

人生をどう生きるか How to Navigate Life

2025-01-20 23:05:09 | 日記
How to Navigate Life

Our last car had many scratches on both sides. I suspect (although my memory is conveniently vague about this) that I was responsible for most of them. They came as a result of the difficulty of steering through the very narrow entrance on one side of the grounds of our church.

Wisdom has been defined as ‘*the art of steering*’. As you go through life, you will need to navigate many tight situations that require great wisdom in order to avoid damaging yourself or others.

箴言 2:12-22 NIV [12] 知恵はあなたを悪人の道から、その言葉が曲がった人々から救い出す。[13] 彼らはまっすぐな道を捨てて暗い道を歩み、[14] 悪を行うことを喜び、悪の曲がった行いを喜びとする。[15] 彼らの道は曲がっており、その道は曲がっている。[16] 知恵はあなたを姦淫する女から、その言葉がまどろむ不道徳な女から救い出す。[17] 彼女は若い時の伴侶を捨て、神の前で立てた契約を無視する。[18] 確かに彼女の家は死に、彼女の道は死者の霊に通じる。[19] 彼女のところに行く者は、だれも帰って来ず、いのちの道に達することもない。[20] こうしてあなたは善の道を歩み、正しい者の道を守るであろう。 [21] 正しい者は地に住み、潔白な者は地に留まる。[22] しかし、悪人は地から断ち切られ、不忠実な者は地から引き抜かれる。
Proverbs 2:12-22 NIV [12] Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, [13] who have left the straight paths to walk in dark ways, [14] who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil, [15] whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways. [16] Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words, [17] who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God. [18] Surely her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. [19] None who go to her return or attain the paths of life. [20] Thus you will walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous. [21] For the upright will live in the land, and the blameless will remain in it; [22] but the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the unfaithful will be torn from it.

Avoid wrong turns

Unfaithfulness (vv.16–18) is an example of a wrong turn. Wisdom will ‘keep you from making wrong turns, or following the bad directions’ (v.12, MSG). Wisdom will stop you veering off course. It will stop you ‘travelling paths that go nowhere, wandering in a maze of detours and dead ends’ (v.15, MSG). Evil may look attractive, but it is perverse and leads to darkness.

Marriage is a ‘covenant… made before God’ (v.17). ‘Covenant’ is an important word describing Israel’s relationship with God – the old covenant; and our relationship with him under the new covenant. A covenant is a binding agreement that should not be broken.

To be involved in an adulterous relationship is wrong for both parties. In this case, it is the woman who has ‘left the partner of her youth’ and thereby ‘ignored the covenant she made before God’ (v.17). The man who commits adultery with her has fallen into the temptation to be seduced off the right path onto a path that ultimately ‘leads down to death’ (v.18).

Wisdom will keep you steering along the right paths (v.16a). It will ‘keep your feet on the tried-and-true paths’ (v.20, MSG). It will keep you walking with those who ‘walk straight’ (v.21, MSG).

Lord, give me wisdom. Help me to steer my life on the straight paths that lead to life.

