

北美作业代写:The semiotics of advertisement creativity

2018-05-15 16:49:40 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The semiotics of advertisement creativity,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了广告创意的符号学。广告创意符号是传达广告信息的载体,它既可以表达明确而固定的概念,也可以呈现无法言说的情感。从能指到所指,它实现了由直观形象表现抽象理念的无限可能。广告创意者应了解广告创意符号的表现手法,在掌握基本规律的基础上,努力发掘符号的潜能,将新的经验和见识编织到符号创意中去,从而创造出个性化的、符合时代精神的新广告创意符号。

The use of symbols has a long history. As early as the primitive society, people began to use symbols to communicate information and express their wishes consciously or unconsciously. With the advancement of human civilization, symbols are constantly being explored and applied, and they are constantly enriched. Japanese scholars on the jia he pointed out that when things as a substitute for another things on behalf of the other things, it is called "function", to assume the function of things is called "symbol". The word "semiotics" comes from the ancient Greek word for semiotikos, American pragmatism philosopher Pierce the first use of the term, his semiotics universal attention by academic circles since the 1930 s, set off a wave of semiotics hot. Semiotics of another everyone - Swiss philosopher saussure is the author of the book course in general linguistics, pointed out that in the book: semiotics is "will show symbol what constitutes, symbol swayed by what law... Linguistics is just a part of the general discipline of symbols. For the first time, saussure put forward the study of symbols as a new subject and founded semiotics. Semiotics gradually formed the two major schools, that is, give priority to in order to study the logical genres and give priority to in order to study the language of the genre, and involves a lot of humanities social sciences, is very broad and deep, as an interdisciplinary comprehensive science.

There are many kinds of symbols, language is the most common symbol, and there are a lot of social and cultural symbols, such as gesture, symbolic ceremony and so on. Semiotics are symbols of language and non-language classes of social and cultural symbols are studied, including the United States symbolism aesthetes? Susan lundgren argument is impressive. She believes in the person's inner life, has some real, extremely complex feelings of life, they are intertwined, and flow, and sometimes NingZhi, from time to time, and sometimes disappear, this is known as the inner life forms. For this inner life, the language cannot be faithfully reproduced and expressed, only by art can it be presented. Langge refers to language as an inference symbol, because it has a definite and fixed expression, and can be competent to express the exact thing. It is precisely this kind of logical structure that makes it impossible to fully express emotion or inner life. It is impossible to present the interlaced contradiction between you and me. ? Susan lundgren theory for our understanding of the nature of the advertising creative symbol provides the reference, it is as the advertising creative, both to convey the specific information, and to give a person enjoy and spiritual shock, so both push the rational elements of language symbols, and expressive emotions sign elements, such as advertising title, text, is through language symbols convey the concept of clear, and graphics, images, give a person with strong sensory stimulation, in order to draw attention to themselves and engraved in mind, they are not only to present the inner life, and often embodied in a centralized, strengthened the life forms, is the most prominent crest in the river of life. To be creative, we must pay attention to the different characteristics of these two symbols, to achieve both the strengths of each exhibition and to complement and perfect each other.

The symbol is the constitution of "signifier" and "signified", saussure said. "Signifier" refers to the function of the symbol itself to indicate something else, and refers to what the symbol indicates. The key to determining whether something is a symbol is whether it is a "signifier", a function that points to something else, namely the ability to "refer". In advertising, a creative figure does not always represent itself. It is just a symbol, and its value lies mainly in "reference", namely, a product or brand. As an advertisement creative symbol, it must be able to smoothly transition to the point, so that the audience can understand the hidden meaning behind the advertisement image, so it can't be too difficult to understand. This transition should also produce aesthetic pleasure at the same time, can't be too boring or too fast, such as aucma fan advertisement "Chinese wind" series, a photo of the fan with graphics and a variety of Chinese elements, picture delicate and elegant, gorgeous, clear is that the theme of "Chinese wind", and send out the aesthetic feeling deeply touched by advertisement audience immersed in Chinese traditional artistic conception. If you want to further play to the charm of advertising creative symbol, not only should handle "signifier", handle it lively and beautiful, unique eye-catching, but also pay attention to the depth and breadth "referred to", to make the person can refer to see rich to be visible from the simple, such as Louis vuitton bags advertising, advertising in former Soviet President mikhail gorbachev. The old politician sat in the back of the car, surrounded by Louis vuitton bags, looking hard at the Berlin wall outside the window, and the car slowly drove away, saying, "travel makes us face ourselves." The advertisement borrowed gorbachev's life to make people think: travel has a variety of purposes, life is an unpredictable journey. Everyone see this advertisement, will produce different by own experience of lenovo and comprehension, by advertising symbols refer to part of the big and thick, Louis vuitton to promote and deepen the connotation of the brand. About the structure of the signifier and the signified, advertising creative symbols can borrow Chinese aesthetics, however, understanding of artistic conception, can refer to emotion, means that the imagery is, and is referred by as the entry, multi-level and multi-dimensional association is triggered by the image, obtain the deep aesthetic experience, and these lenovo, experience and brand image, values are closely linked. There are also some semiotics who use the "reduction method" to study the relationship between the two. They first restore the symbols to the elements signifying and signifying, and find "what does a particular symbol mean?" ", and then restore the signified relationship to meaning, "how does it make sense?" Finally, restore the social and cultural coding rules behind the relationship, which means "why does it mean that?" The thinking of the "reduction" of analysis of advertising audience needs help, we can put the "visible and obvious material needs" as a signifier, at the same time the invisible, hidden psychological motivation "as referred to in, find the relationship the meaning behind the stripping out of" cultural "or" economic means ", again with targeted innovation accordingly.

