

Assignment代写:Western belief crisis

2017-12-19 16:44:14 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Western belief crisis,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西方信仰危机。如今的西方,人们已经不满于自己为一个没有人格的机械人,他们提出了自主人格的观念,而自主人格又不可避免地导致了民族歧视,利己主义。基督教信仰被抛弃,理性和自主人格的信仰又无法保持和谐,相互抵触,濒临崩溃,而西方世界又没有一个能普遍接受的世界观,因此现代西方文化正面临空前的信仰危机,正处于一个重要的转折点。

The rapid development of science and technology has brought about environmental deterioration, violent conflict, excessive material desires, democracy and freedom have been trampled on, the former rationalism, free personality is questioned ... The prospects for the development of Western culture are precarious. Through the analysis of theoretical basis, historical basis and mass basis, this paper aims to explain whether Christianity can once again become the salvation power of Western cultural crisis, and can become the Western "Noah's Ark" in the flood of violence and material desires.

In the Bible, Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden for eating forbidden fruit. The world is full of violence, hatred and jealousy. God saw all kinds of human sins, angry, decided to use the flood to destroy this already corrupted world, "Noah's Ark" was born. It is a myth, a ship that brings hope. When the floods flooded the Earth, the "Noah's Ark" was safe, and even as the floods continued to rise, the "Noah's Ark" was always above the flood, and when all the creatures were almost spared the flood, "Noah's Ark" brought hope for the continuance of life.​

Thousands of years later, the Western world will face nuclear weapons, environmental degradation, resource depletion, terrorism, excessive and other threats, such as floods in all corners of the world, devouring the Western world's glorious civilization. The Western culture is encountering the unprecedented riot and the tragedy, is in the extremely dangerous situation. So, who will be the "ark" of this flood, who can make the Western world survive and perpetuate Western culture?

The crisis is "a serious danger to the survival of the key to success." It is small to a belief, large to a nation, the state and other things with a certain quality will lose their own stipulation, to the critical moment of survival. The Western culture crisis is that Western culture has been confronted with the latent trouble machine. True, the West has a long history of tradition, it has a profound impact on the process of world history, it created a brilliant cultural achievements, greatly enriched the world's cultural treasures. Today, Western culture is still a charm in the eyes of non-Westerners. Where freedom, human rights, welfare, fashion ... No one attracts people like a magnet, and even the modernization and globalization are equated with Westernization. In the bottom of the Bible, these enviable cultural features all benefit from Christianity.

In the West, there was a time when Christianity seemed to be the glue that put culture all together. It absorbs, embraces ancient Greek, Roman culture, Jewish culture, barbarian culture: It preaches fairness, justice, it teaches us "to love one another, as I love you." "Thus, they believe that human freedom, dignity, and law come from God who acts as everything."

While the West is caught in a cultural crisis, it is plunged into an extreme belief crisis, or a crisis of faith that has led to today's cultural crisis. "Faith is the basic attitude of a man, the character that permeates all his experiences, the belief that makes people face reality without illusions and live by faith." "Faith as a positive way of thinking, its unique function is a huge cohesion, it is this cohesion so that the belief to obtain their own characteristics, show their reality, and form their own vitality." It is this realistic function and vitality that ensures that the state of human mental consciousness is not a kind of unpredictable and blind stream of consciousness because of the dispel force of suspicion. The belief crisis is the effect of the original belief due to the dispel of the suspicion mechanism, from the belief to the perplexity, from the perplexity to the worry, from the worry to disillusionment, namely the total loss and collapse of faith.

Science and technology based on observational experiments make God superfluous, and the Westerner gradually doubts and abandons the Christian faith and turns to the dependence of reason. This is undoubtedly an alternative form of faith. However, the above cultural crisis shows that rationality can not solve the problems caused by technology, but it leads to a mechanistic worldview. In such a world view, people are treated as objects of nature and do not consider the value and meaning of life. Nowadays it is lawful to manipulate and destroy others as objects for their own benefit. The result of this change has been the genocide of the last century, the Holocaust and other abuses that disregard the rights of man to live.