マタイ14:1-21 NIV [1] そのころ、領主ヘロデはイエスのうわさを聞いて、[2] 家来たちに言った、「これはバプテスマのヨハネだ。死人の中からよみがえったのだ。このために、この人には不思議な力が働いているのだ。」 [3] さて、ヘロデは、兄弟フィリポの妻ヘロデヤのことで、ヨハネを捕らえて縛り、牢に入れていた。 [4] ヨハネがヘロデに、「彼女をめとることは、よくない」と言っていたからである。 [5] ヘロデはヨハネを殺したいと思ったが、民衆を恐れた。彼らはヨハネを預言者とみなしていたからである。 [6] ヘロデの誕生日に、ヘロデヤの娘が客たちのために踊りを披露し、ヘロデを大いに喜ばせたので、 [7] ヘロデは、娘の求めるものは何でも与えると誓った。 [8] 彼女は母親にそそのかされて、「バプテスマのヨハネの首を盆に載せて、ここにください」と言った。 [9] 王は心を痛めたが、誓いを立てたことと、食事の客たちのせいで、彼女の願いを聞き入れるよう命じた。[10] そして、ヨハネを牢の中で斬首させた。[11] ヨハネの首は盆に載せられて運び込まれ、少女に渡され、彼女はそれを母親のところへ運んだ。[12] ヨハネの弟子たちが来て、彼の遺体を引き取って葬り、そしてイエスのもとへ行って告げた。[13] イエスはこの出来事を聞いて、舟に乗って人里離れた所へ退かれた。群衆はこれを聞いて、町々から歩いてイエスに従った。[14] イエスは舟で上陸し、大勢の群衆を見て、彼らを深く憐れみ、病人を癒された。[15] 夕方になったので、弟子たちがイエスのもとに来て言った。「ここは人里離れた所ですし、もうおそくなってきました。群衆を解散させてください。村々に行って、自分で食べ物を買うようにさせてください。」[16] イエスは答えられた。「彼らが帰る必要はありません。あなたがたが彼らに何か食べ物を与えなさい。」 [17] 彼らは答えた。「ここにはパン五つと魚二匹しかありません。」 [18] イエスは言われた。「それをここに持って来なさい。」 [19] そして、イエスは群衆に草の上に座るように命じられた。そして、パン五つと魚二匹を取り、天を仰いで感謝の祈りを唱え、パンを裂いて弟子たちに与えた。弟子たちはそれを群衆に与えた。 [20] 皆は食べて満腹した。弟子たちは残ったパン切れを十二籠に集めた。 [21] 食べた人の数は、女と子供を除いて男五千人ほどであった。
Matthew 14:1-21 NIV [1] At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus, [2] and he said to his attendants, “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.” [3] Now Herod had arrested John and bound him and put him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, [4] for John had been saying to him: “It is not lawful for you to have her.” [5] Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, because they considered John a prophet. [6] On Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for the guests and pleased Herod so much [7] that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. [8] Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.” [9] The king was distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he ordered that her request be granted [10] and had John beheaded in the prison. [11] His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother. [12] John’s disciples came and took his body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus. [13] When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. [14] When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. [15] As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.” [16] Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” [17] “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. [18] “Bring them here to me,” he said. [19] And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. [20] They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. [21] The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

Choose the good path

Difficult times in your life can take you off course in the wrong direction. But if you stay on the right course it will lead to greater compassion and wisdom.

箴言は、私たちに知恵の道と悪の道のどちらかを選ぶよう求めています。ここでは、イエスとヘロデの人生において、この 2 つの道が実際にどのように見えるかを読みます。
The book of Proverbs presents us with a choice between the way of wisdom and the way of evil. Here, we read what these two paths look like in practice, in the lives of Jesus and Herod.

The path of evil

Herod the Tetrarch was Herod Antipas (21 BC – AD 39). This was the man who rejected Jesus to his face (when Pilate sent Jesus to Herod), just before Jesus’ death (see Luke 23:8–12).

Herod had done what the writer of Proverbs warned against. He had committed adultery with his brother’s wife, Herodias. When confronted with his actions he had John the Baptist ‘bound… and put… in prison’ (Matthew 14:3) because of his own guilty conscience.

Herod’s life seemed to revolve around self-gratification: he had discarded one wife and acquired another. His focus was on his own personal pleasure, rather than the misery that his actions would have caused others – not least his own brother, Philip. Beware when your own pleasure matters more to you than the needs of others.

The fear of rejection can also lead us into trouble. Herod ‘was afraid of the people’ (v.5) if he were to have John put to death. And yet he was also afraid of rejection by the guests at his dinner party and therefore granted Herodias’ daughter’s request for the head of John the Baptist (vv.8–10). Make sure you do not allow what others think of you to matter more than what is right.

Because John the Baptist courageously spoke out, Herod wanted to kill him (v.4). In fact, evil seems to have run in the family: Herod’s niece, Herodias’ daughter, plotted with her mother to have John beheaded (vv.6–10). They were so hardened to evil that they were not even sickened by the sight of John the Baptist’s head brought in on a platter (v.11).