There are different ways of association between signifiers and signifiers, which provides a variety of possibilities for the performance of advertising creative symbols. In general, there are three representational methods, namely, the representation of reproducible symbols, indicative symbols and symbolic representations.

Reproducing symbols are symbols made up of mock objects, such as photographs of houses for sale in real estate ads. The signifier of this kind is similar to the signified in the form or meaning, and it is often able to cross cultural barriers and achieve clear and understandable effect when conveying information. The object of advertisement creative symbol simulation usually includes product picture, brand name, symbol, mascot and so on. In order to avoid too direct plain, some advertisements for processing deformation simulation objects, or combined with other image, such as absolute vodka advertising always ACTS as the leading role, at the center of the bottle in but each are not identical advertisement, kaleidoscope, with advertising that starts with a "absolute" title, or in the bottle for close-up, add on other image, or amend the items distorted or into bottle shape, with its "is always the same, but the different" always the reproducibility of symbolic expression method, outstanding and lasting effect, makes absolut vodka imports from the United States market leading brands.

The signifiers and signifiers of signifiers are not the things that are similar in life, or even very far away, but they are related in some way. It is because they can be defined by what they mean when they look like they are not. Such as jiangling automobile an advertisement, to highlight the car the characteristics of the "three line", using computer technology to synthesis a only five hump of a camel, and the other an advertisement to emphasize the car long boxcar, will be a body long donkey as a main graphic symbol. In the advertisement, artist seize cars and some similarity of the camels, donkeys in shape, bold use of indicative signs advertising theme, surprisingly, was in stitches.

Symbolic is no necessary link between the signifier and the signified, but by artist of signifier of prominent characteristics describe things, make the audience send association, so as to realize the purpose of advertising. In addition, according to the traditional habits and certain social customs, can select the familiar symbols as means, also can express a certain meaning, such as the magpies symbol of auspicious symbol of peace, the crow symbol of bad luck, pigeons, yuanyang symbolize love, etc. French cannes film festival in advertising to the red carpet and the blue of the sky as symbols, allows the audience to think of a star-studded, star bright, and full of expectation for the opening of the film festival.

Advertising creative symbol is the carrier that conveys advertisement information, it can express clear and fixed concept, also can present unspeakable emotion. From the point of reference, it realizes the infinite possibility of the abstract idea represented by the intuitive image. Advertising artist should know the advertising creative symbolic expression means, and on the basis of the basic rules, efforts to excavate the potential of symbols to weave a new experience and insights to the symbol originality, thus creating a personalized new advertising creative symbol, conform to the spirit of the time.


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作业代写:Poetry and music

2018-05-15 16:49:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Poetry and music,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了诗歌与音乐。音乐艺术作为诗歌艺术的审美特质之一,在诗歌发展史中扮演着一个重要角色。西方学者认为象征主义诗歌的本质在于使诗歌这种语言艺术音乐化。音乐化也包含诗的语言的音乐化。音乐性的诗歌富于暗示,音乐或音乐化的语言文字表现了彼岸的声音,这种理论深刻影响了其创作风格,象征主义这种音乐性的追求也影响了其他现代主义诗歌的美学特征。

In Chinese ancient literature, poetry is the main form of literature, poetry is endowed with "will", "tao", "the poem teaching" political functions, like poetry, function of music is also the best carrier. Confucius once described the relationship between poetry and music -- "xing yu poetry, standing at the ceremony, becoming the music", which is a way and means of cultivating temperament in Confucius' eyes. The earliest Chinese on music "rites ? yue ji" the article on the function of music temperament of a: "music, the sum of the heavens and the earth also; Proprietor, the order of heaven and earth. It is the same with all things. Music is made by heaven, by courtesy. The system is chaotic, but the past is violent. It is in heaven and earth, and then it can be merry." Han dynasty but also set up a "fu" dedicated to collect folk songs, in view of weathering, in order to make folk sufferings of their rulers, and its meaning is that the poem reed as the means, "the doctrine of the mean", social and political pursuit of "harmony" is the final to achieve the purpose of, but in the poems, music and poetry both art forms had the best coordination and play.

