2022年10月7日 13:05
2022年10月06日(木) 記入者: イーサン・ハフ
(Natural News) 米国疾病対策予防センター(CDC)が資金提供した新しい研究は、小児用ワクチンに含まれるアルミニウム化合物が、神経障害、喘息、そしてビッグAを含む一連の病気と関連していることを確認した:自閉症を。
2008年から2014年末までに生まれた約326,991人の子どもたちが、CDCと提携している医療機関のネットワーク「Vaccine Safety Datalink」に参加している全米の7つの施設のいずれかでジャブ接種を受けた。研究者は、このデータを収集し、湿疹の有病率と比較して、アルミニウム曝露を調べました。
研究著者は、"これらの知見を得る前と同じように、今でもワクチンを強く擁護するつもりだ "と言っています
"Neil Millerと行った論文(SAGE Open Medicine, 2020)では、ワクチン接種児と非接種児の喘息のオッズ比が4.49(統計的に有意)であったことがわかりました。これは生後1年目のワクチンに限った話です。CDCは、ここで私の結果を確認しているようです。"
デイリーも、彼や彼のチームの発見にもかかわらず、アルミニウムは "多くのワクチンに不可欠で、免疫原性と効果を高めている "と信じているという声明を発表しています。
CDC confirms aluminum in vaccines linked to childhood asthma and AUTISM
Thursday, October 06, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) A new study funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms that aluminum compounds found in childhood vaccines are linked to an array of illnesses, including neurological disorders, asthma, and the Big A: autism.
Though the study’s authors tried their best to minimize the link, they were unable to sidestep a “positive association” between “vaccine-related aluminum exposure” and “persistent asthma” in children aged 24-59 months. Overall, children in the study who received 3 milligrams (mg) or more of vaccine-related aluminum had a 36 percent higher risk than children who took other vaccines to develop persistent asthma.
Note that a true vaccine-free placebo was not used in the study so as to make aluminum appear less damaging than it actually is. Had the study authors compared vaccinated children to unvaccinated children, the health risks associated with aluminum exposure would have been even more striking.
Some 326,991 children born between 2008 and the end of 2014 were jabbed at one of seven different sites across the United States that participate in the Vaccine Safety Datalink, a network of health providers partnered with the CDC. Researchers gathered this data then looked at aluminum exposure in comparison to eczema prevalence.
“If there’s any relationship between aluminum and asthma, it could look different in kids with eczema than kids without eczema,” said Dr. Matthew F. Daley, one of the study’s lead authors.
Daley and his colleagues then looked to see how many jabs each child received before age two, as well as aluminum exposure. Using these data points, they were able to make an assessment of disease risk in correlation to the amount of aluminum injected in a child’s body. (Related: All vaccines “without exception” contain hidden metals.)
Study author says he’s “still going to advocate for vaccines as strongly as I did before we had these findings”
Dr. Brian Hooker from Children’s Health Defense (CHD) notes that while the paper does point to aluminum as being problematic, it fails in that the CDC did not use a true placebo for comparison, and also used the least offensive hazards ratio in the study’s abstract so as to make aluminum appear much less dangerous.
“A true comparison should be [done] between the maximum aluminum exposure at 2 years of age (which is about 4 mg total injected aluminum adjuvant) and a zero-exposure group,” Hooker is quoted as saying.
“In the paper I did with Neil Miller (SAGE Open Medicine, 2020), we saw an odds ratio of 4.49 (statistically significant) for asthma in vaccinated children versus unvaccinated children. This was limited to vaccines in the first year of life. The CDC seems to be confirming my results here.”
Daley also issued a statement that, despite he and his team’s findings, he still believes that aluminum “is integral to many vaccines, enhancing immunogenicity and effectiveness.”
“Aluminum adjuvants have a well-established safety profile, and are used in many vaccines given in early childhood,” he further added.
Daley went on to state that all things considered, he is also “still going to advocate for vaccines as strongly as I did before we had these findings.”
In other words, Daley does not care that aluminum in vaccines is causing children to develop brain and neurological damage. He still believes that vaccines are good no matter what the science says, and that is that.
The study’s ultimate conclusion as presented is confusing in that it points to aluminum in vaccines as being dangerous while simultaneously writing it off as not being that big of a deal.
“It is a classic aluminum industry study appearing to surrender some possible toxicity of aluminum (in vaccines) while actually delivering multiple messages signaling the safety of aluminum in general,” says Dr. Christopher Exley, PhD.
The latest news about toxic vaccines can be found at Vaccines.news.