Thus, modern people are dissatisfied with themselves as a robot without personality, they put forward the concept of independent personality, and the independent personality inevitably led to ethnic discrimination, egoism. The Christian faith is abandoned, the reason and the belief of the independent personality can not maintain harmony, mutual conflict, the verge of collapse, and the Western world has not a universally accepted worldview, so modern Western culture is facing an unprecedented belief crisis, is at an important turning point. In a state of crisis, Westerners begin to despair of history, disillusioned to reality and lose confidence in the future. Just as the famous British poet T S Eliot in the land of drought, no vitality of the wilderness another the ideological situation in the early 20th century: the old beliefs of mankind, the structure of thinking broken, and the new ideal has not yet been born, the spirit is in a state of nothingness. "At that time there was a sense of emptiness in all things to man, and for those who were lost in themselves, adherence to religious precepts and indulging in sexual desire were two ways of relieving the sense of emptiness." ”。 So the biggest problem for Westerners is that they have lost hope. This desperation contrasts with the confidence of the First World War on the never-ending progress of mankind, marked by the success of the West. Young people no longer believe that they can have a richer lifestyle than their parents, nor do they see a new hope of saving doom.

Religion, as an important cultural phenomenon of mankind, is an important part of human culture, from the day it was born, it occupies the important position of human civilization and profoundly affects almost all cultural fields. Religion is inseparable from the normal life of mankind. Religion is the source of human civilization, is the product of human intelligence. Christian culture and Greek and Roman culture are regarded as the source of Western culture, abandoned this root, Western culture has become source, roots. The essence of Christianity is the affirmation of the world through its negative experience of the world. In the world view of the negation of Doomsday, Jesus proclaimed the ethic of positive love. ”

The history of Christianity for more than 2000 years shows that it constantly adjusts according to the development of the Times and the changes of people's psychological needs. It is not an established, static entity, but a historical development of religion. For example, the concept of "God" was originally a symbol of the power of redemption; in the Middle Ages, it was the power of order; In the 19th century, it was the embodiment of eternal love and eternal justice, and in the 20th century it became the relationship structure of the noble spirit. Therefore, Christianity was the world view of the poor people in the West in the early period, then became the world view of feudalism and later the world view of bourgeois. Now it will usher in a new development and prove its vitality to the world again.

Christianity is the largest religious group in the world. Although the entire Christian world is facing an unprecedented crisis of faith, the believers are gradually abandoning their faith, but the Westerners are still enduring the Christian faith, the proportion of people who believe in God is always high. Even the High-tech United States, religious atmosphere is very strong, because it has the government or other institutions can not play the social functions and psychological functions.

The rapid development of science and technology makes the competition between people extremely cruel, Westerners tend to produce anxiety, emptiness and loneliness, which can be explained by the surge in the number of psychologists. But psychologists can not replace the Christian faith, it can not make people have a true sense of belonging, to obtain psychological comfort.

Human beings in the secular life, but also need spiritual life and spiritual pursuit, in the not ideal reality, but also have ideal vision, in the not free of the shore, but also look at the other side of freedom. Because, only in the spirit of the world, the imagination of the world, the other side of the world, mankind may be free from all kinds of secular life "shackles" to complete the realm of freedom. In the face of the great crisis of Western culture, its future is full of trouble machine today, Christianity relies on its own vitality and irreplaceable social and psychological function will be able to raise the sails of hope. It teaches people to love neighbors like themselves, to respect life, it provides God, heaven and afterlife, and it builds a "Noah's Ark" for the Western spiritual life, where Westerners can once again get "meaning" and find spiritual home.


