

キリストの使命 The Mission of Christ

2025-01-11 19:11:31 | 日記
The Mission of Christ

Because of the Father’s great love, He sent Jesus to make a way for us to have eternal life.

ヨハネ 10:1-18 1 「よくよくあなたがたに告げます。羊の囲いに門から入らずに、ほかの所から上って行く者は、盗人であり強盗です。 2 「しかし、門から入る者は羊飼いです。 3 「その人のために門番が開けると、羊はその声を聞きます。彼は自分の羊の名を呼んで連れ出します。 4 「彼は自分の羊をみな外に出して、先頭に立って行きます。羊は彼の声を知っているので、彼について行きます。 5 「彼らは決して旅人について行かず、旅人の声を知らないので、彼から逃げ去る。」 6 この比喩をイエスは彼らに話したが、彼らはイエスが彼らに話していたことが何であるか理解できなかった。 7 そこでイエスは再び彼らに言われた。「まことに、まことに、あなたたちに告げます。わたしは羊の門です。 8 「わたしより前に来た者はみな、盗人であり、強盗です。しかし、羊は彼らの言うことを聞きませんでした。 9 「わたしは門です。わたしを通って入る者は救われ、出入りして牧草を見つけます。 10 「盗人が来るのは、盗んだり、殺したり、滅ぼしたりするためだけです。わたしが来たのは、羊が命を得、豊かに得るためです。 11 「わたしは良い羊飼いです。良い羊飼いは羊のために命を捨てます。 12 「雇われ人で、羊飼いではなく、羊の所有者でない者は、 狼が来るのを見て、羊を捨てて逃げるが、狼は羊を奪い散らす。 13 彼が逃げるのは、雇われ人で羊のことを気にかけないからである。 14 「わたしは良い羊飼いである。わたしは自分の羊を知っているし、わたしの羊もわたしを知っている。 15 父がわたしを知っており、わたしが父を知っているように、わたしは羊のために命を捨てる。 16 「わたしには、この囲いにいないほかの羊がいる。わたしは彼らをも連れて来なければならない。彼らもわたしの声を聞き、彼らはひとりの羊飼いとひとつの群れとなる。」 17 「父はわたしを愛しておられる。わたしは命を捨てて、それを再び得るからである。 18 「だれもわたしから命を奪い取ったのではない。わたしは自分から命を捨てる。わたしにはそれを捨てる権威があり、またそれを得る権威もある。この戒めはわたしが父から受けたものである。」
John 10:1-18 1 ``Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber. 2 ``But he who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. 3 ``To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 ``When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 ``A stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers." 6 This figure of speech Jesus spoke to them, but they did not understand what those things were which He had been saying to them. 7 So Jesus said to them again, ``Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 ``All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. 9 ``I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 ``The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 11 ``I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. 12 ``He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13 `` He flees because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep. 14 ``I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me, 15 even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 16 ``I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd. 17 ``For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. 18 ``No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father."

マタイ 20:28 28 人の子も仕えられるためではなく仕えるために、また多くの人のための身代金として自分の命を与えるために来たのと同じです。」
Matthew 20:28 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

マタイ 26:39 39 そしてイエスは彼らから少し離れて行き、ひれ伏して祈って言われた。「父よ、もしできることでしたらどうか、この杯をわ​​たしから過ぎ去らせてください。しかし、わたしの思いではなく、あなたの思いのままになさってください。」
Matthew 26:39 39 And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, ``My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will."

ヨハネ 14:6 6 イエスは彼に言われた、「わたしは道であり、真理であり、命である。わたしを通してでなければ、だれひとり父のみもとに行くことはできない。」
John 14:6 6 Jesus said to him, ``I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

ヨハネ 14:9 9 イエスは彼に言われた。「フィリポよ、こんなに長い間あなたと一緒にいるのに、まだわたしがわからないのか。わたしを見た者は、父を見たのだ。どうして『父を見せてください』と言えるのか。
John 14:9 9 Jesus said to him, ``Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, `Show us the Father'?

ヨハネ 10:30 30 「わたしと父とは一つである。」
John 10:30 30 ``I and the Father are one."

