How to Serve God
The only requirement for serving God is a willing heart—He takes care of everything else.
テトス 3:5-8
5 神は、私たちが義をもって行った行いによってではなく、ご自分のあわれみによって、聖霊による再生と更新の洗いをもって、私たちを救ってくださいました。
6 神は、私たちの救い主イエス・キリストを通して、聖霊を豊かに私たちに注いでくださいました。
7 こうして、私たちは神の恵みによって義とされ、永遠のいのちの希望によって相続人となるのです。
8 これは確かな言葉です。これらのことについて、私はあなたが確信をもって語ることを望みます。それは、神を信じる人々が、善行に励むようにするためです。これらのことは、人にとって良いことであり、有益なことです。
Titus 3:5-8
5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,
6 whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,
7 so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
8 This is a trustworthy statement; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men.
13 わたしを強くして下さる方によって、わたしは何事でもできるのです。
Philippians 4:13
13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
神に仕える機会が与えられたとき、あなたはどう反応しますか? 確信がなくても「はい」と言いますか? それとも、スケジュールが忙しすぎるとか、自分には資格がないと感じて先延ばしにしますか? 神に仕えることを拒否することが一種の偶像崇拝だと思ったことはおそらくないでしょうが、多くの場合、それはまさに神に従う代わりに自分の願いを選ぶことです。
When presented with an opportunity to serve God, how do you respond? Do you say yes, even if you’re unsure? Or do you put it off because your schedule is too busy or you don’t feel qualified? You’ve probably never thought of a refusal to serve God as a type of idolatry, but oftentimes that’s what it is—choosing your own wishes instead of submitting to Him.
The Lord desires that His children be willing to seek His specific plan for their life and take on anything He calls them to do. He uniquely gifts us to serve according to His will. But if we’ve already decided that we can’t or won’t, whatever the reason, then we’re acting by our own will instead of the Lord’s.
You may serve God as a loving parent, as an employee who shares the gospel with coworkers, or as a friend who listens to the hurting. No restriction exists on what God can do through your life. The strength of His Spirit overcomes human limitations. Don’t have enough courage? Don’t have the right skills? God can fix that.
あなたを妨げているものを捨ててください。主があなたに命じられたことは何でも、主があなたに力を与えてくださることを信じてください(ピリピ 4:13)。主がその働きのために御子らを適切に備え、訓練してくださることを確信できます。
Lay down what’s holding you back. Trust that the Lord will empower you to do whatever He calls you to do (Philippians 4:13). We can be certain He will properly equip and train His children for the work.