

冒頭表示 現況 コンソール

2 r2 Tw KY(サブ foR Q Oj S C Pj Pe
キーボード配列QWERTYの謎 その仮説は本当に正しいか 猫式トロンキーボード TRON風キーボード はじめてみようμTRONキーボード


いまどこ ―冒頭表示2

キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo: に答えてってな形で部分統合しようかナとも思う。 ​http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/c11db5b33d4a1d67900e568ab0dc6273ではちょっとスレ違うと思う。
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を  http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、

copyist typewriter 代替 アウトソーシング

2007-08-31 07:43:19 | 視聴メモ
copyist typewriter
代替 アウトソーシング 経理 人事 中国
大連 日本 人件費五分の一 日本のホワイトカラー生産性

キーボードレイアウトの情報処理システム代替における重み付け 如何?
代替速度と 手戻り手直しと をはかりにかける?
社会的コストと ホワイトカラーの生産性
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YWCA typewriter

2007-08-30 20:50:45 | LinkRecords
YWCA typewriter
YWCA typewriter school OR teach 1881
YWCA typewriter 1881
YWCA typewriter 1881 training
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witness the power of habit

2007-08-30 14:29:29 | LinkRecords
"Why QWERTY, And What's Better?" -raycy
The adjustment would be painless and free, but I bet you have never even thought about it: witness the power of habit.
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Barbara Blackburn

2007-08-30 13:16:12 | LinkRecords
Today, the world typing record is held by Barbara Blackburn on DSK.
Natalie Lantos
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Hand-rolling movements or “combos”

2007-08-30 12:47:45 | LinkRecords
The following additional principles are also espoused often by layout designers today
(Capewell, Coleman, Hallingstad, Piepgrass 06):
• The pinky, being much shorter and weaker than other fingers, should rarely be required to reach anywhere.
• A layout similar to Qwerty is easier to learn for those familiar with Qwerty.
Hand-rolling movements or “combos” have similar value to hand alternation; so on Qwerty, such sequences AS, DF, JK, and perhaps JL and RE/ER are acceptable. Opinions vary as to which sequences are acceptable and whether they are better or worse than hand alternation, but it seems agreed that combos and alternation are both worthwhile. It should be noted that combos are probably more acceptable on modern keyboards, where keys are easy to press.
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