ローマ人への手紙 8:34 34 だれが罪を宣告するのでしょうか。キリスト・イエスは、死んだ方、いや、むしろ復活した方であり、神の右に座し、また私たちのために執り成しをして下さる方です。
Romans 8:34 34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.

キリストの地上での使命は、父の御心を行うことでした。イエスは生涯を通じて、常に神に身を捧げました。王の王は仕えられるためではなく、仕えるために来られました。死に至るまでです(マタイ 20:28)。イエスの究極の目的は、私たちが必要とする犠牲になることでした。十字架上での死によって、イエスは私たちの罪を償い、私たちが父と和解できるようにしてくださいました。
Christ’s mission on earth was to do His Father’s will. Throughout His life, Jesus continually surrendered Himself to God. The King of kings came not to be served but to serve—even unto death (Matthew 20:28). His ultimate purpose was to become the sacrifice we needed: By means of His death on the cross, Jesus atoned for our sins so we could be reconciled to the Father.

使命を果たすために、救い主は大きな苦しみを受けました。しかし、最も暗い時でさえ、主は召命から離れませんでした(マタイ 26:39)。常に忠実な御子である主は、父なる神と永遠の命に至る唯一の道、すなわちご自身を私たちに与えてくださいました(ヨハネ 14:6)。
To accomplish His mission, our Savior suffered greatly. But even in His darkest hour, He did not turn from His calling (Matthew 26:39). Ever the faithful Son, He gave us the only way to the Father and eternal life: Himself (John 14:6).

イエスは、自分を見た者は父を見たのである(ヨハネ 14:9)と語り、父と父は実は一つである(ヨハネ 10:30)とも言われました。今日、イエスは父の右に座り、私たちのために執り成しをしておられます(ローマ 8:34)。ある日、イエスは罪人を裁き、聖徒たちに報いを与えるために再び来られます。それを経験するには、私たちは備えなければなりません。そして、備える唯一の方法は、イエスを私たちの個人的な救世主、主として受け入れることです。
Jesus said that whoever has seen Him has seen the Father (John 14:9)—and that the two are in fact one (John 10:30). Today, He sits at the Father’s right hand, making intercession for us (Romans 8:34). One day He’ll return to judge sinners and reward the saints. To experience that, we must be prepared, and the only way to be prepared is to receive Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord.

Because the Father’s love for us is limitless, Jesus made it possible for every person to have eternal life. When you place faith in Christ as your Savior, you are united with the Father—now and throughout eternity.

「主よ…今日も私に成功を与えてください」 'Lord... Give Me Success Today'

2025-01-11 18:35:46 | 日記
'Lord... Give Me Success Today'

*How to Be a Huge Success* is a little book of quotations and tips from a variety of well-known ‘successful’ people. The back cover asks, ‘Are you on a collision course with *fame*, *fortune* or *greatness*?’ This is so often how ‘*success’* is perceived in our society. Perhaps because of some of its negative connotations, sometimes in the church we are a little wary of the word ‘success’.

しかし、「成功」は聖書では汚い言葉ではありません。今日の旧約聖書の箇所(創世記 24:12、21、40、42、56)には少なくとも 5 回登場し、そのたびに非常に肯定的な意味合いで使われています。成功は主からの祝福です(31、50 節)。成功は良いことです。しかし、イエスの宣教と聖書のメッセージは成功を *再​​定義* します。
However, ‘success’ is not a dirty word in the Bible. It occurs at least five times in our Old Testament passage for today (Genesis 24:12,21,40,42,56) – each time in a very positive light. Success is a blessing from the Lord (vv.31,50). Success is a good thing. However, the ministry of Jesus and the message of the Bible *redefine success*.