In liu xie "wen-hsin-diao-long ? fu said," poetry of heart, for fun ", says the symbiotic relationship of music and poetry in poems; "Poetry" and "sound" are the two main elements that make up the yuefu poem, which can be understood as the lyrics and the sound is the sound. Yue daiyun liu xie this sentence translated into "poem is the music of the soul, tone melody" is music form also makes sense, because the Chinese ancient music is accompanied by more lyrics of "yue fu", "folk songs", without the joy of words is relatively small, so the poems also became the representative form of music.

Throughout the history of Chinese poetry, poetry and music are not only symbiotic, but complementary, mutual promotion and common development. Music has always been the most prominent feature of Chinese poetry. From the book of songs, chu and han fu to tang poetry, song ci, yuanqu, have the poetry art and music art to cooperate with each other, inspire each other, mutual penetration, complementary skills exchange, an example of the symbiotic. Especially in conclution paradigm of poetry, on the basis of "four tones", avoid "eight disease", to combine Chinese poetry and music, phonology, although with level and oblique tones, rules limiting the poetry drawing and expression of freedom, but in the spirit of the aesthetic consciousness is unprecedented, the formal beauty embodies the style of "odes to li" self-conscious spirit, contributed to the maturity and development of the modern style poetry, Chinese poetry is a sign of maturity and consciously. The song word is based on the lyrics, which can be said to be similar to today's lyrics, and the music is also an exquisite form of the present secondary content. To: "May 4th" literary revolution, such as hu shi advocated new poetry, guo moruo open a poetic style, to negate attitude must break the poetry rhyme of the iron rule in one thousand, created the free verse to freedom of expression, but the new moon school soon found that the "vernacular poems" deviated from the aesthetic characteristics of poetry, so wen yiduo is put forward in the article "rules of the poem" the "three beauty" of Chinese poetry: "structural beauty", "music" and "painting".

Western poetry is also very musical. Valeri thought the essence of symbolist poetry was to make the language art music. Music also contains the music of the language of the poem, "to be harmonious and graceful in sound, rhythm and tune and to meet all kinds of rational and aesthetic requirements. In the early twentieth century symbolism, also pay attention to the musicality of poetry, literary theory, symbolism, literary theory, the symbol of the so-called is mainly refers to the subject consciousness of the complete. It divides the whole consciousness into two halves, half in consciousness and half in literary form. They think the musicality of poetry abounds, suggested that the language of music or music shows how the shore of the voice of god, this theory deeply influenced the creation style. Symbolism, the pursuit of musical influences other modernist aesthetic features of poetry. Heidegger quotes "the same language is home" is also a focus on the aesthetic and musicality of poetry, he believed that poetry and truth is a true expression, is a way to get rid of the narration of gossip, a way to express and convey to the existence of secret speech, is also a way to make "the clear" narration, is the kind of words "wind" earth song. Poetry and truth are the source of the language. Only they can make a nation's language and spirit grow.

The art of man is interlinked, and the dance of poetry is bound to be inseparable from the birth of primitive society. Most of the poems of ancient and modern times are of harmony and can be sung, which constitutes the complementary relationship between poetry and music. One of the most famous example is the Liu Bannong vernacular poems written in 1920, taught me how to don't want to her, yuanren chao in 1926 put the poem to music, beautiful melody, accurately convey the inner spirit of poetry and emotion, also constructs the new lyrics and artistic conception. And using the "transfer" technique in music, the poem has been widely sung since the 1930s, which has had a profound influence in the history of literature and music.

Xu zhimo practiced wen yiduo's proposition of "three beauty" in his poetry creation. He used to personalize the poem: "the words of a poem are the shape of the body, the syllables are the blood, the poetic sense or the original poetry is the beating of the heart, and there is the circulation of blood." In 1925 he published poetry, chaton, combination of three requirements of beauty, yuanren chao likes to write the multi-segment connect the chorus works, music used to explain the complicated feelings of poetry changes and dramatic development, expression of the poet's doubt, worry, advice, terror and an elusive elegant mood.

Wen yiduo's poem "song of the seven sons" expresses the love of the great mountain which is stolen by the bandits, and calls for the strength of the motherland. These patriotic poems are also composed and sung. The handover in 1999, in "song of seven ? Macao" patriotism against the country, as the music rhythm "revitalization of the Chinese" the power of dream has moved a few generations.

In contemporary poetry, lyric poetry has also been composed many times, such as "homesickness", "motherland, my dear motherland", etc. The common features of these poems are the harmony of sound and rhyme, suitable for recitation, and also suitable for singing, especially through the melody of music to promote the climax, sublimation and perfect expression of poetry.

The work of the German poet Heine, whose work is very influential in Germany, has been tried by many musicians to compose music for his poems. Schumann, a German musician, had put together his favorite verse from Heine's poems, which he composed with a piano. Because schumann is fond of and deeply understands the poems of Heine, he USES music to express the emotion in the poem incisively and vividly. Schubert had to William? muller's poem "winter tour" and so on compose beautiful music.

