

主よ、いつまでですか? How Long, O Lord?

2025-01-22 21:55:45 | 日記
How Long, O Lord?

Have there ever been times in your life when you have found yourself wondering, ‘How long, O Lord?’ *How long* will these struggles and disappointments last? *How long* will we have these financial difficulties? *How long* will these health issues persist? *How long* will the difficulties in this relationship last? *How long* will I struggle with this addiction? *How long* will these intense temptations last? *How long* will it take me to get over this loss?

ピッパと私は、私たちが開拓した教会のひとつ、ブライトンのセント ピーター教会を時々訪れます。ある礼拝の終わりに、ある女性が私たちのところに来て、37 年間、夫がキリストを信じるよう祈ってきたと話してくれました。その 37 年間ずっと、彼女は「主よ、いつまでですか。いつまでですか。」と叫んでいました (詩篇 13:1)。2009 年にセント ピーター教会が開館したとき、彼女の夫は彼女と一緒に教会に通い始めたいと思いました。セント ピーター教会に入った瞬間、彼は家に帰り、「生まれ変わった」ように感じました。今では彼は教会が大好きで、毎週通っています。会話の間中、彼女は顔に大きな喜びの表情を浮かべて、「主よ、いつまでですか。」と繰り返し言いました。
Pippa and I sometimes visit St Peter’s Brighton, one of our church plants. At the end of one service, a woman came up to us and told us that for thirty-seven years she had been praying for her husband to find faith in Christ. For all those thirty-seven long years, she had cried out, ‘*How long, O Lord, how long?*’ (Psalm 13:1). When St Peter’s opened in 2009, her husband decided he would like to start coming to church with her. The moment he walked into St Peter’s, he felt he had come home and had been ‘reborn’. Now he loves the church and comes every week. Throughout our conversation she kept repeating, with a huge expression of joy on her face: ‘*How long, O Lord, how long?*’

God had heard. At last, her prayers were answered. Four times in quick succession David cries out, ‘How long…?’ (vv.1–2). There are periods when it appears that God has *forgotten us* (v.1a). It seems that he has *hidden his face* (v.1b). For some inexplicable reason, we don’t sense his presence with us. Every day seems to be a struggle – *wrestling with our thoughts* (v.2a). Every day brings *sorrow* (v.2b). We seem to be losing the battle and the enemy seems to be *triumphing over us* (v.2c). How should we respond in times like these?

詩篇 13:1-6 NIV [1] 主よ、いつまで私をお忘れになるのですか。いつまで私から御顔を隠されるのですか。[2] いつまで私は自分の思いと格闘し、日々心に悲しみを抱かなければならないのですか。いつまで私の敵は私に打ち勝つのですか。[3] 主よ、私の神よ、私を見て答えてください。私の目に光を与えてください。さもないと私は死に眠ります。[4] 敵は「私は彼に打ち勝った」と言い、私が倒れると敵は喜ぶでしょう。[5] しかし私はあなたの変わらぬ愛を信頼し、私の心はあなたの救いを喜びます。[6] 私は主を賛美します。主は私に恵みを与えてくださったからです。
Psalms 13:1-6 NIV [1] How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? [2] How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? [3] Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, [4] and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall. [5] But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. [6] I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.

Keep going

デビッドの例は、困難な時期にも継続して行うべき 4 つのことを示唆しています。
David’s example suggests four things that you should continue to do during difficult times:


Keep praying

David continues to cry out to God, ‘Look on me and answer, O Lord my God. Give light to my eyes’ (v.3). He pours out his heart to God. Don’t give up praying even when God seems far away.


Keep trusting

‘But I trust in your unfailing love’ (v.5a). ‘I’ve thrown myself headlong into your arms’ (v.5a, MSG). It is relatively easy to have faith when things are going well, but the test of faith is when things do not appear to be going well.


Keep rejoicing

He does not rejoice in the trials, but in God’s salvation. He says, ‘my heart rejoices in your salvation’ (v.5b). ‘I’m celebrating your rescue’ (v.5b, MSG).


Keep worshipping

In spite of everything he has been through, David is able to see the goodness of God: ‘I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me’ (v.6). He remembers all that God has done for him.

As you begin to praise and worship God, it brings perspective to your problems. Sometimes, I find it helpful to look back on my life and thank the Lord for bringing me through so many of my own personal struggles, disappointments and bereavements, and to remember how, through it all, ‘he has been good to me’ (v.6).

