in Europe,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了欧洲封建制度的衰落。恩格斯认为,商业的发展是促使封建制度瓦解的直接因素,其中货币起到了尤为重要的作用。由社会分工进一步促进交换,生产交换便是发现封建制度瓦解的突破口。

Friedrich Inges wrote "On the disintegration of feudalism and the generation of nation-state" in late 1884, and plans to use it as a revised version of his 1850 book, "German Peasant". Engels used the Analytic method of historical materialism to demonstrate that nation and country is a historical category, which has the natural historical process of producing, developing and disappearing. The viewpoint of Marx and Engels is not outdated, still provides the method for reference for our country's contemporary development. This paper analyzes the causes of feudalism disintegration in Western Europe from the angle of historical materialism and explores the Enlightenment to the development of contemporary China.

Engels believed that the development of business was a direct factor in the disintegration of feudalism, in which money played a particularly important role. We believe that the development of commerce must be rooted in the development of agriculture. Engels in the disintegration of feudalism and the generation of nation-state did not focus on the analysis of agricultural factors, but from the whole article, we can see that agriculture is pregnant with the seeds of advanced capitalist factors, so we try to from the agricultural factors.

"The quiet work of the oppressed class destroys feudalism throughout Western Europe and creates conditions that weaken the status of feudal." The main thing in agriculture is not the parasitic and squeezing of the nobles, but the labor of the peasants. With the development of productive forces and the continuous progress of agriculture, Engels from the beginning of the oppressed class from the internal search for contradictions with the progressive forces. Engels found the flickering point of disintegration of feudalism from the oppressed peasant class-labor. He saw the flourishing agricultural and peasant labor under the oppression of the nobles, which saw the peasants liberating their own material force.

Due to the development of labor, that is, the continuous development of productive forces, the Division of labor more clearly. From the social division of Labor to further promote the exchange, and production Exchange is the breakthrough of Marx and Engels found the disintegration of feudalism, but also the essence of Marx and Engels Historical analysis methodology, production exchange further promoted the development of commodity economy. Engels mentioned in the article: "Elsewhere, particularly within Germany, new cities have been built, medieval handicrafts developed, the initial capital accumulated, and the need for commercial interaction between cities and between cities and the outside world, and the need to protect business from one another. We can see the development of the commodity economy formed by the Division of labor, the irresistible. The social division of labor further promotes the exchange, and the production exchange is the breakthrough of Marx and Engels to discover the disintegration of feudalism.

"Here, the Citizen class has a powerful weapon against feudalism--money." Now all this has changed completely. Money has become a popular means of exchange, so the amount of money has increased greatly. A nobleman has no currency. Engels from the commodity exchange from the monetary level, analyze the objectivity of historical development, analysis of the feudal aristocracy can not live again in the dominant position, can no longer meet the needs of self-sufficiency, also can no longer grasp the economic base, thus losing the political system in the rural social basis, shaking its dominant position.

The exchange and circulation of the currency as the general equivalent is expanding day by day, the deep reason for the craze of gold is the constant enlargement of the primitive accumulation of the bourgeoisie. With the continuous development of productive forces and the continuous expansion of production exchange, currency as the general equivalent of the exchange is the largest pursuit of the new bourgeoisie, from a country to many countries, countries to the world's development has historical and objectivity, conform to the historical trend of development, from backward to advanced development. "At the end of the 15th century, the currency had corrupted and eroded feudalism from the inside, and it was clear from Western Europe that it was fascinated by the heat of gold in this period." The word gold is the mantra that drives the Spaniards across the Atlantic to America; Gold is the first thing a white man needs when he embarks on a newly discovered coast. ”

"A certain degree of world trade has developed ... The aristocracy became more and more superfluous and hindered development, while the citizens became the class that embodied the further development of production, trade, education, social system and political systems. The primitive accumulation of capital is the intrinsic essential requirement of commodity economy development. In the process of primitive accumulation of capital, we seek market, raw materials and cheap labor in various parts of the world. Therefore, Engels also saw that the exchange of goods must break through the historical inevitability of national boundaries, analyze the profound historical root of feudal can not be self-sufficient, the superstructure of feudal system gradually separated from its economic base, and had shaken.