Complementary symbiosis of this art is reflected in multinational on the combination of poetry and music, since the 20th century, Chinese poetry is translated to spread to Europe and the United States, many musicians are looking for full of artistic conception of Chinese classical poetry, with its based in succession composed songs, divertimento and symphony music, famous as mahler in seven first on the tang dynasty created a symphony "song of the earth", western music shows the tang poetry in the poetic, shows the crossover of poetry art and music art charm.

Opera art can be said to be the perfect combination of poetry and music art, because the drama as a musical express itself is the lyrics with the tune, the intrinsic aesthetic ideas of poetry into music and art, is of perfect combination of poetry and music, dance, performance art, many of the local opera, such as opera derived from ballad singing, henan opera has been innovating, qin, errenzhuan, huangmei opera is the local dialect with music, dancing, good combination, formed the popular folk art form. The origin of the original art form, such as "witchcraft drama" and "nuo drama" as the initial stage of the drama art, is the most visible manifestation of the symbiotic relationship between poetry, music and dance art.

Poetry and music from different angles reflect life, refining, the people's understanding of ethnic, social, the life to transfer across space and time, also the civilization achievement of human society, accumulation and become precious cultural heritage. Along with the development of the era, poetry and music separation, respectively has its own unique field and expressional gimmick expression, but from the point of view, the purpose of "romance" and blend each other, mutual penetration, bring out the best in each other. They blend and complement each other, which is a concrete manifestation of the complementary symbiosis between poetry and music.


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Research Essay写作时态分析

2018-05-15 16:49:00 | 日記
对于Research Essay来说,动词的时态非常重要,但很多留学生却往往会忽视这点,把时态用错,导致Essay的分数不高。其实在决定时态时,大家要以作者之于讨论内容的角度来决定,下面就给大家详细分析一下。

格式要求(APA, AMA等等)和思考在个别情况下使用哪一种时态对于读者来说是最合理的。


首先,在research essay中有基本三种时态,分别式现在时(simple present)、过去时和现在完成时。在介绍论文各个段落的时态使用之前,先来看看一般论文的时态使用吧。



一般事实(General fact)为不因时间地点改变的事情,因此讨论一般科学事实时,永远适用现在时。

例:“Insulin and glucagon regulates blood glucose levels.”


例:“An elevated glucose level indicates a lack of glucagon hormones in the pancreas.”

未来的研究(Future research)使用现在时来强调,或表明重要性。

例:“Further studies about glucagon receptors are needed." ( passive voice)


简单过去时用来讨论在过去某个时间与地点完成的事件。最常被用来描述discrete events,像是读书、实验或是观察到的现象。

例:“Scientists in Wales discovered a new enzyme in the liver.”

例:“Protocol X was used to analyze the data." (被动)


现在完成时(或"完成时")在research essay中被用来描述事件或动作在过去的某个不确定时间点发生,或已经发生了但至今仍持续进行中/最近才完成。这一般在绪论中建立背景信息,来增加多一点关于你研究的动机和目的的解释。需要注意的是这是在research essay中最少被使用的过去式,而且要尽量避免使用。建议专注在明确的动作并使用简单过去时。

例:“Many studies have focused on glucagon as an important regulating hormone.”

例:“Until recently, researchers have analyzed this kind of data using a Chi- Square Statistic.”

例:“Efforts have been made to understand more about this process." (passive)


不免再次重申最"适合"的时态是您正在使用的格式手册所推荐或要求的,不过风格之间有很高的连续性,因此以下的使用规则都应该适用于research essay。



引导句范文(现在完成时):“Recent studies of glucagon and insulin production have led to breakthroughs in medicine.”

建立背景/状况/目的范例(现在时):“Diabetes accounts for a higher number of deaths in the US than previously calculated.”


事实陈述句范文:“In the US, diabetes is the most common endocrine disease.”


范文:“In 2016, diabetes was the most common endocrine disease.”




早期研究发现(简单过去)范文:“This same research team discovered a similar enzyme in their 2012 study.”


范文:“Prior research has indicated a correlation between X and Y.”


结论句范文(简单过去时):“The CalTech glucagon studies were inconclusive. ”

结论句范文(现在完成时):“Prior research in this area has been inconclusive.”


更新的信息(过去完成时)范文:“The Dublonsky study had determined that X was Y, but a 2012 study found this to be incorrect.”

文献回顾(Literature Review)

文献回顾的时态有点棘手,因为你必须得同时遵守格式要求(APA, AMA, MLA 或其他的) 和你讨论文献时的角度与方法。


范文:“Pearson (1997) discovered a new enzyme using similar methods."

其他常见的动词使用: investigated, compared, studied, analyzed, investigated, found, confirmed, performed, etc.