Sources for this article include:
2022年10月7日 13:05
2022年10月06日(木) 記入者: イーサン・ハフ
(Natural News) 米国疾病対策予防センター(CDC)が資金提供した新しい研究は、小児用ワクチンに含まれるアルミニウム化合物が、神経障害、喘息、そしてビッグAを含む一連の病気と関連していることを確認した:自閉症を。
2008年から2014年末までに生まれた約326,991人の子どもたちが、CDCと提携している医療機関のネットワーク「Vaccine Safety Datalink」に参加している全米の7つの施設のいずれかでジャブ接種を受けた。研究者は、このデータを収集し、湿疹の有病率と比較して、アルミニウム曝露を調べました。
研究著者は、"これらの知見を得る前と同じように、今でもワクチンを強く擁護するつもりだ "と言っています
"Neil Millerと行った論文(SAGE Open Medicine, 2020)では、ワクチン接種児と非接種児の喘息のオッズ比が4.49(統計的に有意)であったことがわかりました。これは生後1年目のワクチンに限った話です。CDCは、ここで私の結果を確認しているようです。"
デイリーも、彼や彼のチームの発見にもかかわらず、アルミニウムは "多くのワクチンに不可欠で、免疫原性と効果を高めている "と信じているという声明を発表しています。
CDC confirms aluminum in vaccines linked to childhood asthma and AUTISM
Thursday, October 06, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) A new study funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms that aluminum compounds found in childhood vaccines are linked to an array of illnesses, including neurological disorders, asthma, and the Big A: autism.
Though the study’s authors tried their best to minimize the link, they were unable to sidestep a “positive association” between “vaccine-related aluminum exposure” and “persistent asthma” in children aged 24-59 months. Overall, children in the study who received 3 milligrams (mg) or more of vaccine-related aluminum had a 36 percent higher risk than children who took other vaccines to develop persistent asthma.
Note that a true vaccine-free placebo was not used in the study so as to make aluminum appear less damaging than it actually is. Had the study authors compared vaccinated children to unvaccinated children, the health risks associated with aluminum exposure would have been even more striking.
Some 326,991 children born between 2008 and the end of 2014 were jabbed at one of seven different sites across the United States that participate in the Vaccine Safety Datalink, a network of health providers partnered with the CDC. Researchers gathered this data then looked at aluminum exposure in comparison to eczema prevalence.
“If there’s any relationship between aluminum and asthma, it could look different in kids with eczema than kids without eczema,” said Dr. Matthew F. Daley, one of the study’s lead authors.
Daley and his colleagues then looked to see how many jabs each child received before age two, as well as aluminum exposure. Using these data points, they were able to make an assessment of disease risk in correlation to the amount of aluminum injected in a child’s body. (Related: All vaccines “without exception” contain hidden metals.)
Study author says he’s “still going to advocate for vaccines as strongly as I did before we had these findings”
Dr. Brian Hooker from Children’s Health Defense (CHD) notes that while the paper does point to aluminum as being problematic, it fails in that the CDC did not use a true placebo for comparison, and also used the least offensive hazards ratio in the study’s abstract so as to make aluminum appear much less dangerous.
“A true comparison should be [done] between the maximum aluminum exposure at 2 years of age (which is about 4 mg total injected aluminum adjuvant) and a zero-exposure group,” Hooker is quoted as saying.
“In the paper I did with Neil Miller (SAGE Open Medicine, 2020), we saw an odds ratio of 4.49 (statistically significant) for asthma in vaccinated children versus unvaccinated children. This was limited to vaccines in the first year of life. The CDC seems to be confirming my results here.”
Daley also issued a statement that, despite he and his team’s findings, he still believes that aluminum “is integral to many vaccines, enhancing immunogenicity and effectiveness.”
“Aluminum adjuvants have a well-established safety profile, and are used in many vaccines given in early childhood,” he further added.
Daley went on to state that all things considered, he is also “still going to advocate for vaccines as strongly as I did before we had these findings.”
In other words, Daley does not care that aluminum in vaccines is causing children to develop brain and neurological damage. He still believes that vaccines are good no matter what the science says, and that is that.
The study’s ultimate conclusion as presented is confusing in that it points to aluminum in vaccines as being dangerous while simultaneously writing it off as not being that big of a deal.
“It is a classic aluminum industry study appearing to surrender some possible toxicity of aluminum (in vaccines) while actually delivering multiple messages signaling the safety of aluminum in general,” says Dr. Christopher Exley, PhD.
The latest news about toxic vaccines can be found at Vaccines.news.
Sources for this article include: