

東電社長、朝日の誤報に関してThe NY Timesに投稿

2014年09月24日 03時50分56秒 | 時事放談: マスコミ編

東電社長が、The New York Timesに「福島第一原発に関する誤報:当社の考え」と題して投稿しています。


吉田調書で東電社長、NYタイムズに謝意を投稿(朝日新聞) - goo ニュース


 米ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙(電子版)は22日、東京電力の広瀬直己社長の投稿を掲載した。朝日新聞社が間違いを認めて取り消した5月20日付朝刊の 「吉田調書」の記事について、広瀬社長は「(東電福島第一原発の)所員を深く侮辱するもので、彼らの行動についての事実を曲げて伝えた」と批判した。



The Timesは朝日新聞とは同盟関係にあり、同紙の東京支局も朝日新聞社屋内にあります。ですから、援護射撃をしてあげようということでしょう。以下が、東電社長の投稿記事です。本分275語。とても読みやすい英文です。


False Report on Fukushima: The Company Responds
SEPT. 22, 2014

To the Editor:

As you recently reported, one of Japan’s leading newspapers this month retracted a false report from May that had deeply insulted our workers and misrepresented their actions (“Japan: Newspaper Retracts Report on Fukushima Disaster and Apologizes,” World Briefing item, Sept. 12).

Unfortunately, the false report that workers fled the Fukushima Daiichi plant at the time of the 2011 accident garnered much more international attention than has the retraction. So I want to express our appreciation to The Times for its most recent reporting on the matter.

As your article noted, Asahi Shimbun’s retraction came on the same day that Japan’s government released the previously confidential transcripts of interviews conducted with Masao Yoshida, who was superintendent of the plant at the time of the accident, and upon which Asahi Shimbun had purported to base its story. The full transcripts made clear that our workers had been courageous in remaining on the job and bringing the facility under control — and that Mr. Yoshida, who died last year, had praised them for it.

We at Tokyo Electric Power Company believe strongly that the workers acted appropriately and diligently throughout the accident.

There is much remaining to do at Fukushima Daiichi, and our employees — together with our Japanese and international partners — continue to work under challenging circumstances. Our workers had been deeply wounded by the falsehoods reported about them, and they have been very much heartened by the validation they received. We are grateful that they are once again being recognized for their courage and perseverance, and we pledge to move forward with renewed dedication toward the cleanup of the facility and the revitalization of Fukushima.

President and Chief Executive
Tokyo Electric Power Company
Tokyo, Sept. 18, 2014




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