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2017-12-19 16:43:54 | 日記





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Paper代写:The crisis facing Russia

2017-12-19 16:43:32 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The crisis facing Russia,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了俄罗斯面临的危机。目前,俄罗斯经济深陷衰退之中,甚至出现负增长的。因此,在这个意义上,乌克兰危机、西方制裁和国际市场石油价格下跌等只是俄罗斯经济下滑的外部因素,引起固定资产投资大幅度下降、进口下降和居民实际收入下降。但衰退的根本原因还是苏联时期便已经形成的严重失衡的经济结构,导致对外部市场的严重依赖、财政收入对石油价格的严重依赖等问题。

At present, Russia's economy is beset with difficulties. The Ukrainian crisis, Western sanctions and the fall in oil prices in the international market are only external factors, and the root cause is the unbalanced economic structure formed during the Soviet period, which leads to the dependence of external markets and the dependence of fiscal revenues on oil prices. Russia's urgent task is to complete economic modernization, two times industrialization, take the road of innovation and development.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Russian Federation inherited the international status of the Soviet Union, ascended the stage of history as a new subject of international law, and began extensive and profound political, economic and social transformation. The initial conditions of its development are the completion of industrialization and urbanization, the higher education level of the population, the developed science and technology and education system. At the same time, the disintegration of the Soviet Union was a serious political, economic and social crisis. This makes the political and economic and social development of New Russia full of contradictions and conflicts. As we all know, Russia followed the western "prescription" to implement "shock therapy", resulting in a sharp decline in industrial production and GDP. The 1998 international financial crisis spread to Russia, but the economy soon recovered. In the last ten years since 2003, Russia has achieved rapid growth in economy, residents ' income and consumption in the context of rising oil prices in the international market. In the past 15 years, one of the highlights of the Russian economy has been the formation of a national unified market infrastructure, the retail industry is very developed, the largest economy and fastest growing sector, accounting for more than 20% of GDP, higher than most developed countries.

At present, Russia's economy is in deep recession. In 2013, Russian GDP grew by only 1.3%, and in 2015 it was a negative growth of 3.7%. Therefore, in this sense, the Ukrainian crisis, Western sanctions and the fall in international market oil prices are only the external factors of Russia's economic decline in the past 2014 years, resulting in a sharp decline in fixed assets investment, import decline and real income of residents fell. But the root cause of the recession is the serious unbalanced economic structure that has been formed in the Soviet period, which leads to the serious dependence on the external market and the serious dependence of the fiscal revenue on the oil price.

The Russian economy is facing a recession and stagnation as well as long-term conflict with the West. In 2016 and 2018, Russia will hold State Duma elections and presidential elections respectively, which means that social stability becomes "absolute order" and painful economic reforms may be shelved for 2018 years. A May study by the Institute of Statistics and Knowledge economy, Russia's higher economic University, concluded that 2013-2017 was a lost five years for Russian industry. The gap between Russia's economy and developed economies will be further widened.

It can be said that Russia's current development situation is very complex. First, the external environment has undergone drastic changes and profound adjustments. It is obvious that Russia is facing a major change in the external environment, the new development model is emerging, the power structure is undergoing profound changes, new subjects are emerging. And Russia to continue to maintain the status of a great power, into the new world system, must make the necessary adjustments to its own system, and the first task is to maintain sustained economic growth. Second, as far as the adjustment of the global system is concerned, only a few outlines, such as the rise of a group of emerging economies such as China and India and the relative decline of superpower America's power and influence, are not evident in the future. Third, from the internal environment, Russia's independence since the construction of the state system has been completed in form, but there are deep contradictions, the country is still in a profound change. It can be said that, as one of the major civilizations in the world, Russia's development in the past more than 20 years presents the status of "Lasagna", and the external environment and internal political, economic, social and human development process occur simultaneously and affect each other. At the same time, this complex process is inevitably reflected in the Russian people's own history of the evaluation and conclusion of the issues, showing a complex and varied situation.

Russian scholars believe that the development of Russia in the past 20 years has undergone the democratization of liberalism and its retreat, and seems to face a resurgence of democratization. But in any case, Russia is gradually integrating into the world. At the same time, the global order is undergoing a reorganization, moving towards a new structure and quality. From the perspective of historical development, the scale and significance of this reorganization is comparable to the 18-19 century industrial Revolution, or the 20th century technological revolution. In this sense, Russia's innovative development path is in line with its national interests. To embark on the road of innovation and development, we must modernize the existing political system.