Engels here clearly pointed out that the 15th century Western Europe for feudalism weak, the emergence of civil society, the rise of the city, money and other advanced factors have made feudal political level began to yield. However, there is another situation, because of the invasion and looting of other colonial countries, as the peasant class because of its weak, have to join the crown for help. So from the exploration and analysis of social relations naturally transferred to the national relations. "The inhabitants themselves are too weak to fulfill their desires, so they seek strong support for the entire feudal leader, the crown." Here we go from exploring social relations to exploring national relations, from economic to political. Through history we can see that the peasant class is attached to the crown of the road is a misguided, is the kingship to use civil society to consolidate their own power tools and ways, but only the use of the relationship with the use, when the use of the "extraordinary period", the civil society will, as always, by the royal and feudal system of ruthless oppression, Engels in this analysis that the civil society to seek benefits and freedom of the way if only rely on the crown will become a bubble, want to achieve the goal can only be a alternative.

While striving for freedom, the advanced forces of the emerging struggle. On the relationship between kingship and attachment, seemingly loyal soldiers have in fact a series of struggles and assassinations to seek their own freedom and value, which is the inevitable result of historical development, and has developed a vague and powerful revolutionary force for the disintegration of feudalism. "Thus, there is an endless succession of treachery, assassination, poison, conspiracy and all sorts of despicable acts which are hidden behind the wonderful name of chivalry, and do not hinder endless talk of honor and loyalty." ”

The establishment of Roman law is the climax of the political system against feudal system. As the division between the feudal jurist and the secular jurist, the new jurist has the class attribute of the citizen class, thus, the civil society grasps the powerful legal weapon which defends own interest and the benefit. Although Roman law is nominally a tool for the rule of the Crown, and to continue to squeeze farmers to provide weapons, but the essence of Roman law with the anti-feudal forces and modernity has unparalleled progress. "Moreover, the laws that they have learned, taught and applied, are, by their nature, against feudalism and in some ways civil class." "Obviously, the establishment of Roman law is a significant advance in the superstructure of the disintegration of feudalism.



Paper代写:The differences between Chinese and Russian modes of thinking

2017-12-25 16:53:42 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The differences between Chinese and Russian modes of thinking,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中俄思维方式的差异。思维是人脑的一种机能,是人对客观世界的认识活动。思维方式的不同必然影响表达思想的内容和相应的语言形式的不同。中国人重视感性直觉思维,注重实践经验,借助于直觉体会,通过知觉从总体上把握事物的内在本质和规律。而俄罗斯重视理性逻辑思维,这种思维方式具有浓厚的实证、理性和思辨的色彩。

Russia is China's longest frontier neighbour and is an important partner of China, and Russia plays an important role in international affairs. The mode of thinking of the national leaders has important influence on the national foreign policy, and different foreign policies embody different ways of thinking. The study of the differences in the mode of thinking between China and Russia is of great significance to our understanding of Russia and to the study of Russia's foreign policy. By studying Russia's foreign policy, we can establish correct policy towards Russia, develop good-neighborly relations between the two countries, and make China seize the opportunity in Sino-Russian relations. At the same time, we can predict Russia's position and analyze its action in the important international affairs, which will help our country to make the best judgment and decision.

Thinking is a function of the human brain, is a human understanding of the objective world activities. Language is the tool of thinking, thinking plays a decisive role in language, the diversity of linguistic expressions depends on different angles of thinking, and the mode of thinking is a kind of special intrinsic activity of people's brain activity, which plays an important role in people's words and deeds. The different ways of thinking inevitably affect the content of the expression thought and the corresponding language form.

The Chinese people pay attention to the whole harmony, the Chinese whole idea originates from the understanding to the nature, regard the nature as a whole to observe. The book of Zhouyi begins with the two diagrams representing the Earth's universe. It will symbolize the rest of the 64 of all things in the following, in order to heaven and earth as the criterion, the world of Truth inclusive, from the overall grasp of the universe and everything, formed a summary of the world between the worlds system, embodies a systematic view of the whole. This kind of thought has been passed on for a long time and has far-reaching influence on Chinese society.

Compared with China's emphasis on integrity, Russia emphasizes individuality. Influenced by the Christian cosmology, the belief that man is created by God, everyone is God's people, has the highest personal value and dignity, so we should fully respect the individuality of man. At the same time, the Russians clearly distinguish between subject and object, man and nature, spirit and matter, phenomena and essence, and make in-depth analysis and research on individual. They believe that all things are independent of each other and can exist independently, with their own internal laws of motion. This kind of thought deeply influenced Russia, and gradually formed the thinking mode of the Russian people's habit thinking.

Chinese tend to be pragmatic, pragmatism is not selfish, but a survival, is a state of survival. Chinese pragmatism has a long history, all knowledge, religion, literature, thought, art, etc., are based on practicality. The Chinese people advocate the simple simplicity of pragmatism, that it is to the society, to the nature, to others the minimum request, but also to give others the greatest return. Harmony between man and nature, harmony with society, is our best understanding of pragmatism today.