詩篇 8:1-9 NIV [1] 主よ、われらの主よ。あなたの御名は全地にいかに尊ばれていることか。あなたは天にあなたの栄光を置かれた。[2] 幼子や乳飲み子の賛美によって、あなたは敵に対する砦を築き、敵と復讐する者を黙らせられた。[3] あなたの指のわざであるあなたの天、あなたが定めた月や星を私は見る。[4] あなたは人間とは何者なので、これを心に留められるのか。あなたが人を顧みられるのはなぜか。[5] あなたは彼らを天使たちよりも少し低くし、栄光と誉れの冠をかぶせられた。[6] あなたは彼らを御手のわざの支配者とし、すべてのものを彼らの足もとに置かれた。[7] すべての羊、牛、野の獣、[8] 空の鳥、海の魚、海路を泳ぐすべてのもの。 [9] 主よ、われらの主よ、あなたの御名は全地にいかに尊ばれていることか!
Psalms 8:1-9 NIV [1] Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. [2] Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. [3] When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, [4] what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? [5] You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. [6] You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: [7] all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, [8] the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. [9] Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Praise God for the success of his creation

私たちの銀河には、太陽のような星がおそらく 1000 億個以上あります。私たちの銀河は 1000 億個の銀河のうちの 1 つです。宇宙の広大さを考えると、自分は小さくて取るに足りない存在だと感じるのは当然です。
In our galaxy there are probably over a hundred-billion stars like our sun. Our galaxy is one of a hundred-billion galaxies. When we consider the vastness of the universe it is easy to feel small and insignificant.

David starts and ends this psalm by worshipping God for the success of his creation (vv.19).

As he stares into the night sky, David says, ‘I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewellery, Moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way?’ (vv.3–4, MSG).

David marvels at the fact that human beings are the pinnacle of God’s creation – a masterpiece – made in his image. Not only does God love you and care about you (v.4), but he has given you extraordinary privileges: ‘You made them a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned them with glory and honour. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet’ (vv.5–6).

We have been put in charge of everything God has made. Knowing this, Christians should be at the forefront of the protection, preservation and care of God’s amazing creation.

もちろん、私たちが被造物を支配するという神の当初の計画は歪められてきました。しかし、新約聖書では、これらの聖句がイエスに直接適用されていることがわかります(ヘブル人への手紙 2:8)。キリストにおいて、被造物は回復され(エペソ人への手紙 1:19–23; 2:5–6)、ある日、それは完成し、私たちはすべてがキリストの足元にあるのを見るでしょう(コリント人への手紙第一 15:24–26)。
Of course, God’s original plan for our dominion over creation has been distorted. However, in the New Testament, we see these verses are also applied directly to Jesus (Hebrews 2:8). In Christ, creation is restored (Ephesians 1:19–23; 2:5–6), and one day it will be complete and we will see everything under his feet (1 Corinthians 15:24–26).

主よ、私はあなたの創造の広大さ、美しさ、成功を見て、こう宣言します。「主よ、私たちの主よ、あなたの御名は全地に何と尊ばれることでしょう。」(詩篇 8:9)
Lord, I see the vastness, beauty and success of your creation and proclaim: ‘O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!’ (Psalm 8:9).