Russia's urgent task is to complete economic modernization, two times industrialization, take the road of innovation and development. The difficulty here is that the economic development of today's world has two main characteristics, namely, structure and internationalization. The so-called structure, refers to the economic development can not be attributed to the construction of a group or many factories, roads and bridges. Economic development needs social political and legal system to make corresponding adjustments and changes, to adapt to the economic development of the system environment requirements. The economic development almost becomes a social movement. The so-called internationalization is a country can not close the door to engage in their own set, but in an open, competitive environment to carry out international cooperation.

At the same time, Russia's existing economic and political system appears to be highly monopolized and highly concentrated. Highly monopolistic, highly concentrated means "manual" management, most of the way to connect with the outside world is informal, not relying on the system, but on a variety of temporary, informal arrangements. The advantage of this arrangement is that it avoids losing control, but its disadvantage is the lack of effective feedback. Once there is a problem, it must be a certain degree of conflict, the signal can be conveyed to the Central. And high concentration also means that the local level lacks autonomy, enthusiasm.

As a general public, the late Soviet control, shortage, etc. are very unpleasant memories. The chaos that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 90's was also an unpleasant memory. On the contrary, since 2000, life has gradually improved, many people travel abroad for vacation, the level of consumption increased, income increased, this is hard-won things. In this case, if the reform is to continue, the response of the people is to toss them, and do not want them to live a quiet life. The Russians have made huge sacrifices over the past 15 years, and are they willing to continue to make sacrifices to narrow the gap with the developed world?

It is noteworthy that in the face of the Ukrainian crisis, against the backdrop of confrontation with the West, Russia advocates the rise of conservatism modernization. In a certain sense, the Russian conservatism modernization and the Chinese Zhang Zhidong's "in the West uses" has the similar good, is attempts to maintain the traditional value frame while, uses the Western-style technology, the labor Organization way, the production mode and so on, its logic is, grasps the modernization the need Western technology, But resolutely rejects everything that produces these technologies: norms, values, social development, the spirit of freedom, and so on.

The background of Russian conservatism modernization is that the divinity of political power and high monopoly, the whole nature of political power and economic power. This highly monopolized political power system naturally excludes political participation and political competition. Maintaining this pattern is a political necessity, and economic development is an objective need to maintain the status of great Powers. The main purpose of conservatism is to modernize the economy under the premise of maintaining the existing political structure, but it does not include the comprehensive modernization of the political system. Of course, from the perspective of social stability, the logic of conservatism modernization is obvious. It tries to find some compromise between the absolute order of modernity and the majority of societies that uphold traditional values, and avoid the possible shocks caused by mass social mobilization.

How to adjust the economic structure, overcome the "Dutch disease" and then embark on the sustainable development path is an economic practice with successful precedent. In this sense, Russia is not a special case, its particularity is relative. Russia's overemphasis on its own specificity and disregard for international experience is not conducive to its economic development. This is because the special doctrine is often the weak self to maintain the narcissistic complex idea, it is afraid of communication, fear of "bring", refused to learn, fear fusion. Special doctrine never supports the rise of great powers, or only the rise of distorted powers.

The economic development of the world has two major characteristics, structural and internationalized. The so-called structure requires social and political culture and other aspects to adapt to the needs of economic development. Economic development is actually a social movement that requires universal participation. Internationalization means that international markets and international cooperation are unavoidable. In this sense, Russia's existing political structure can be maintained at one stage, but fundamentally unsustainable.

External peace and internal stability are the two key prerequisites for achieving the development strategy in Russia. In the past hundreds of years, the characteristics of Russian civilization have not changed radically, but the state system has undergone three major subversion from Tsar despotism, Soviet socialism to "sovereign democracy". Russia's future is in its own hands, and Russia is fully capable of occupying a place in the world. The historical experience makes the Russian social elites have strong compressive capacity, while the outside world is often underestimated by Russia. It can be said that no external force is sufficient to exert undue influence on Russia's development strategy and development path unless Russia makes its own mistakes.