Russians tend to be individualistic in the purpose of protecting themselves. Russia, influenced by the West, ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and cultural Rights and other relevant international conventions on fundamental human rights and freedoms. The "regionalization" of human rights and freedoms in the context of human rights and freedom, which has been established in international legal instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has also been widely legislated in various countries.

The Chinese people attach importance to perceptual intuition thinking, pay attention to practical experience, and grasp the intrinsic essence and law of things through perception. Traditional Chinese medicine theory, such as the spring and Autumn period of the Warring States era of the invention of the Wang, Wen, asked, cut four diagnosis is a typical perceptual intuition and experience judgment examples. It can be seen that Chinese philosophy emphasizes practicality, with intuitive insight of the inner experience of the way of thinking to realize the natural law, without the concept and language to describe without logical reasoning to prove.

While Russia attaches importance to rational logical thinking, this mode of thinking has strong empirical, rational and speculative color. Rational thinking is the advanced form of human thinking and the mother of all kinds of human ability. Russian traditional philosophical thinking takes objective opposition as the starting point, people's understanding of the world forms a series of opposing concepts and categories, and the reflection of external things is not based on the perception of intuition, but on the expression of logical rationality, which is a rational logical thinking mode.

At present, the international pattern is in the great change of "one super strong" to Multi-polarization, and the relationship between great Powers shows obvious changes, showing a new trend of development. As an important member of the world stage, China and Russia have also been adjusting their foreign policy. It is one of the important yardstick and key factors to grasp the change and trend of great power relations in scientific judgment but the former international situation. China and Russia are confronted with this historic change, which can be said to be both opportunities and challenges, so how to flexibly deal with the complex and changeable international situation has become a new subject of China-Russia foreign policy and strategy.

The individuality and individualism in the Russian thought are "martial" in diplomacy, that is, tough foreign policy. The individuality of Russian is to pay attention to the individual, individualism is to pay attention to the realization of personal value; the combination of these kinds of thinking in Russia determines Russia's tough foreign policy.

The integrity and pragmatism of Chinese thinking is "still and", namely, peaceful foreign policy. The whole is to pay attention to the long-term development of things, pay attention to the relationship between things, pay attention to harmony. Pragmatism is to focus on the application of practical experience, China has a traditional thinking of the prosecution style. These ways of thinking together form the Chinese "still and" that is, the foreign policy of peace.

China's mode of thinking is embodied in diplomacy is "still and", Russia's way of thinking is embodied in diplomacy is "martial", which in the treatment of the United States, the European Union, Japan, the attitude is reflected, which Russia's hard-line foreign policy on the world stage to establish their own image, in some respects to maintain the national interest, China's foreign policy of peace has also achieved some results, but in view of the long-term development of China, we should not only adhere to the five basic principles of peaceful coexistence, but also learn from Russia's hard-line foreign policy, where the principle of adherence, heels, as Deng Xiaoping said "principle issues, do not talk." Although we also have a strong side in foreign policy, but the strength is not enough. To keep a strong foreign policy within a certain range, to grasp the degree.



Essay代写:Horror film Culture

2017-12-25 16:40:09 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Horror film Culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了恐怖电影文化。西方恐怖电影,究其根源,与宗教文化、哲学的关系密不可分。早期的哥特式恐怖电影中形象,女巫、异教徒、吸血鬼等皆源于宗教传说。而随着西方科技文化进步,恐怖形象的跟进也是几乎同步的,出现了科学怪人、尼斯湖水怪,及至后来的异形、外星人等。这些恐怖形象的刻画,重在外形的视觉冲击,这也暗合了西方文化的直接外露。在哲学方面,由西方侧重对异己力量的对抗和征服,这体现到其恐怖文化中亦是如此。

Fear, in common sense, is not a comfortable, even painful, emotional experience. The specific causes of fear are the following: the poor consciousness of others, illness, unexpected disaster, inexplicable death, strict social management ... These are things that people can't control in real life. People despise fear, but like a beast behind the door, they have to fight the shadow of the mind alone. So, to seek out some of the fears that you can conquer can be comforting, and controlling and conquering fear is a pleasure. Thus, people will create some man-made fear for their own conquest and then build their own mentality, fear of consumption will come into being. Fear is a hidden heart, people do not want to be like comedy always mention it to pay attention to it, so afraid of consumption is relatively small. As the latest terrorist factor in the central reflection, horror films have become a kind of film. In other words, people have a certain proportion of the consumer demand for fear.

At present, the information is highly developed, the contrast between the east and West horror movies is more convenient and clear. With the deepening of globalization, the terrorist elements of the eastern and Western horror films are gradually exchanging. Hollywood-produced horror films have been warmly welcomed in Japan, and Asian films have been used in the west to dazzle the atmosphere.

In the appendix of film genre readings, Barry Kessie Grant provides us with a number of references to the "exact" type of judgment, that is, clearly identifiable, well known features and formal features. Horror movies mainly refers to the horror of the subject matter, the atmosphere is gloomy, the plot suspense and often contain some violent factors, so that viewers look at the horror of a class of films. Such films, some of the use of the environment to create suspense mystery adventure stories, some of the evil or abnormal character of the in-depth psychological discussion, as well as the terrible, disgusting, exciting stories of ghosts and goblins. Although the horror movie's existence less than 100 years, but has the relatively fixed creation pattern and the viewing group, we can no longer ignore its esthetic value. As I said, fear is an uncomfortable emotional experience, it can be said that the most obvious and strong emotional experience of mankind, it is relatively small, but it will not disappear.

From the table above, the proportion of thriller is only 27.3% of the total, said the market is a small tributary is not too. Kraft, a famous American modern horror novelist, once said: "The strongest and oldest emotion of mankind is fear." "In the depths of the human mind, there are always some deepest fears lurking in places that cannot be touched." This fear, as one of the most primitive driving forces, is innate, and it is in the dark about people's words and deeds. Whether it is literature narration, or movie picture, art form reflects the horror reality, and by the reappearance of the image, it blurs the boundary between fiction and reality, thus creating a kind of horror aesthetics.

When it comes to horror movies, it makes people feel excited and scared. The motives of watching horror films vary from person to person, with the release of pressure, the pursuit of stimulation, curiosity and other psychological. There are too many unknowns in reality, and there is no way for people to know the powerful and bizarre terrorist factors. In horror movies, people focus their eyes intently, which implies that conquest controls fear, thus satisfying people's feelings of helplessness and anxiety in the real world. People also watch horror movies to regulate the boring life, curiosity is the phenomenon of human beings and things appear to explore and surprise psychological tendencies. Thus, the existence of horror films is based on human anxiety about the unknown and death. As long as there is human existence, horror movies will be seen.

But horror movies don't dominate the movie market. The underlying reason is that humans do not preach their own inner fears, hinting at weaknesses such as weak ignorance and incompetence. Eager to do their part, demonstrate the wisdom of martial arts is the mainstream, the promotion of love and warmth is also the mainstream side, and as a wonderful human culture, the culture of terror is a twig More. People in the complex real life, more is the need to affirm their own value. and horror movies, with its own unique negative energy-helplessness, loneliness, darkness, death, restricting its audience. Generally speaking, the horror movie consumer crowd is a certain few people, the psychological endurance is stronger.

Traditional Asian horror films are different from the terrorist elements of Western horror films, which is universally acknowledged. The horror films in the East and the west create a tense atmosphere of terror, but because of the different countries ' history, culture, customs and other factors, the western and eastern films are not identical in their methods of expression and subject matter. In general, Asian horror films pay attention to the atmosphere and spiritual cues; The comparison between the two is as follows:

Throughout the horror films produced in Asia, we will find that these horror films created by the "horror" is based on the following four basis points: the sense of terror is not caused by the body of the hideous shape, more is the fear of the unknown. The concentrated embodiment of horror is that things have been done, but not the existence of behavioral subjects. Horror is not isolated, horror and film music tone, suspense storyline, the protagonist's judgment and reasoning exist at the same time and throughout the film. Admitting that the dead will not be resurrected, in the horror films of the Asian countries, the body walks, speaks, kills the plot does not appear. At the end of the story horror films often warn people "do not do a good conscience, not afraid of ghost Mengen", although there is the color of feudal superstition, there is no lack of enlightenment people do good social significance. Theme, the traditional Asian horror film is more about the twisted human relations, people than ghosts and evil. In the tragedy of ignorance, framing, or discrimination, ghosts come back to revenge, complete unfinished desires, and have a fatalistic meaning. The Ghost in the movie is not grim, usually is normal person and the singular treatment of lighting effect, the psychological hint to the audience, causing the psychological offensive heart ghosts, often recall a lens when the feeling of fear. The subject matter is also involved in the characters, "more than a line of righteousness will die," there will not be a side of the common people involved in the relationship.