マタイによる福音書 9:14-38 NIV [14] そのとき、ヨハネの弟子たちが近寄ってきて、イエスに尋ねた。「私たちとパリサイ人たちはたびたび断食しているのに、あなたの弟子たちは断食しないのはなぜですか。」 [15] イエスは答えられた。「花婿の客は、花婿が一緒にいるのに、どうして悲しむことができましょう。花婿が連れ去られる時が来ます。その時、彼らは断食するでしょう。 [16] だれも、古い着物に、縮まない布の継ぎを縫い付けることはありません。継ぎが着物から引き離されて、破れがひどくなるからです。 [17] また、新しいぶどう酒を古い皮袋に入れるようなことはしません。そうすれば、皮袋は破れ、ぶどう酒は流れ出て、皮袋はだめになります。しかし、新しいぶどう酒を新しい皮袋に入れると、両方とも長持ちします。」 [18] イエスがこう話していると、会堂司が近寄ってきて、イエスの前にひざまずいて言った。「娘が死にました。 しかし、あなたの手を置いてやりなさい。そうすれば、彼女は生き返るでしょう。」 [19] イエスは立ち上がって、イエスと一緒に行き、弟子たちも一緒に行った。 [20] ちょうどそのとき、十二年間も長血を患っている女が、うしろから近寄ってきて、イエスの着物のふさに触った。 [21] 彼女は心の中で言った。「あの方の着物に触りさえすれば、私は癒されるだろう。」 [22] イエスは振り向いて、その女を見て言われた。「娘よ、安心しなさい。あなたの信仰があなたを癒したのです。」 すると、その女はすぐに癒された。 [23] イエスは会堂司の家に入り、騒がしい群衆と笛を吹く人々を見て言われた。 [24] 「立ち去りなさい。少女は死んだのではなく、眠っているのです。」 しかし、彼らはイエスをあざ笑った。 [25] 群衆を外に追い出した後、イエスは中に入り、少女の手を握ると、少女は起きた。 [26] この話はその地方一帯に広まった。 [27] イエスがそこから進んで行かれると、二人の盲人が叫びながらついて来た。「ダビデの子よ、わたしたちをあわれんでください。」 [28] イエスが家の中に入ると、盲人たちがみもとに来たので、イエスは彼らに尋ねた。「わたしにそれができると信じますか。」彼らは答えた。「はい、主よ。」 [29] それからイエスは彼らの目にさわり、「あなたの信仰どおりになりますように。」 [30] すると、彼らの目は元通りになった。イエスは彼らをきびしく戒めて言われた。「このことをだれにも知らせないように気をつけなさい。」 [31] しかし、彼らは出て行って、その地方中にイエスのことを言いひろめた。 [32] 彼らが出て行くと、悪霊に取りつかれて口のきけない人がイエスのもとに連れて来られた。 [33] 悪霊が追い出されると、口のきけなかった人がものを言うようになった。群衆は驚いて言った。「こんなことは、イスラエルでこれまで見たことがない。」 [34] しかしパリサイ人たちは言った、「彼は悪霊の頭によって悪霊を追い出しているのだ」。[35] イエスはすべての町や村を巡り、会堂で教え、御国の福音を宣べ伝え、あらゆる病気やわずらわしさを癒された。[36] イエスは群衆を見て、彼らが羊飼いのいない羊のように弱り果てて助けを必要としているのを見て、あわれに思われた。[37] そこで、弟子たちに言われた、「収穫は多いが、働き手が少ない。[38] だから、収穫の主に、収穫の畑に働き手を遣わしてくださるように願いなさい。」
Matthew 9:14-38 NIV [14] Then John’s disciples came and asked him, “How is it that we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?” [15] Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast. [16] “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. [17] Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” [18] While he was saying this, a synagogue leader came and knelt before him and said, “My daughter has just died. But come and put your hand on her, and she will live.” [19] Jesus got up and went with him, and so did his disciples. [20] Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. [21] She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.” [22] Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment. [23] When Jesus entered the synagogue leader’s house and saw the noisy crowd and people playing pipes, [24] he said, “Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him. [25] After the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she got up. [26] News of this spread through all that region. [27] As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” [28] When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied. [29] Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you”; [30] and their sight was restored. Jesus warned them sternly, “See that no one knows about this.” [31] But they went out and spread the news about him all over that region. [32] While they were going out, a man who was demon-possessed and could not talk was brought to Jesus. [33] And when the demon was driven out, the man who had been mute spoke. The crowd was amazed and said, “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.” [34] But the Pharisees said, “It is by the prince of demons that he drives out demons.” [35] Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. [36] When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. [37] Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. [38] Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Pursue success modelled on Jesus

Jesus redefines success. If you want to know what true success looks like, study the model of Jesus – his vision, life and teaching. It is the kind of success that is not universally recognised as such.

Jesus was both admired and hated. Success does not necessarily mean popularity. Some admired him: ‘There’s never been anything like this’ (v.33, MSG). Others hated him. The Pharisees said, ‘It’s nothing but hocus-pocus. He’s probably made a pact with the Devil’ (v.34, MSG).

As followers of Jesus, you also may be both admired and hated. For example, because of his campaign to end the slave trade, it was said of William Wilberforce that he was the most admired and the most hated man in England.

In his Gospel, Matthew sets out the success of Jesus’ ministry (ch.5–9). He summarises, ‘Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness’ (9:35).

In word and action Jesus ushered in the kingdom of God, bringing the reality of God’s rule and presence into the lives of those around him. This is what Jesus-style success looks like and this is what you and I are called to emulate.