Paper代写:The transformation of the civilized bodies

2017-12-19 16:43:12 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The transformation of the civilized bodies,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了文明体的转型。不同文明之间既有冲突,更有融合。由于当今世界西方文明占据主导地位,其他文明都不可避免地受其影响。文明体的转型不仅是必要的,也是可能的。同世界其他文明体一样,我们的文明也必须转型。而转型的关键就是认识传统,使其发挥积极的作用。

There is conflict and integration among civilizations. Because of the dominant position of Western civilization in today's world, other civilizations are inevitably affected by it. The transformation of civilized bodies is not only necessary but also possible. Like other civilizations in the world, Chinese civilization must also be transformed. The key of the transformation is to recognize the tradition and make it play an active role.

The main civilizations in the world today include the Western civilization with Christianity as its core, the Chinese civilization, the Islamic civilization and the Hindu civilization, which is mainly based on Confucianism, including Taoism. On this basis can be subdivided, for example, although the Russian Orthodox Church and the Christian clan, but because the content of Christianity is different from the larger, can also be a separate list. Although Japan is deeply influenced by Confucianism, especially in interpersonal relations, Japan's native religious Shinto also has its own unique characteristics, so Japanese civilization can also be a separate list. There are two rivers of civilization, Egyptian civilization and Mayan civilization, which have appeared in history but have been greatly weakened or disappeared.

All cultural traditions, including Chinese civilization, need to be reformed in the context of modernization. These former modern cultural traditions include political monarchy, aristocratic system, economic values of the business, cultural values of discrimination against women.

The transformation of civilized bodies is not only necessary but also possible. Any kind of profound ideology and cultural tradition in the world is characterized by plasticity, that is to say, there are many different interpretations of classics. For example, ancient Chinese civilization, "The Analects of Confucius" in the "only women and people difficult to raise also" similar to discrimination against women, there are also the Han Ban Gu said, "wife, Qi also" gender equality of speech. In the Western Bible, there are "the rich go to heaven, like a camel through the needle," the contempt of the businessman's speech, but also through the three of a wealthy servant of a different attitude to the money to save, investment and commodity production, praise the words of the heavy business.

In the process of transformation, social leaders and opinion leaders often create creative reshaping of tradition, emphasizing different content in different historical periods. Confucius's thought of "Datong" is to a great extent a kind of imagination in ancient China, that is, to make a beautiful ancient world to criticize the reality and give direction to social reform. This is similar to the "Meiji Restoration" of modern Japan, and it is also to guide the realistic social reform with the good imagination of history. "Meiji Restoration" in English is Meiji Restoration, that is, "Meiji Retro." In fact, "retro" is false, "restoration" is true. Similar examples are the "Renaissance of Europe", which is also the name of restoring ancient Greek literature and art to reform society. In the modern history of China, Kang Youwei's "entrusted ancient reform" is also a creative interpretation of the ancient classics in order to promote modernization.

The American experience of change in Christianity is similar. Compared with the former modern Christianity, the United States "Protestantism" has the characteristics of individualization, individualization and mercantilism. Catholics are a minority of American Christians. For example, only Kennedy, the President of the United States, was a Catholic. The others are "Protestants". The English of Protestants is Protestants, literal translation is "protest". The protests are in Europe's pre-modern Christianity, which is characterized by bureaucracy and close ties with the government. The individuality of Protestantism is compatible with the individualism tendency of modern society. Protestants believe that Christians can communicate directly with God without having to mediate through a bureaucracy as bureaucratic as the Roman Catholic Church. In terms of mercantilism, the "Calvin" sect in the United States "Protestant" is typical. They interpreted the Bible again, thinking that God would favor successful entrepreneurs. These have greatly promoted the modernization of the United States.

The Chinese civilization lasted for 5,000 years, which was rare in the history of world civilization. The imperial authority, authoritarianism, the rule of man, the Patriarchal clan system on the social level, the imperial examination in the selection of talents and the values of inferiority are obviously not suited to the requirements of modernization. Like other civilizations in the world, Chinese civilization must also be transformed.

The long history of Chinese civilization has long been regarded as a heavy burden of modernization, which is certainly not unreasonable. But the cultural tradition is objective existence, the blame does not solve the problem, the key is to understand the tradition, make it play an active role. For example, in government operations and political governance, thousands of years of Chinese civilization has accumulated rich experience. China established a very complicated state apparatus in the Qin Dynasty. Although in the agricultural era of the Chinese nation's long-term development played a decisive role in Confucianism, Law, Taoism, many of the content has not adapted to the requirements of the modern, but some governance concepts can still be in line with the modern. This is not until modern times do not know what the country is, such as Africa, Australia and other regions are very different. For example, some of the legal views of the business are very close to the modern rule of law, which can be used as one of the ideological and cultural sources to reshape Chinese modern rule of law. Some thoughts in Chinese traditional military culture, represented by the art of war in the spring and Autumn Period, coincide with the contemporary. For example, not to destroy the enemy's flesh for the purpose of "no war and the Army of men" in the context of today's globalization, nuclear weapons, there is a place to use. 2,500 years ago, "The Art of War," embodied in China's unique practical rationality, such as the "Temple" before the battle, compared to the modern world in some other local tribes of the way of sacrificial warfare to the modern.

In the way of thinking, the alternative thought embodied in the book of changes is beneficial to the realization of social transformation. The book of changes, as the name suggests, considers that everything including human society is in constant flux. There is no stereotyped form of human society, which is different from the current trend of "fundamentalism" in the world.

The Confucian outlook on life is also conducive to social transformation, let the Chinese civilization keep up with the pace of the times. Confucianism is not a religion in the strict sense, but a kind of philosophy which takes morality as its core and actively participates in it. Chinese people like to measure the meaning of life with worldly "achievements". This is very different from the Russian Orthodox Church in the hope of a "savior" or a Hindu in the afterlife. This positive attitude towards life is a positive factor of modernization.

There is a clash of civilizations in today's world, especially among the major civilizations with cosmic aspirations. For example, Christianity wants all of humanity to be Christians, and the Chinese idea of "great harmony" embodies the universal appeal, as well as the universal appeal of Islam. Japanese culture has no universal appeal: The Japanese believe that the "Yamato nation" is unique and does not expect the whole world to accept Japanese civilization. Therefore, there is little conflict with other major civilizations from a cultural perspective. The conflict between Japan and other countries in modern times is mainly political and military.

Another source of conflict is the attitude towards life. With the positive attitude of China's accession to the WTO, Hinduism emphasizes "karma" and hopes that in the afterlife, it is a kind of mild and passive religion. Thus, there is little conflict with Western civilization and Chinese civilization. But Hindu India and Islamic Pakistan have been in conflict for political and historical reasons. Globalization has made the clash of civilizations even greater, since modern societies have had little interaction in all regions of the world, and thus the differences in this civilization have not caused frequent, large-scale conflicts. Unlike now, globalization has linked all countries of the world to civilization, making conflicts caused by different civilizations more frequent and more pronounced.

In conflict between specific countries, different cultural traditions can result in different outcomes. The U.S. occupation of Japan in the late Second World War and the U.S. occupation of Iraq in recent years, from the "Hardware" look, the difference is not: The U.S. military in terms of numbers and equipment, Japan and Iraq are not weak. But the results were very different: the US occupation of Japan soon ended the conflict and restored social order in Japan, but the United States occupation of Iraq did not end the conflict in the region. This is related to Japanese and Islamic cultural factors, namely "software". Japan's Shinto emphasis on "nature", including the law of the jungle is considered an objective rule. This can easily lead to "social Darwinism" in human society. Based on this idea, many Japanese believe that the United States has won the second, so the United States must be right, Japan has failed, Japan must be wrong, convinced of the winners. Therefore, Japan after the Second World War to restore the United States-led order more smoothly. Unlike Shinto, Islam emphasizes "justice". The military victory of the United States in the occupation of Iraq has not led to the convincing Iraqi people. The Japanese were friendly to the United States, which threw two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but were not very friendly to the Chinese who gave up their reparations to Japan. Most Japanese do not think that China won the Second World War, the Chinese are not convinced. In the logic of the jungle, many Japanese see China as not "strong".

