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いまどこ ―冒頭表示2

キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo: に答えてってな形で部分統合しようかナとも思う。 ​http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/c11db5b33d4a1d67900e568ab0dc6273ではちょっとスレ違うと思う。
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を  http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、

学習資本主義 知識資本主義

2007-05-31 16:59:38 | LinkRecords
苅谷剛彦 学習資本主義 
新しい価値というのは、既存の計測技術にうまくかからないところから生まれるわけで 霊犀社2 デカルト分割 総合 OR 統合


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デカルト わたしの構想 the design I had in view

2007-05-31 16:51:56 | LinkRecords

"the design I had in view."
three arts or sciences which seemed as though they ought to contribute something to the design I had in view.

霊犀社2 デカルト分割 総合 OR 統合

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デカルト 方法序説 四つ

2007-05-31 16:15:01 | LinkRecords
デカルト 方法序説 四つ デカルト分割 総合 OR 統合
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the four [rules]would be enough Descartes

2007-05-31 15:56:26 | LinkRecords
Descartes quotes divide デカルト分割 総合 OR 統合
Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences

I thought the following four [rules] would be enough, provided that I made a firm and constant resolution not to fail even once in the observance of them.
  1. The first was never to accept anything as true if I had not evident knowledge of its being so; that is, carefully to avoid precipitancy and prejudice, and to embrace in my judgment only what presented itself to my mind so clearly and distinctly that I had no occasion to doubt it.
  2. The second, to divide each problem I examined into as many parts as was feasible, and as was requisite for its better solution.
  3. The third, to direct my thoughts in an orderly way; beginning with the simplest objects, those most apt to be known, and ascending little by little, in steps as it were, to the knowledge of the most complex; and establishing an order in thought even when the objects had no natural priority one to another.
  4. And the last, to make throughout such complete enumerations and such general surveys that I might be sure of leaving nothing out.

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デカルト分割 総合 OR 統合

2007-05-31 14:10:34 | LinkRecords
デカルトの指摘 「要素還元した後、間に落ちたものを拾い上げて統合せよ」.

メモ デカルト分割 モーガンの節約律
デカルト 引用 デカルトと引用精神
ルロイ修道士 井上ひさし「握手」

Descartes quotes divide

児玉龍彦 逆システム学
金子勝 逆システム学
分配的正義の経済理論・政治思想、および政策 「功利主義」との対峙
逆システム学 書評
逆システム学 計測 OR 制御

要素 還元 再現性  一回性 再現不可能性  偶発性 反復性

設計 OR 人工物 学 OR 論
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