To achieve Jesus-style success you, like the twelve disciples, need to model your life on Jesus and share his vision:


The need is urgent

Jesus saw that ‘they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd’ (v.36). Today, we see millions who don’t know Jesus and are spiritually lost. In addition, we see millions who are starving, homeless, suffering from preventable diseases and without even the most basic education.



The motive is love

Jesus had compassion (v.36). This is the strongest word for love in the Greek language (derived from the Greek word for ‘guts’). It is used only of Jesus. It could be translated ‘he was gutted’ – his heart broke.

Jesus was unconcerned about worldly categories of importance or success. Here we see him helping two very different classes of people – an important ‘ruler’ (v.18) and a woman whose menstrual bleeding would have made her unclean and left her on the fringes of society (v.20). Yet Jesus had compassion on them both.


The trigger is prayer

Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’ (v.38). Pray for more people to be raised up who will follow Jesus and reap the harvest.


The potential is vast

Jesus said, ‘The harvest is plentiful’ (v.37). Jesus has modelled what success looks like – proclaiming the kingdom and demonstrating its in-breaking into history. Now he calls you to follow his model – to share in his mission, multiplying its reach.

Lord, there is so much need in our world and yet it seems that the workers are few. I pray that you would raise up and send out more workers to go out into the harvest field and change the world.

創世記 24:1–67
Genesis 24:1–67
創世記 24:1 新共同訳 [1] アブラハムは多くの日を重ね老人になり、主は何事においてもアブラハムに祝福をお与えになっていた。

Pray for success in guidance

Abraham’s servant was not embarrassed to pray for success. He prayed a prayer that we can all emulate: ‘Give me success today’ (v.12). It was not a selfish prayer. It was a prayer that God would bless someone else, ‘show kindness to my master Abraham’ (v.12). He asked to be guided by God.

これは神の導きに関する最も注目すべき物語の 1 つです。アルファ¹ では、「5 つの CS」という見出しで、神が私たちを導く 5 つの方法について説明しています。この節では、これらすべてが連携して機能している例、特に 5 番目の「状況の兆候」を見ることができます。
This is one of the most remarkable stories of God’s guidance. On Alpha¹, we talk about five ways in which God guides us, under the heading of ‘the five CSs’. In this passage, we can see an example of all these working together and especially the fifth one, ‘Circumstantial Signs’.


明らかに、アブラハムは私たちが持っているような聖書を持っていませんでしたが、後に聖書の一部となった神の命令を持っていました。神は民に、神を信じる者とだけ結婚するように命じました。アブラハムは自分の召使いに、息子の妻をカナン人からではなく、自分の民から迎えなければならないと告げました (3-4 節)。
Commanding Scripture

Obviously, Abraham did not have the Scriptures that we have – but he did have the commands of God that later became part of the Scriptures. God commanded his people to only marry other believers in him. Abraham told his servant he must not get a wife for his son from the Canaanites, but from his own people (vv.3–4).


Compelling Spirit

The Holy Spirit leads us as we pray. Although the words ‘Holy Spirit’ are not used in this passage, it is clear that all the participants are in a position to be guided by God, listening to him and being led by the Spirit. Abraham’s servant prayed from his heart (vv.12,45), Rebekah appeared ‘before he had finished praying’ (v.15), and when Rebekah appeared, Isaac was out in the field where he had gone to meditate (v.63).


Common Sense

The choice of Rebekah made sense. She was clearly someone who was appropriate for Isaac. It so happened that she was ‘very beautiful’ (v.16). She was also ‘a virgin; no man had ever lain with her’ (v.16). Most importantly, she was clearly generous, gracious and kind. Her immediate response to the request for water was not only to offer it, but also to say, ‘I’ll draw water for your camels too, until they have finished drinking’ (v.19).