The path of good

Jesus was clearly deeply shocked by the news of his cousin’s death (v.12). His response to bad news was to withdraw ‘privately to a solitary place’ (v.13). He needed to be alone with God.

Yet when his plans were interrupted, Jesus did not get irritated (as I often do). It is good to make plans; but also, to allow God to interrupt your plans. Because of his compassion (v.14), Jesus had the wisdom not only to ‘go with the flow’, but also to respond actively – he ‘healed their sick’ (v.14). Even after all that, he did not take the opportunity to get away from the crowds. Instead, he fed them – or rather, he taught his disciples how to feed them miraculously (vv.16,19–20). He mobilised them.

We see the extraordinary wisdom of Jesus as he navigated through this day. It was a day that started very badly, but Jesus managed to heal many sick people and miraculously feed ‘five thousand men, besides women and children’ (v.21). That day would be remembered throughout history and has affected millions of lives.

Lord, may the difficult times in my life not lead me off the right paths, but rather lead me to greater compassion and wisdom.

Genesis 40:1–41:40
創世記 40:1 新共同訳 [1] これらのことの後で、エジプト王の給仕役と料理役が主君であるエジプト王に過ちを犯した。

Navigate through the challenges of life

Have you ever been rejected, treated unjustly, let down by a friend or found yourself in some other frustrating situation?

‘Great faith is a product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials,’ said Smith Wigglesworth. We see this exemplified in the life of Joseph.

At the age of thirty (41:46), Joseph was put in charge of the entire country of Egypt. Pharaoh was looking for a wise and experienced person and he recognised that there was no one as qualified as Joseph (vv.33,39).

But first Joseph went through a very tough time. It was all part of his training. He had been rejected by his brothers, treated unjustly and put in prison. Yet his suffering was still not at an end.

神はヨセフに、仲間の囚人である献酌官とパン焼き官の夢の解釈を与えました。ヨセフは明確で正確な解釈を与えられ、パン焼き官は処刑されましたが、献酌官長は釈放され、元の地位に戻りました。ヨセフが彼に求めたのは、釈放されたらファラオにヨセフのことを告げ、牢獄から出してくれることを忘れないことだけでした (40:14)。
God gave him the interpretation of the dreams of his fellow prisoners, the cupbearer and the baker. He was given a clear and accurate interpretation. The baker was executed but the chief cupbearer was released and restored to his position. All Joseph had asked of him was that when he was released, he would remember to mention him to Pharaoh and get him out of prison (40:14).

However, the chief cupbearer forgot all about Joseph (v.23). This must have been so difficult and discouraging for him. It is never easy when friends let you down. In Joseph’s case, it meant two more years languishing in a dungeon (41:1).

Prison must have been an extraordinarily frustrating place for a man of Joseph’s talents. He was in his twenties, in the prime of his life. He did not know whether he would ever be released. I am not a very patient person. I think I would have gone mad with frustration.

Yet, in fact, God was preparing Joseph for something great. It probably did not feel like that at the time. By feeding fellow prisoners in a jail, God prepared Joseph to feed the nations from a palace.

Finally, when Pharaoh had dreams that he was unable to interpret, the chief cupbearer said, ‘Today I am reminded of my shortcomings’ (v.9). Joseph was called in to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams.

Joseph said, ‘I cannot do it… but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires’ (v.16). We see how Joseph has grown in wisdom. The self-confidence and swagger of his youth have been replaced by a reliance on God. He acts here with an extraordinary mixture of humility and confidence (two qualities that do not often go together). This is the humility and confidence we need when faced with the challenges of life: ‘I can’t… but God can and will.’

Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams (vv.25–32) and tells him how he should respond to them (vv.33–36). Even Pharaoh recognises the great wisdom that has grown in Joseph. He asks his officials, ‘Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?’ (v.38). Because he recognised that there was no one as ‘discerning’ and ‘wise’ as Joseph, Pharaoh put him in charge of his whole empire (vv.39–40).

Through all your suffering, trials and tribulations, God is also preparing you. Joseph had grown in wisdom. As a result, he came up with a plan that enabled the people to navigate through a period of great economic recession and turmoil. As a result of the global pandemic, many of us face all kinds of economic difficulties at the moment. God’s help and wisdom may not always change the situation, but they will help you navigate through the struggles you face.