范文:“Ryuku (2005) concludes that there are no additional enzymes present in the liver, a finding this current study directly refutes.”

其他常见的动词:stresses, advocates, remarks, argues, claims, posits. etc.




研究的方法部分范文:“A glucose molecule was added to the mixture to see how the peptide would respond.”(被动语态)

分析的方法部分范文:"The results were analyzed using Bayesian inference." (被动语态)


范文:“Table 5 shows the results of this first isolated test.”

范文:“The results of this first isolated test are displayed in Table 5." (被动语态)




范文:“The addition of 0.02μg of glycogen activated receptor cells."

范文:“Receptor cells were activated by the addition of 0.02μg of glycogen." (被动语态)





总结我们自己的新发现范文:“The experiment yielded a number of results associated with the processing of glucose.”


范文:“[This study confirms that] synthetic glucagon is two-thirds as effective at decreasing fatty acid synthesis.”

结论与未来的建议发展(Conclusions and Further Work)



范文:“Results from this study have led to a deeper understanding about how different peptides interact in this enzyme.”


大范围的应用范文:“This study confirms that endogenous glucagon is even more essential in metabolism than previously thought.”


对于未来的寄望: “Further clinical studies are needed/will be needed/must be carried out/should be carried out to isolate the cause of this reaction.”

以上就是关于research essay的写作讲解,遵守以上的时态规则的话,你的论文可读性就可以提升,时间顺序上也会更正确,论文的重点能够更容易被了解。


Paper代写:Science fiction film

2018-05-15 16:48:39 | 日記
本篇paper代写-Science fiction film讨论了科幻电影的发展。在科幻电影的发展中,开创了很多不同的类型,在汪洋恣肆、离奇怪诞的故事情节和视觉特效中,也有着一颗科幻内核作为支撑,即使看似最不合理、最天马行空的情节,也都能找到背后科技的影子。但是科幻与科技还存在不小的距离,一些科幻电影中展现的科技,即使到了人类灭绝之际也无法实现。因此,具有科技前瞻性的科幻电影,也是未来科技发展的指向标和预言大师。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the long years before the advent of film technology, people were able to retain cultural memories through words and word-of-mouth. The vivid historical record, the memory inheritance of major events and the warm review of beautiful scenery can only be presented through indirect means. And the invention of film technology allows culture to be preserved in the form of images. At the same time, it can also create the most magnificent images that exist in the world, which are hidden in the brain. The film projectionist invented by the French lumiere brothers has made the first-generation film master, meryl, the first science fiction film pioneer.

American movies researcher Mary Mr Bob lane once said of science fiction movie: "this is a new art was born, this is a kind of by its own wizards performing in a dark house tribal ceremony, it leads the audience into a state of relaxation, half sleep, like Shakespeare in" a midsummer night's dream "to describe the kind of dream:" sleep sometimes make sad eyes closed, temporarily separated from people around myself."

The world's science-fiction movies began to fall into decline after 20 years of pioneering work, a decade of maturity, and the boom of the 1950s. The three - stream films, which are churlish and unimaginative, destroy the reputation of science fiction movies. In 1968, Stanley kubrick's 2001: a space Odyssey and begun to reverse this decline, until 1977, when George Lucas's Star Wars was born, in 1982, ridley Scott's "blade runner" won the high reputation, sci-fi films began to recovery, and become the multifarious types the money maker in the movie.

Since then, the world science fiction movie in nearly 40 years of development, and create a lot of different types, in, surging in the most grotesque story and the visual effects, is also a science fiction kernel, even seemingly the most unreasonable, the plot of the most powerful and unconstrained style, also can be found behind the shadow of the science and technology. But science fiction and technology are still far away, and fantasy and reality may be as distant as two stars. Some of the science and technology shown in science fiction can't be realized even when the human race is extinct. Other science fiction movies may take thousands of years to become reality; There are also technologies that, along with human progress, will gradually become what we know. Therefore, it can be said that the science and technology forward science fiction film is also the leading indicator and prediction master of the future science and technology development.

"Interstellar" refers to cryogenically frozen dormancy. The technology means that astronauts can enter a dormant water bed and set wakeup time. The technique has been used in "alien" and "deep space amnesia".

At current levels of development, the technology is likely to be implemented. Now technology has achieved put the brain - 33 ℃ environment, low temperature dormancy surgery, Japanese scientists have also found that a leech in liquid nitrogen - 196 ℃ can still survive.

But, now human grasp of the technology is still cannot achieve low temperature dormancy, within the range of 0 ~ 60 ℃, can produce ice crystals, destructive damage to human cells, and even deadly.

An hour on the planet is equivalent to seven years on earth, and the "tenacity" crew is aging more slowly than people on earth because of the expansion of time, according to interstellar.

This phenomenon has been confirmed by Einstein's theory that time slows down when people move at close to the speed of light. Astronauts on the moon move faster than anyone on earth, aging slightly slower than anyone on earth, but finding the planet mentioned in the movie is difficult.

