今日の午後の酒は「純米吟醸生原酒 まんさくの花」(秋田県横手市)、暖かい秋田弁の販売員のおばちゃんに思わず。最近は大吟醸より酒の風味が残る吟醸の方が、削ぎ落とした辛口感の大吟醸より美味しいと感じる。しかも酒の美味しいが残る生原酒は、さらに美味しいと感じる。大吟醸、おめぇ削り過ぎだろうって感じ。
Today's afternoon Sake is 'Mansaku No Hana' made in Yokote city Akita prefecture.
This is raw Sake, really fresh and flavor.
The micro carbonic acid feeling of raw sake liqueur freshly squeezed in a sake brewery is delicious.
It is really fresh, and the Sake flavor is really fruity. I concealed the sake I bought so that my wife would not discover them.
This is raw Sake, really fresh and flavor.
The micro carbonic acid feeling of raw sake liqueur freshly squeezed in a sake brewery is delicious.
It is really fresh, and the Sake flavor is really fruity. I concealed the sake I bought so that my wife would not discover them.