Lord, thank you for the way in which you use the difficult times in my life. Help me to grow in wisdom, be confident in you and navigate through the challenges of life.

創世記 40 章では、ヨセフがいかに素晴らしいかがわかります。子どもの頃は少々生意気だったこと (それはヨセフを甘やかした父親のせいです) を除けば、ヨセフは失敗をしません。まあ、パン焼き人に対してもう少し気配りが必要だったかもしれませんが!

Pippa Adds In Genesis 40, we see how impressive Joseph is. Apart from being a little bumptious as a child – and that was his father’s fault for spoiling him – Joseph doesn’t put a foot wrong. Well, maybe he needed a little more tact with the baker! But despite all the wrongs done to him by others, there is not a hint of bitterness or doubt in God. He is respectful of Pharaoh, but he makes it clear that it is God, not Joseph, who interprets dreams. His childhood bragging has gone and all the glory goes to God. He doesn’t even try to bargain for release. No wonder Pharaoh is impressed. Now Joseph stands before him humble, confident and ready to be used by God.

不確実な時代における確実性④ Certainty in time of uncertainty④

2025-01-20 22:13:45 | 日記
ホセア書 6:3 NIV [3] 主を認めよう。主を認めるために努力しよう。太陽が昇るのと同じように、主は必ず現れ、冬の雨のように、地を潤す春の雨のように、私たちのもとに来られる。」
Hosea 6:3 NIV [3] Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”

詩篇 18:30 NIV [30] 神の道は完全である。主の言葉は完全である。主に身を寄せる者すべてを守ってくださる。
Psalms 18:30 NIV [30] As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.

Things don’t always go according to our plans, but they will always adhere to the plans of the Lord.

しかし、人生は道の途中での障害なしには生きられません。失敗はこれらの障害の中にあるのではなく、これらの障害によって立ち止まらされたときにあります。遅れに落胆して目的の追求をあきらめないでください。私たちは自分に起こることをコントロールすることはできません。コントロールできるのはそれに対する反応だけです。チャールズ・R・スウィンドル牧師はかつて、人生は自分に起こることの 10% とそれに対する反応の 90% で決まると言いました。
Life, however, is not lived without any bumps in the road. Failure is not found within these bumps, it is found when we allow these bumps to stop us in our tracks. Don’t become so discouraged in the delays that you give up on the pursuit of your purpose. We cannot control what happens to us, we can only control our response to it. Pastor Charles R. Swindoll once said that life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you react to it.

Your mindset is a powerful thing. I believe that people who are successful aren’t successful because they are more talented or even more skilled. Successful people are successful because they have a mindset for success even during failure.

We must trust the process, even when the journey gets rocky. God is developing you for the plan that He has created for you to live out. God puts us through what I call “stretching seasons” to prepare us mentally for the destination that we are heading towards.

Having certainty in times of uncertainty does not mean turning a blind eye to what’s going on around you. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have feelings of fear, we’re only human. It means that we, as followers of Christ, choose to have faith among the fear and negativity that may surround us. It means that even with fear in our minds, we know that the Lord will provide us with whatever we need to carry on.

In times of uncertainty, your Bible is certain.

God is sure.

Jesus has made his mind up.

You see, we may live in a limited world but we serve a limitless God.

献身と尊敬Devotion and Honor

2025-01-20 17:28:32 | 日記
ローマ人への手紙 12:10 NIV [10] 愛をもって互いに献身し合いなさい。自分よりも互いを尊びなさい。
Romans 12:10 NIV [10] Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.









Devotion and Honor

You were created for community. When God designed humans, He made us with the intention of placing us within a loving family. Today, we call that family the Church.

God’s original intention was that we would exist within a family of other believers. He didn’t intend for us to exist in isolation or separated from other people. Life was not meant to be lived alone.

Regardless of what your family experience was like, God intended for His family to be loving and caring. And it’s the qualities of God’s family that Paul is writing about in Romans 12.

Paul says to be devoted to one another in love. That means that we are to walk alongside other people through the various seasons of life. We should never abandon people when life gets hard.