There is conflict and integration among civilizations. Because of the dominant position of Western civilization in today's world, other civilizations are inevitably affected by it. For example, American culture, marked by Hollywood movies and Coca-Cola, is rife in every corner of the world. But that does not mean that other civilizations are passive. For example, some leaders of Western military circles attach great importance to the military thought embodied in the art of war, and think that it is necessary to draw lessons from it. Traditional Chinese medicine, formerly regarded as devious, has also begun to integrate into western modern medicine, and China's "food culture" has begun to take root in every corner of.



Essay代写:Humanitarian trends triggered by the European refugee crisis

2017-12-19 16:25:32 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Humanitarian trends triggered by the European refugee crisis,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了欧洲难民危机引发的人道主义思潮。欧洲难民危机吸引了全世界的关注,国际人道主义思潮随之也发生比较大的变化。目前欧洲难民危机引发的人道主义灾难仍没有结束,并将在国际恐怖主义、狭隘民族主义等因素的交织下继续变化下去。

The European refugee crisis has attracted the attention of the whole world, and the trend of international humanitarianism has changed greatly. The humanitarian catastrophe caused by the current European refugee crisis is still not over and will continue to evolve in the context of international terrorism, narrow nationalism and other factors.

Since 2015, the changes in international humanitarian trends due to the European refugee crisis have been divided into three stages:

Before September 2015, when the Syrian refugee crisis, the international humanitarian principles and the national interests of the great impact of the countries involved are faced with difficult choices and test.

After the Syrian civil war in 2011, most countries in the United States, Europe and the Middle East supported anti-government forces against Bashar government, the main concern of Syria is the time when the Assad regime fell, and the Syrian refugee problem caused by the "Islamic country" from the Syrian crisis has not been paid enough attention. The persecution of the "Islamic State" has caused millions of of Syrian refugees in a short period of time, causing great impact to the neighboring countries. In September 2015, for example, the Turkish Government announced that the number of refugees seeking refuge from Syria to Turkey had reached 1.9 million and was increasing. International humanitarian organizations have provided assistance to the Syrian refugees, but the number of refugees benefiting from humanitarian relief is only a small one because the refugee problem is not universally recognized by the international community. In Turkey, for example, only 250,000 of the 1.9 million refugees live in refugee camps set up by the Government and receive some relief.

In the face of the heavy pressure of a significant increase in the number of Syrian refugees, countries receiving refugees often adopt control policies that restrict entry and outward transfer. There is a desperate restlessness among the Syrian refugees because they do not see a future in which the situation is improving. The Middle East is bordered by Europe, and the traditional immigrant region is the European Union, especially in Western Europe, where the economy is better and tolerance for immigrants is higher. However, the EU has strict procedures for the admission of refugees, through the application of normal refugees to enter the EU is extremely difficult. As a result, the refugees in Syria have a strong desire to enter the EU to choose a dangerous way of smuggling.

In the face of the huge crisis of the Syrian refugees, the international humanitarian principles and national interests have a huge impact, the countries involved are faced with difficult choices and tests. For example, Greece, the northern coast of the Mediterranean, suffered severe financial crises in previous years, the conditions of aid forced upon the EU have been harsh, and the economy has struggled to recover in the past two years, so Greece is unwilling to allow the EU to prevent illegal refugees from landing, in the face of a large influx of refugees in the short term to open the floodgates, to demand more support from the EU. Britain is very dissatisfied with the continued influx of refugees through the Anglo-French cross Harbour Tunnel, and Prime Minister Cameron has said publicly that he will consider holding a referendum to withdraw from the European Union if he cannot control illegal refugee crossings. France encountered a "Charlie weekly" terrorist attack in the early year, domestic demand for tightening immigration policy pressure increased. The Socialist government, led by President Hollande, is in a dilemma, but insists on a policy of free movement of people within the EU and adheres to international humanitarian principles. Germany is the most prominent among these powers. At the beginning of the refugee crisis, German intelligence agencies warned of the threat of immigration. But Chancellor Angela Merkel adheres to international humanitarian principles and treats refugees in a benevolent, generous and tolerant manner. As a result, Germany is the most desirable country for refugees. In addition to the above countries, there are not many countries that are genuinely helping to alleviate the crisis in Europe. The United States in particular, has been taking a stand on the sidelines.