Lord, I worship you today. Thank you for your goodness to me. For all the battles ahead, I trust in your unfailing love.

マタイ15:10-39 NIV [10] イエスは群衆を呼び寄せて言われた、「よく聞きなさい。[11] 人の口に入るものは人を汚さない。かえって、口から出るものが人を汚すのです。」[12] すると弟子たちがイエスのもとに来て尋ねた、「あなたがたは、パリサイ人たちがこれを聞いて憤慨したのをご存じですか。」[13] イエスは答えて言われた、「わたしの天の父がお植えにならなかった植物は、みな根こそぎ引き抜かれてしまう。[14] 彼らを放っておきなさい。彼らは盲人の手引きです。盲人が盲人を手引きすれば、ふたりとも穴に落ち込むでしょう。」[15] ペテロが言った、「このたとえを説明してください。」[16] 「まだそんなに鈍いのですか。」イエスは彼らに言われた。[17] 「あなたがたは知らないのですか。口に入るものはみな腹に入り、それから体から出ていくのが。[18] しかし、人の口から出るものは心から出て、それが人を汚すのです。 [19] というのは、心から出て来る悪い思い、すなわち、殺人、姦淫、不品行、盗み、偽証、誹謗は、みな出て来るからである。[20] これらのことが人を汚す。しかし、洗わない手で食事をすることは人を汚すわけではない。」[21] イエスはそこを去って、ティルスとシドンの地方へ退かれた。[22] その地方のカナン人の女がイエスのもとに来て、叫んで言った。「主よ、ダビデの子よ。私をあわれんでください。娘は悪霊に取りつかれて、ひどく苦しんでいます。」[23] イエスはひと言もお答えにならなかった。そこで、弟子たちがイエスのもとに来て願った。「この娘を追い払ってください。私たちのあとをついて叫び続けているのです。」[24] イエスは答えられた。「わたしは、イスラエルの失われた羊のところにしか遣わされていない。」[25] 女は進み出て、イエスの前にひざまずき、「主よ、私をお助けください」と言った。 [26] イエスは答えて言われた。「子供たちのパンを取って小犬に投げて与えるのはよくないことです。」 [27] 彼女は言った。「主よ、そのとおりです。小犬も主人の食卓から落ちるパンくずはいただきます。」 [28] するとイエスは彼女に言われた。「婦人よ、あなたの信仰は立派です。あなたの願いはかなえられます。」 すると娘は、その瞬間に癒された。 [29] イエスはそこを去り、ガリラヤ湖のほとりへ行き、山に登って座られた。 [30] 大勢の群衆がみもとにやって来て、足の不自由な人、盲人、体の不自由な人、口のきけない人、そのほか多くの者を連れて来て、イエスの足もとに置いた。するとイエスは彼らを癒された。 [31] 人々は、口のきけない人がものを言い、体の不自由な人が治り、足の不自由な人が歩き、目の見えない人が見えるようになったのを見て驚き、イスラエルの神をほめたたえた。 [32] イエスは弟子たちを呼び寄せて言われた。「わたしはこの人々を深く哀れに思う。 彼らはすでに三日間も私と一緒にいるのに、食べるものがない。途中で倒れてしまうかもしれないから、空腹のまま帰らせたくない。」 [33] 弟子たちは答えた。「こんな辺鄙な所で、こんなに大勢の人に食べさせるほどのパンをどこで手に入れることができようか。」 [34] イエスは尋ねられた。「パンはいくつあるか。」彼らは答えた。「七つあります。それに魚が少しあります。」 [35] イエスは群衆に地面に座るように言われた。 [36] それから、イエスは七つのパンと魚を取り、感謝の祈りをささげてから裂き、弟子たちに与えた。弟子たちはそれを群衆に与えた。 [37] 皆が食べて満腹した。その後、弟子たちは残ったパン切れを七つの籠に集めた。 [38] 食べた人の数は、女と子供を除いて、男四千人であった。 [39] イエスは群衆を解散させてから、舟に乗り、マガダンの地方へ行かれた。
Matthew 15:10-39 NIV [10] Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. [11] What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” [12] Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?” [13] He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. [14] Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” [15] Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.” [16] “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. [17] “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? [18] But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. [19] For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. [20] These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.” [21] Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. [22] A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.” [23] Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” [24] He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” [25] The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said. [26] He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” [27] “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” [28] Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. [29] Jesus left there and went along the Sea of Galilee. Then he went up on a mountainside and sat down. [30] Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them. [31] The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel. [32] Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.” [33] His disciples answered, “Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?” [34] “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked. “Seven,” they replied, “and a few small fish.” [35] He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. [36] Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, and when he had given thanks, he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and they in turn to the people. [37] They all ate and were satisfied. Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. [38] The number of those who ate was four thousand men, besides women and children. [39] After Jesus had sent the crowd away, he got into the boat and went to the vicinity of Magadan.