Paul also encourages us to honor others. Instead of seeking self-recognition, we should honor and encourage each other. Instead of pursuing what seems best for us, we should seek the good of other people first.

Devotion and honor are just two aspects of loving people well, but Jesus said that the world will recognize us as His disciples by the way that we love. This means that we have to genuinely love others—not just pretend to love them. And the place we need to start showing genuine honor is within our spiritual family. Rather than letting self-promotion divide the family of God, our goal should be to honor those around us.

If we won’t learn how to love people who follow Jesus, then we won’t know how to love people who don’t.

A Prayer to Honor Others

Jesus, thank You for showing me what unconditional love looks like. It’s because You love me deeply that You ask me to love others deeply. Please help me with this. Show me how to love others like You have loved me. Bring to my mind ways that I can honor others, and then help me to do so with gladness and joy. Amen.

私たちの信念—私たちの弁護 Our Convictions—Our Defense

2025-01-20 01:19:39 | 日記
Our Convictions—Our Defense

Build your life on the Word of God—it's always true.

ローマ人への手紙 14:20-23 20 食べ物のために神の御業を損なってはいけません。すべてのものは清いものですが、それを食べて人をつまずかせる人にとっては悪いものです。 21 肉を食べず、ぶどう酒を飲まず、兄弟をつまずかせるようなことはしないのは良いことです。 22 あなたがたが持っている信仰を、神の前に確信として持ちなさい。自分が認めている事で自分を罪に定めない人は幸いです。 23 しかし、疑う人は食べると罪に定められます。なぜなら、その食べることは信仰からではなく、信仰からでないものはみな罪だからです。
Romans 14:20-23 20 Do not tear down the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are clean, but they are evil for the man who eats and gives offense. 21 It is good not to eat meat or to drink wine, or to do anything by which your brother stumbles. 22 The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. 23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin.

創世記 50:20 20 「あなたたちは私に対して悪を企てたが、神はそれを善と定めて、多くの人を生き長らえさせるために、このような結果をもたらしたのだ。
Genesis 50:20 20 ``As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.

ダニエル 1:19-20 19 王は彼らと協議したが、彼らの中にダニエル、ハナニヤ、ミシャエル、アザリヤのような者は一人もいなかった。そこで彼らは王の直属の部下となった。 20 王が彼らに相談したあらゆる知恵と理解力に関して、王は彼らが国中の魔術師や呪術師のすべてよりも十倍優れていることを知った。
Daniel 1:19-20 19 The king talked with them, and out of them all not one was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah; so they entered the king's personal service. 20 As for every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king consulted them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and conjurers who were in all his realm.

A person of conviction is confident his or her beliefs are true. In contrast, many people choose to believe something based on conditions and circumstances. And if those situations change, so do opinions and loyalty.

聖書に登場する、信念を貫いた二人の男性を見てみましょう。何年にもわたる不当な扱いにも関わらず、ヨセフは神の教えに従うことを決して揺るがしませんでした。その結果、彼はイスラエルの存続を確実にするために、正しい時に正しい場所にいたのです(創世記 50:20)。偶像崇拝の地に住むもう一人の義人ダニエルは、自分の信念を貫くことで外国の王たちの信頼を得ました(ダニエル 1:19-20)。
Let’s look at two men from Scripture who remained firm in their convictions. Despite years of unfair treatment, Joseph never wavered in his commitment to godly principles. As a result, he was in the right place at the right time to ensure the survival of Israel (Genesis 50:20). Daniel, another righteous man living in an idolatrous land, earned the trust of foreign kings by standing firm in his beliefs (Daniel 1:19-20).

As these heroes of the faith show, godly convictions withstand the changing winds of opinion and the persuasive arguments of opponents. If we’re grounded in the Word and trust what God has said, we can stand firm. Confidence breeds the courage to remain strong amid the conflicts that arise.

Instead of following your own preferences, choose to live a life based on godly convictions and the values Scripture says are most important. Through prayer and study, the heavenly Father will firmly root us in solid biblical convictions that will withstand the pressures of any trial.