Following the publication of the photo of the three-Year-old refugee who died in September 3, 2015, most European countries adhered to international humanitarian principles and treated refugees in transit and immigration in a more benign manner.

This stage is a stage of widespread concern for the European refugee crisis and an expanded international humanitarian impact. September 3, 2015, the world's media on the front page was a Syrian three-year-old refugees drowned in Turkey beach photos occupied. The little boy, following his relatives, wanted to sneak into Europe from the sea, where the ship was killed and the body washed up on Turkish beaches. This photograph has aroused the international community's widespread concern about the European refugee crisis. The ensuing refugee crisis was widely reported by the world's media, people around the world see the refugees in order to achieve asylum purposes, from the sea, land, air channels to find ways to enter Europe, hundreds of thousands of thousands of refugees to travel long-distance thousands of miles, or even a long way through Russia through Finland to enter the EU, and some refugees for the quota for entry into the child ferry vehicles arrived. The plight of the refugees has struck a chord of sympathy for millions of people. With the attention of world public opinion, the attitude of European countries is completely exposed. Some non-EU countries are unwilling to allow refugees to transit, and some EU countries are unwilling to allow refugees to enter the border strictly, but most countries still adhere to international humanitarian principles, the more well-meaning treatment of transit and entry of refugees. Some countries arrange special trains for transporting refugees. And Germany says it can afford the largest amount of refugees.

In the face of the refugee crisis that shook Europe as a whole, human rights activists and ordinary citizens around the world used the topic label "Welcome refugees". At this stage, the refugees have received widespread attention and the situation has improved. The EU adheres to the principle of open borders and free movement of people within the Schengen Agreement, and the basic principles of international humanitarianism are upheld, and the international humanitarian influence is expanded.

In the aftermath of the Paris riot of November 13, 2015, international humanitarian forces have been buffeted by extreme right-wing political power.

November 13, the French capital, Paris, a number of major violent terrorist cases, resulting in more than 300 people casualties and significant property losses. Because the perpetrators of this violence are "Islamic countries", the specific organizers have the background of the Middle East countries, so in the aftermath of the crisis, the European extreme right-wing political forces took the opportunity to preach anti-Islam, to expel immigrants, close the border, not to allow refugees to enter. For example, France's far-right group, the National Front, has been trumpeting the political claims in the context of the Paris riot and the European refugee crisis, in an attempt to wrest parliamentary leadership. Opposition to international humanitarian, racial discrimination, opposition to immigration of the very right-wing political organizations not only in France, in Europe, in the United States and other countries have. Trump, who is seeking U.S. presidential candidacy, issued a statement on December 7 saying he intended to prevent Muslims from entering the United States.

In the clamor of these very right-wing political forces, international humanitarianism has been strongly impacted. The National Front won the first round of elections in the French metropolitan District, becoming the largest party. However, the majority of the French electorate opposed the "National Front" of the extreme right-wing policy, they said: "We can not close the border, not to confuse the economic and security issues." In the second round of elections in the French Metropolitan district, the socialist and republican unions cooperated closely to prevent the National Front from winning. The movement of France has a vane effect. In the United States, Trump's remarks about preventing Muslims from entering the United States were met with a painful batch from senior White House officials. The Time magazine rated German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a "2015 figure" on the grounds of her resilience and leadership in the face of the refugee crisis and the European Union's debt crisis.

In the face of the European refugee crisis, the EU has adhered to the spirit and principles of international humanitarianism, and has caused more serious consequences for the 2015-year humanitarian crisis not to lose control. However, as a result of the seasonal nature of the refugee crisis and the potential for future intensification of the chaos in the Middle East from the immediate source of the European refugee crisis, it is possible to reproduce the refugee crisis in Europe in 2016. International humanitarian trends will continue to evolve.