Keep following Jesus

Delay does not negate the promises of God. God does not always change our situations immediately. Sickness and suffering will not finally be eradicated until Jesus returns. These stories, and our experiences of miracles and healings, are a foretaste of what will happen then.

The goodness of God is revealed supremely in Jesus. Once again, in this passage, we see the amazing goodness of Jesus and how to deal with sin, sickness and suffering.


イエスは、私たちの問題は、私たちが食べるもののような表面的なことではないと言っています(11節)。食べ物は体の中に入っては出て行きます(17節)。あなたに害を与えるものは内側からやってきます。「口から出るものは心から始まるのです」(17節 MSG)。本当の問題は、心の中の罪です。「心から悪い思いが出てくるからです。殺人、姦淫、性的不道徳、盗み、偽証、中傷。これらがあなたを「汚れた」ものにするのです」(19~20節)。
Keep renewing your mind

Jesus says that our problem is not about superficial things, such as what we eat (v.11). Food goes in and out of your body (v.17). The things that harm you come from inside – ‘what comes out of the mouth gets its start in the heart’ (v.17 MSG). The real issue is sin in the heart: ‘For out of the heart come evil thoughts – murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make you “unclean”’ (vv.19–20a).

The challenge of Jesus’ words is that while we may not have committed murder or adultery, all of us fall at the first hurdle. The very first attribute that Jesus mentions is ‘evil thoughts’. The solution to our sin is not external rituals, as the Pharisees were suggesting. Only God can change my heart. I need the help of his Holy Spirit to transform and purify me.


Keep praying for healing

There are few things more painful than seeing your own children suffering. The Canaanite woman’s daughter was ‘suffering terribly’ (v.22). This mother must have cried out in her heart, ‘How long, O Lord?’ But she kept on asking for healing and refused to be discouraged by the fact that Jesus did not seem to be answering her request. ‘She came and, kneeling, worshipped him and kept praying, Lord, help me!’ (v.25, AMP).

Jesus saw that she had ‘great faith’ and he healed her daughter (v.28). He went on to heal ‘the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others’ (v.30).


Keep acting on behalf of the hungry

Not only does Jesus deal with the issue of sickness (v.22 onwards), he also cares deeply about suffering caused by hunger. He says, ‘I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry’ (v.32).

Jesus is able to do a lot with a very little. With the small amount of food given to him, he feeds the crowds. If you give him your life and resources, however small they may seem to you, he is able to multiply them and use them greatly.

If Jesus cared so much about temporary hunger, how much more must he care about the hundreds of millions of people in the world today who are suffering from hunger and malnutrition. As followers of Jesus we are called to act on their behalf.

Surely everybody would approve of Jesus. But no. The Pharisees were offended (v.12) when they heard him. If even Jesus offended people by what he said, do not be surprised if some people are offended by what you say in his name.

Lord, give me your compassion for suffering people. Come, Holy Spirit.

Genesis 43:1–44:34
創世記 43:1 新共同訳 [1] この地方の飢饉はひどくなる一方であった。

Keep hoping

ヤコブはダビデのように叫ぶこともできたでしょう。「主よ、いつまでですか」(詩篇 13:1a)。彼の苦しみは果てしなく続くようでした。彼は20年以上も息子を失った悲しみに暮れていました。そして今、ひどい飢饉が起こり(創世記 43:1)、彼は最愛のベニヤミンを失う可能性に直面しました。彼は尋ねました。「なぜ、このような災難を私に下さったのですか…」(6節)。彼はほとんど諦めたようにこう言います。「私は、もし失った者なら、失った者です」(14節)。
Jacob could have cried out, like David: ‘How long, O Lord?’ (Psalm 13:1a). His sufferings seemed to go on and on. He had been grieving for his lost son for over twenty years. Now there was a severe famine (Genesis 43:1) and he faced the prospect of losing his much-loved Benjamin. He asked, ‘Why did you bring this trouble on me...?’ (v.6). He says, almost in resignation, ‘As for me, if I am bereaved, I am bereaved’ (v.14).

