

決して離れない平安A Peace that Never Leaves You

2025-02-23 05:42:50 | 日記
ヨハネ 14:27 ESV [27] わたしは平和をあなたがたに残します。わたしの平和をあなたがたに与えます。わたしが与えるのは、世が与えるようなものではありません。あなたがたは心を騒がせるな、また恐れるな。
John 14:27 ESV [27] Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.


心配していたときのことを考えてみてください。どのように対処しましたか? 気を紛らわそうとしたかもしれませんし、問題に頭を悩ませたかもしれません。心配に対してこのように反応したいと思うのは自然なことですが、神はもっと良い対応方法を示してくださいます。




同じように、私たちも心配しているときに、すぐに問題の解決策を見つけようとします。 私たちは、時事問題に対する理解が思考を曇らせ、神との会話に影響を与えることがあります。しかし、神の目的は、私たちが見たり理解したりできる範囲を超えています。





ですから、今日、あなたが心配している状況のいくつかについて考える時間を取ってください。そして、少し時間を取って、これらの状況のそれぞれにおいて神を信頼していると神に伝えてください。 あらゆる心配事を神に委ね、その代わりに神があなたに平安を与えてくださることを想像してください。

A Peace that Never Leaves You

Think about a time when you were worried. How did you deal with it? Maybe you tried to distract yourself, or perhaps you let your mind race through your problems. It’s natural to want to respond to our worries this way, but God shows us a better way to respond.

Not long before Jesus went to the cross, He told His disciples that He would be leaving them. Worried about experiencing life without Him, the disciples wanted answers. But instead of giving them the response they hoped for, Jesus told His disciples to be at peace and not let their hearts be troubled.

Imagine how frustrating this must have been for His followers. They sensed that Jesus was leaving, but they were trying to align what He was saying with their ideas for the future.

They questioned His words because they couldn’t understand them.

In the same way, we can also be quick to try to find solutions to our problems when we’re worried. We can let our understanding of current events cloud our thinking and influence our conversations with God. But God’s purposes are beyond what we can see and understand.

When Jesus told the disciples to be at peace and not worry, Jesus saw beyond the cross—He saw His resurrection, His return to heaven, and the arrival of God’s Holy Spirit.

In the same way, He sees beyond our situations.

Because we live in an imperfect world, we will experience disappointments and hardships—but because we serve a good God, He sees beyond the bad things we go through. He sees our future filled with hope.

Jesus told His disciples to be at peace because He wanted them to trust in Him. Similarly, God wants us to be at peace in every situation as we trust Him to work things out for our good and His glory.

So take some time today to reflect on some of the situations that are causing you to worry. Then, take a moment to tell God that you trust Him with each of these circumstances. Imagine handing Him each concern, and allow Him to hand you His peace in return.

A Prayer for Peace

God, thank You for Your promise of peace. I may face uncertain and frightening things in this life, but I know You are bigger than my problems. As I walk with You today, help me to remember that no matter what I encounter, You are good. You promise to always be with me—and that brings me peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