The accretion disc does exist in interstellar. American astronomers have observed and measured 76 black holes and found that their magnetic fields are 10, 000 times stronger than earth's. Supermassive black holes at the center of active galaxies often produce "jets". The magnetic field may also play a key role in the physics of jet formation and accretion disk. Scientists found near the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, a dynamic magnetic field if this kind of phenomenon is common, and outside magnetic field can be extended to a black hole horizon, accretion disk structure is significant effect. The results show that the magnetic field intensity of the black hole is about the same as the magnetic field in the hospital's "nuclear magnetic resonance" -- about 10,000 times the size of the earth's magnetic field.

Scientists said hawking, artificial intelligence can lead to human destruction, but is very useful to human beings in the early years of artificial intelligence, such as paralysis of he used to talk of system is the system of artificial intelligence, but he is worried about the more advanced artificial intelligence bring disasters to human beings. Artificial intelligence by many film deduce science and technology, such as iron man ・ Tony stark has created an ultimate version of the artificial intelligence "Ultron", hope can take the place of the super heroes for the maintenance of world peace, which known as "Ultron" was born "rebellious character," thinks the world will need to destroy the world peace.

Many films in the science and technology, science is not far-fetched, such as the American chemical society in view of the super hero do read the avengers alliance, they will be targeted in the iron man armor provide portable "plant" of energy. According to Dr. Berks of the American chemical society, the new element is not out of reach. Scientists have created 20 artificial elements. For example, when Russian scientist dmitri mendeleev organized the periodic table of chemical elements, he found that element 43 was missing between the molybdenum element and the ruthenium element. The element is unstable and almost never found on earth. In 1937, when the Italian physicist segre confirmed its existence, technetium became the first artificial element to be synthesized.

The inspiration of movies often comes from life, and can inspire life at the same time. Too serious fans may scoff at the technology in the film, but, to be sure, who says the technology in the movies is not going to happen now or in the future?

This type of science fiction movie is most popular with fans because it reveals a lot of exciting technologies, such as faster than the speed of light, time travel and the peaceful world of the universe. The magical thing about this first faster than the speed of light, a lot of space travel theme cannot leave the concept of science fiction movies, such as "star trek" film series, its architecture is based on the spaceship "faster than the speed of light. The "Star Wars" films, in turn, propelled the millennium falcon from one space to another, driven by harrison ford. But we live in a physical world, the speed of light, following Einstein's theory of relativity, is constant, everything can't go beyond the speed of light, it is to set up a big obstacle to space travel, human beings may eventually their extinction, also cannot achieve the nearest neighbor planet. , however, things may not be so pessimistic, according to string theory of cool, although the speed of light constant, but the expansion of the space velocity is far greater than the speed of light, and space fold, can let two distant space, through the wormhole moment through millions of light years away, let the spacecraft to realize the transition of different space and travel. However, wormholes can't be crossed at random, otherwise they may enter an extremely frightening world. To what extent, please refer to the film "the surface of the black hole".

Many modern physicists are convinced that wormholes and stretch Spaces are likely to provide us with a way to break the light barrier, which is a very exciting prospect. However, making wormholes and stretching space is a fantasy for our zero civilization, because it requires too much energy and is beyond our ability. Only a type III civilization that USES the energy of the entire galaxy can do that. However, in the next 10 million years, humans may reach the level of type III civilization, and by then, faster than the speed of light will become a reality.

To time travel and parallel universe as a selling point of science fiction movies, mostly use to build the two physical concepts of extraordinary story, on behalf of the movie "butterfly effect", "time machine" "twelve monkeys legion" savior "back to the future, etc., in fact, it is not possible for time travel, just our civilization level and technical level is too low, can not be achieved. Now physicists have theorized that time travel is possible. There are three ways to make time machines. First, use wormholes. Second, use the spinning universe. In 1946, mathematician Kurt godel discovered a solution to Einstein's equations, which predicted that by rapidly spinning the universe, people would be able to return to the past. Third, walking around an infinitely long and rotating cylinder, will also go back to the past, which is another solution to the Einstein equation.

However, just return to the past and the future will produce a lot of problems, and even the whole civilization, so we must abide by the provisions of the strict time travel, avoid time paradox, or time travel this physical phenomenon itself has a mechanism that can avoid even the appearance of time paradox. It seems that as long as humans live long enough, exciting time travel will become a reality. And the idea of parallel universes is only in the complicated mathematical calculations of mathematicians and theoretical physicists, and it takes experimental physicists a long time to prove that this theory is correct.