Eventually, Jacob simply had to trust God and let go of his son Benjamin. When he did so, things worked out. Very often it is not until we let go and commit a situation into the Lord’s hands – perhaps fearing the worst – that God works it all out.

The writer of this section of Genesis is a brilliant storyteller. He draws out the agony. Judah knows that if his father loses Benjamin – as well as Joseph – it would probably kill him. He speaks of the ‘misery that would come upon my father’ (44:34). All the while, we – the readers – know that Joseph is actually still alive and that through it all his dreams are being fulfilled (43:26–28). Joseph is ‘deeply moved’ and has to look for ‘a place to weep’ (v.30).

Joseph puts his brothers to the test. Judah is a changed man. Earlier he had callously sold his brother into slavery (37:26–27). Now he is willing to give his life to save his brother: ‘Let your servant remain here as my lord’s slave in place of the boy’ (44:33).

こうした出来事の予期せぬ展開を通して、神は働き、その目的を成し遂げています。神は常にあなたの人格に働きかけ、いつの日かあなたが過去を振り返って「主は私に恵みを与えてくださった」(詩篇 13:6)と言えるようにしてくださっています。
Through all the unexpected twists and turns of these events, God is at work, bringing about his purpose. He is always working on your character and enabling you one day to look back and say, ‘the Lord… has been good to me’ (Psalm 13:6).

ヤコブは、家族全員を救うために、彼の「唯一の」(「彼だけが残った」、創世記 42:38)息子ベニヤミンを遣わさなければなりませんでした。新約聖書の観点からこれを読むと、神が私たちを救うために彼の唯一の息子であるイエスを遣わされたことを思い出します。
Jacob had to send his ‘only’ (‘he is the only one left’, Genesis 42:38) son Benjamin to save the whole family. As we read this through the eyes of the New Testament we are reminded that God sent his only Son, Jesus, to save us.

Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to save me. In the difficult times, when I am crying out, ‘How long, O Lord?’, help me to keep going, following Jesus, praying, trusting, rejoicing, worshipping and putting my hope in you.

創世記 43 章はとても感動的で、私たちをハラハラさせます。彼ら全員が、多くの傷、嫉妬、欺瞞、不親切を経験してきました。ヨセフは兄弟たちを試して、彼らの心の中にあるものを見ようとします。彼らは変わったでしょうか。彼らは自分の行いを後悔しているでしょうか。ヨセフは兄弟たちが彼にひれ伏すのを見て、「あの夢を覚えているか…?」または「私が言ったではないか…?」と言いたくなったに違いありません。しかし、ある事柄は私たち自身の励みとして私たちに明らかにされており、他の人には言わない方がよいのです。
Pippa Adds
Genesis 43 is so moving and leaves us on a cliff-hanger. So much hurt, jealousy, deceit and unkindness had gone on by all of them. Joseph tests the brothers to see what is in their hearts: Have they changed? Do they regret their actions? And when Joseph saw his brothers bow down to him, it must have been so tempting to say, ‘Do you remember those dreams…?’ Or, ‘Didn’t I tell you…?’ But some things are revealed to us for our own encouragement and are better not said to others.

計画するPlanning Ahead

2025-01-22 14:39:02 | 日記
箴言 19:21 NIV [21] 人の心には多くの計画があるが、主の計画だけが成功する。
Proverbs 19:21 NIV [21] Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.













箴言 19:21 NIV

計画を立てることは悪いことではありません。実際、聖書は、私たちは蒔いたものを収穫する(ガラテヤ 6:7)と教えています。ですから、私たちは将来に賢明に備えるために怠惰ではなく勤勉であるべきです。しかし、同時に、その計画を緩く捉えなければなりません。なぜなら、神は私たちの人生の全体像を知っているからです。





Planning Ahead

Think about your upcoming plans for the day, week, year, and beyond.

Maybe you want to start a business.
Maybe you want to raise a family.
Maybe you want to write a book.
Maybe you want to travel the world.
Maybe you want to start a ministry.
Maybe you want to volunteer in your city.
Maybe you want to plant a garden.
Maybe you want to pay off debt.

Scripture tells us …

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Making plans isn’t a bad thing. In fact, the Bible tells us that we will harvest what we plant (Galatians 6:7), so we should be diligent—not lazy—to wisely prepare for the future. But we must simultaneously hold those plans loosely, because God knows the full picture of our lives.