The film "Shift's Home" is a superb Hong Kong horror film, surrounded by emotion is a feeling of fear. Photography to create a classical nostalgic atmosphere, so that the boundaries of time and space become blurred, do not want to let the audience see the era of the story, so the choice of 5, 60 's some furniture, such as bunk bed, ancient dresser ... At first it was a problematic world, dark green, gloomy ... This is not the ordinary people will go into the space, there is a strange fear, but not really deliberately something scary to frighten you, so if you have fear, it will be a kind of appreciation of terror, psychological horror. The little girl in red is the only one who can see it, the weird photo studio, the empty and gloomy residential buildings, all give people the feeling of being surrounded by terror. However, seemingly quiet ning and the wheelchair paralyzed women, close-up of the stiff facial expression, the hero carefully take care of his bath paint nails, such as screen, is the smooth and silent-like high state of terror, straight to the back of the human hair inverted.

Western films, which are typical of Anglo-American horror films, are rooted in Gothic novels, with the advent of Gothic films in the 20th century. The so-called "Gothic" film, refers to the British top of the roof, small windows of the ancient castle and the castle zombie as the theme of horror movies. This type of film is used for three points: churches, castles, basements and other gloomy places are often the place where the story happened. After death, many corpses become scary zombies instead of ghosts, zombies walk, fly or jump, zombies kill by sucking blood, but not by ghosts. The end of the story is often a hero's wisdom, strength and courage to conquer vampire zombies, the film to express is not to enlighten people to treat others, more good deeds, but to express the worship of individual heroism. The origin of its horror films is inseparable from the religious culture in Europe and America, witches, vampires, pagans, demons and other images are often the image of terror, these images originated from religion. Later, the theme of horror films gradually evolved widely, such as aliens, alien, abnormal killers and so on. All these images are external, independent of the individual, public hazards, as long as a strong enough body and wisdom can subdue it, but not the Asian traditional movies in the fate of the helpless people died. The main element of terror is the visual sense, the sensory stimulation, and the audience will not have too many psychological shadows after the shadow.

As an important type of commercial films, horror films show distinct types and development rules in their long history, and combine various internal and external factors to form a self-contained linguistic logic and aesthetic norms, and manifest regional and national characteristics. The different philosophy is the drainage of the development of national culture in different regions. Generally speaking, Western philosophy has gone a different path from Chinese philosophy. Chinese philosophy can be said to be "the Philosophy of mental adjustment". Focus on the spiritual world of the self-balance, while Western philosophy is "struggle to conquer philosophy", focusing on foreign forces in the confrontation and conquest. For example, for the "heaven", the Chinese advocate obedience and natural, expect "heaven and Man" realm, and for "law", Western culture emphasizes cognition, use and transformation.

Western horror films, the root cause, and religious culture, philosophy of the relationship inseparable. Culturally, after more than 1000 years of theological rule throughout the Middle Ages, the religious systems of the Western world were more complete, and even later the Renaissance, religious theology fell to the altar, and its deep-rooted imprint was hard to erase. So the image of the early gothic horror movies, witches, pagans, vampires, all originated from religious legends. And with the progress of Western scientific and technological culture, the follow-up of the image of terror is almost synchronized, the emergence of Frankenstein, the Loch Ness Monster, and then the alien, aliens and so on. The portrayal of these horror images, the visual impact of the shape, which also coincides with the direct exposure of Western culture. In philosophy, the West focuses on confrontation and conquest of dissident forces, which is reflected in the culture of terror.

Most of the Asian countries are influenced by the Chinese classical culture, and the Oriental culture is implicit and introverted. And the aesthetic view of the heavy brushwork of image is also a natural trace. Since the pre-Qin period, the Confucian culture occupies the Orthodox, especially pay attention to the ethical relationship between people. When the emergence of human relations distorted, the poor nature of the situation, the original image of the horror ghost Fox also derived. Later, Chinese native religion, Taoism, advocated the imitation of nature and advocated harmonious coexistence with nature. After Buddhism was introduced into our country, it was also influenced by Taoism, which was inspired by Zhuangzi in many aspects. Taoist Aesthetics advocated natural carving is also deeply rooted. In the expression of terror more emphasis on the creation of the atmosphere and psychological cues, the general performance of the character is more depressed, the environment compared to the dark loneliness, the image of ghosts and living without major changes. This goes back to philosophy, because it emphasizes the self balance of the spiritual world and achieves the realm of "harmony between heaven and Man". Ghosts are depicted as real as you and I are, living in harmony is peaceful, there is enmity and enmity involves the parties.

There are hundreds of years of cultural exchanges between China and the United Kingdom, the east and the west, and the spread and exchange of film between Asian countries and Western countries is nearly one and a half centuries old. Reflected in the film consumption, is the oriental terrorist expression is used to learn from Hollywood horror films, such as the movie "Death Is Coming", and Hong Kong, China's early zombie theme films, also accepted by the audience. With the current exchange of development speed, the cultural consumption of eastern and western intertwined and integration is the general trend.