Apart from science fiction movies, which are made in the sky and made with some very difficult technology ideas, many science fiction movies are typical of hard science fiction. The former is represented by the "x-men" series, the mutant almost omnipotent, so even if the violation of the laws of physics in dungeons, reached as long as creators think can realize cool state on the big screen. This kind of superhero movie is not really science fiction, but a product of science, pseudoscience and magic. And the super cool and famous hard science fiction film is the great love of the cinerary fans. Performance such as robots in search of a mother's love "artificial intelligence", space level of war "Star Wars" science fiction, showing human aerospace wonders "2001: a space Odyssey, performance in the struggle of human and alien invaders war of the worlds and television with sw: earth, use of genetic technology raised ancient creatures" Jurassic park ", show the human exploration of the unknown exotic science fiction horror movie, "Prometheus" and "aliens" in environmental protection subject cooking visual feast "avatar", let a person hair fall to stimulate strong vertical "fly a person", and Martian colonists do battle "total recall", "Invisible man", which USES stealth technology to do all the bad things, depicts "the day after tomorrow" and "2012".

This kind of science fiction film involves robot, UFO, biological technology, stealth technology, field, lightsaber, instant transmission, starship, gene fusion, interstellar colony, control climate catastrophe, and other technical areas.

Today, ordinary robot technology in the field of industrial application of mature, but smart machines talent just a breakthrough, also need 50 or even hundreds of years to create a robot autonomous consciousness. Jung studied aliens and ufos, and in his psychology book, modern mythology in the sky, analyzed ufos, which he thought were just a mental phenomenon created by some people. From the point of view of modern technology, if a UFO exists, it will be solved in a few decades. Stealth technology is the most likely technology to be achieved in the next 10 years, and now scientists have made the harry potter invisibility cloak in the lab. If there is an instantaneous transmission technology, is a transportation revolution, but the person or object is decomposed into atomic, back together again, then the data transfer machines need large storage, cannot be achieved within a few hundred years, even rearrange the success, whether people or transferred the original ontology is questionable.

The force field, the lightsaber, which has always been popular with fans, is not feasible now, but there is already a plasma technology that will make these two powerful weapons come true in the future. The rest, like gene fusion, has become a reality, and technologies such as interplanetary colonization, starcraft and control of the weather can be achieved in the future, as long as there is enough patience to wait.

No matter when, science fiction is still a favorite of many people, as Australian film critic John Baxter puts it: "science fiction is still a basic way of generating beauty. It is an atomic age poem, an epigram that makes us aware of what we are and what we will be. It is also a traditional successor to the beauty of chery and the elegance of the sense of humour, which has been stripped away from us by some imagined technology.


Essay代写:Piano music style in the romantic period

2018-05-15 16:37:18 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Piano music style in the romantic period,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了浪漫主义时期的钢琴音乐风格。19世纪初至中叶,在欧洲发生了一种新的音乐潮流,它的影响一直延续到19世纪后半叶,这就是浪漫主义。浪漫主义时期的钢琴作品是对传统、古典模式和束缚力权威的种种反叛,它重视个性、主观、情感的自由表现和抒发,从而使这个世纪成为钢琴音乐发展的巅峰时代。

From the early 19th century to the middle of the 19th century, there was a new music trend in Europe, which lasted until the second half of the 19th century, which was "romanticism". The word "Romance" comes from Romance. In literature, a legendary story or poem about the heroic deeds of a medieval romance, which refers to a literary trend of thought in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Piano works of the romantic period is the traditional and classical model and force binding authority of rebellion, it attaches importance to individuality, subjectivity, freedom of expression and the expression of emotion, thus making this century piano music development peak times.

The end of the 18th century to the early 19th century, the British industrial revolution and the French revolution in Europe's political, economic, has a huge impact, people's thought concept, social and cultural structure, art appreciation, significant changes have taken place in the composers status as there has been a fundamental change. They abandoned the traditional form, creating a lot of work, meet the demand of social change these works tend to borrow the medieval legends, the myth as the content, to metaphor the conflict between individual and society, celebrates love great and noble, human freedom and equality, they try to show their feelings in the piano music in the world, the personal emotion in the arms of works.

To some extent, the essence of romanticism is to express, convey, reveal and strengthen personal feelings. Romanticism music objectively exaggerates and deepens music's psychological characterization ability, which enriches the expression techniques and techniques of psychological depiction. Composers of the most creative inspiration from their emotional world, from the subtle perception of nature, from poetry, drama, painting and other sister arts enlightenment, from myths, legends and folk literature imagination. Among them, the composer's personal life experience, love, biography and various experiences occupy a considerable place in the creation of music.

Another prominent feature of romanticism is the increase in national factors. Chopin is a representative of their own national spirit to Poland, lister to mazaga, schumann to Germany, grege to Norway, and to Russia, and so on. The ancient legends, stories and plain folk music materials of this nation occupy an important position in their works, and the national tendency becomes an important part of the composer's expression of emotion. Many of Chopin's works embody his national patriotic spirit and national form; "Rhapsody in Hungary" by liszt; Greggy's rustic "the wedding day of trojhagen" and so on.

In the romantic period, title sex has become an important tendency and feature. During this period, music was often combined with sister art, such as literature, drama and fine arts, especially with poetry. So romantic composers with more and more poetic and literary tendency, not only add text to instrumental explanatory title, is becoming more and more to the visualizations and music image, tried to explain the textual content in music language. Such as schumann childhood scene, 13 piece of music, every piece of music has a title: such as "exotic and exotic people", "strange stories" and "hide and seek", etc., each paragraph headings are visually indicating the audience thinking direction; Again, the title of the "picture exhibition" by mossorgsky shows the basic picture of each music and so on.

During this period, the construction of the piano was gradually improved, and a number of professional piano players appeared, showing off their superb performance skills. In order to meet the requirements of playing, the composers used a lot of technical writing techniques, especially li st.

Because this period piano composers focused on subjective experience of life, the inner psychological world, the pursuit of fanciful, distinctive music colour, so touch the scenery or borrow scene lyric become their creation characteristic. The expression of this emotion is expressed in the melody, then becomes the lyric music language. The melody fluctuates greatly, such as Chopin's nocturne, the first ballad, and so on.

The harmony of the romantic period is further extended on the basis of classical functional harmony. The harmony is rich and colorful, and the new harmonic effect can be obtained by the use of external chord, changing tone and sound, expanding chord, complicated chord, etc. At the same time, there are also a large number of unprepared and unsolved dissonant chords. The harmony development is completely beyond the scope of regulation.

The romanticism music is still tonal, but this period of tonality is not as limited as classicism. The modulation of this period is complicated by the complexity of harmony, and the transfer of distant relation is frequent. For example, the 16 to 27 sections of the 10 to 4 of Chopin's etudes are transferred every two bars. This tonal frequent turning more apparent, in the late romanticism that late to liszt, Chopin, Wagner's creation, through different ways to achieve their respective tonal the verge of collapse.

Romanticism is the peak period of piano music development, and there is a new genre with strong romantic temperament in genre. Such as impromptus, nocturne, ballade, farcicality song, the concert etudes, fantasy, all kinds of folk dance music in the color, song without words, etc., also appeared a little character divertimento of music and small character, etc. These genres are well used by the romantic composers, and are highly enriched, developed and perfected.

During the romantic period, the pianists devoted themselves to developing the various timbre of the piano so that the piano could make a richer sound. Composers often create unprecedented timbre through special techniques, special notes and special chords. If Chopin's "first ballad" 85 to 86 reduces the six or seven levels, it creates a soft tone and lowers the quad by five degrees and creates a deep tone. Therefore, when playing the romantic piano works, we must pay attention to the strange and supernatural sounds in the works, and the multi-layered timbre expression.

The speed of romanticism is exaggerated, and it is expanding at a much faster rate than in classical times. It can be as fast as 200 beats per minute, with a minimum of 42 beats per minute. The intensity of the speed contrast, to the audience's auditory shock. Like Chopin's "etudes", the fastest is 184 beats per minute, the slowest is 50 beats per minute; Schumann's Vienna carnival is the fastest at 184 beats per minute, and the slowest is 69 beats per minute. In speed and there's one trait, the romantic piano works began to free speed is marked, the period is no longer restricted freedom of speed, with scaling, free to slow down or speed up melodies, go with love.

The piano of the romantic period is very close to the modern piano, and the mark of the intensity marked in this period conforms to the modern one. The scope of strength is from PPPP to FFF. During the romantic period, music emphasizes the expression of human emotions, including passion, excitement and grief, etc., so the intensity of the intensity is very high and the extreme strength is used more. In the first movement of Tchaikovsky's piano concerto no. 1, FFF appeared three times. The second movement even appears PPPP; In the only 62 bars of rakhmaninov's "prelude to a minor", four FFF, three SFFF, and more shockingly, the SFFFF appeared in 50 bars, which was surprisingly strong.

When playing the singing phrase, use the method of "dragging" from the outside to make the sound exquisite; When playing staccato, use the tip of your fingertips to make the sound elastic. Play a little bit deeper to make the sound full; Play lighter parts, shorter or less important sounds, or less important sounds; When you play fast, you can only play three quarters or four fifths. You can't just use your fingers when you're playing this, we're going to use other parts of the body. Use your wrists in extensional areas; Using elbows in continuous octaves and long distance jumps; Use big arms when playing deep chord. In addition, in some cases, it is necessary to apply the strength of the whole body, so as to reach the stage of harmonization.

With the improvement of piano technology, the application of pedals is becoming more and more detailed. There are four different types of pedals: the long pedal, the fuzzy pedal, the shallow pedal, the shiver pedal; Both weak and persistent pedals are used frequently.

To sum up, the romantic period is a peak period, the musicians in schumann, Brahms, Chopin, liszt, etc are one of the greatest pianists in the world, they to the modern piano school established beyond measure; Their piano works have left noble spiritual and cultural wealth for mankind.