God is always working in and through His people, giving them the desire and power to do what pleases Him (Philippians 2:13). But sometimes, we require rerouting. Sometimes what we want isn’t in His plan.

But even when we don’t get what we’ve hoped for, He always has our good and His glory in mind.

Jesus modeled how to surrender His own plans by literally giving His life up for us—for our freedom. And, even though it wasn’t easy, our lives and our futures look different because God’s purpose prevailed.

So today, make a list of some of your plans and dreams. Then hold your hands out in front of you, and visualize giving all of your dreams and plans over to God. Picture all of those plans evaporating from your hands. Then, ask God to show you which plans He wants to give back to you and if there are any new dreams He’s longing for you to receive.

Surrendering to God’s Plan

God, sometimes it’s hard to surrender my life to You. I make the mistake of thinking my plans are better than Yours. I know Your purpose for me is far greater than I can imagine, so I want to release all control to You. I invite You into my decision-making. Please inspire every move and thought I make. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

St.Valentine’s Day

2025-01-22 00:30:58 | 日記
St.Valentine’s Day

起源 : 聖バレンタインは、ローマ帝国で信仰のために殉教したキリスト教の聖職者でした。彼の遺体が2月14日に埋葬された為、教皇ゲラシウス1世が、聖バレンタインを称えるためにこの祝日を制定しました。
意義 : この日は、聖バレンタインの犠牲的なキリスト愛を讃える日です。


ヨハネの手紙Ⅰ 4:7.9-12.16
[7] 愛する人たち。互いに愛し合いましょう。愛は神から出ています。
[9] 神は、かけがえのないご自分のひとり子(イエスキリスト)をこの世に遣わし、そのひとり子の死によって、私たちに永遠のいのちを与えてくださいました。そのようにして、どんなに私たちを愛しておられるかを示されたのです。 [10] 神に対する私たちの愛ではなく、私たちに対する神の愛によって、私たちの罪へのなだめとして、神のひとり子が遣わされました。ここに真の愛があるのです。 [11] 愛する人たち。神がこれほどまでに愛してくださったのですから、私たちもまた、互いに愛し合おうではありませんか。 [12] 私たちは、だれも神を見たことがありません。しかし、互いに愛し合う時、神は私たちの心の中に住んでくださり、心の中にある神の愛を、なおいっそう強めてくださるのです。
[16] 神は愛です。

ヨハネの福音書 13:34
[34] わたし(イエスキリスト)があなたがたを愛するように、あなたがたも互いに愛し合いなさい。

St.Valentine’s Day

2025-01-22 00:30:58 | 日記
St.Valentine’s Day

起源 : 聖バレンタインは、ローマ帝国で信仰のために殉教したキリスト教の聖職者でした。彼の遺体が2月14日に埋葬された為、教皇ゲラシウス1世が、聖バレンタインを称えるためにこの祝日を制定しました。
意義 : この日は、聖バレンタインの犠牲的なキリスト愛を讃える日です。


ヨハネの手紙Ⅰ 4:7.9-12.16
[7] 愛する人たち。互いに愛し合いましょう。愛は神から出ています。
[9] 神は、かけがえのないご自分のひとり子(イエスキリスト)をこの世に遣わし、そのひとり子の死によって、私たちに永遠のいのちを与えてくださいました。そのようにして、どんなに私たちを愛しておられるかを示されたのです。 [10] 神に対する私たちの愛ではなく、私たちに対する神の愛によって、私たちの罪へのなだめとして、神のひとり子が遣わされました。ここに真の愛があるのです。 [11] 愛する人たち。神がこれほどまでに愛してくださったのですから、私たちもまた、互いに愛し合おうではありませんか。 [12] 私たちは、だれも神を見たことがありません。しかし、互いに愛し合う時、神は私たちの心の中に住んでくださり、心の中にある神の愛を、なおいっそう強めてくださるのです。
[16] 神は愛です。

ヨハネの福音書 13:34
[34] わたし(イエスキリスト)があなたがたを愛するように、あなたがたも互いに愛し合いなさい。


2025-01-22 00:28:55 | 日記

私はぶどうの木、あなたたちはその枝です。人が私につながっており、私もその人につながっているなら、その人は豊かに実を結びます。私から離れては、あなたたちは何事もできないからです。(ヨハネ 15:5)

私は、私を強くしてくださるキリストによって、すべてのことができるのです。(ピリピ 4:13)