神が私たちを導く方法の 1 つは、敬虔な助言を通してです (ここでは「聖徒」は新約聖書の意味で、神の民すべてを指すために使われています)。イサクとリベカの結婚は、取り決めの要素が大部分を占める点で現代の西洋の結婚とは非常に異なっていましたが、選択の要素もありました。リベカは「この人と一緒に行きますか」と尋ねられ、「行きます」と答えました (57 節)。イサクは彼女と結婚することを選び、「彼女を愛しました」 (67 節)。彼らは聖徒の助言に従っていました。つまり、周りのすべての人、特に両親が「これは主からのものだ」と認識したのです (50 節)。
Counsel of the Saints

One of the ways in which God guides us is through godly advice (‘Saints’ is used here in the New Testament sense to describe all God’s people.) Although Isaac and Rebekah’s marriage was very different from the modern western marriage, in that it involved a large element of arrangement, there was also an element of choice. Rebekah was asked, ‘“Will you go with this man?” “I will go,” she replied’ (v.57). Isaac chose to marry her and ‘loved her’ (v.67). They were following the counsel of the saints in the sense that everyone around, especially their parents, recognised, ‘This is from the Lord’ (v.50).


これは、神が状況的兆候を通して導いた聖書の中で最も明確な例の 1 つです。召使いは兆候を求め、まさに彼が求めたものが与えられました (12 ~ 26 節)。しかし、すでに見たように、その兆候はランダムではありませんでした。それはリベカの性格を試すためのものであり、彼女はそれを満たしました。
Circumstantial Signs

This is one of the clearest cases in the Bible of God guiding through circumstantial signs. The servant asks for a sign and was given exactly what he asked for (vv.12–26). However, as we have seen, the sign was not random. It was a test of Rebekah’s character, which she fulfilled.

As a result of being guided by God, not only was their meeting a great success, but more importantly, so was their marriage.

Lord, I pray that you would multiply this wonderful example of successful guidance amongst us. May there be more and more couples coming together and being able to say, ‘This is from the Lord’ (v.50).

創世記 24
Pippa Adds
Genesis 24
I have always loved this story. It is very romantic. Isaac was heir to great wealth, but he was possibly rather lonely. His half-brother had been sent away. His mother had died. But God provides this brave woman. She leaves her family. She marries someone miles from home whom she has never met. But God answers very specific prayers to guide them to this decision. Isaac goes to a lot of trouble to find a woman who shares his faith, which is so important in marriage. And I love the fact that Isaac loved her at first sight.

6日目: 恥を振り払う Day 6: Shake Off Your Shame

2025-01-11 10:02:10 | 日記
エペソ人への手紙 2:8 NIV [8] あなたがたが救われたのは、恵みによるものであり、信仰によるものです。これはあなたがた自身から出たものではなく、神からの賜物です。
Ephesians 2:8 NIV [8] For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—

ヨハネの手紙一 1:8-9 NIV [8] もし私たちが罪がないと主張するなら、私たちは自分自身を欺いており、真理は私たちの中にありません。[9] もし私たちが自分の罪を告白するなら、神は真実で正しい方ですから、私たちの罪を赦し、すべての悪から私たちをきよめてくださいます。
1 John 1:8-9 NIV [8] If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. [9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

6日目: 恥を振り払う
Day 6: Shake Off Your Shame

Not long ago, my life looked anything but godly; I spent my college years like a walking stereotype: the Goody Two-shoes Christian girl who goes to college, joins a sorority, and turns into a party girl.

While that’s a condensed version of the story, the point is that I have quite a few things in my past that I’m not proud of. I made choices that caused me and others a lot of pain and heartbreak, and I made mistakes I sometimes wish I could undo. For years, I lived in shame.

When something bad happens, or when I’m feeling behind compared to those who seem to be moving right along in life, I usually find myself wondering: Is this my punishment? Am I not where I want to be in life because of my past? Is this my fault?

エペソ人への手紙 2:8 には、私たちは信仰による恵みによってのみ救われるのであって、自分の行いによって救われるのではないと書かれています。聖書が神の恵みと赦しについて語っていることは知っていましたが、それが自分に当てはまるとは必ずしも信じていませんでした。つまり、理論的にはそう思っていたのですが、私の心 (そして敵) はすぐに違うことを告げてきます。私は自分が失敗したので、大きな結果が伴うと思っていました。それは私の罪のレベルに見合ったものでした。とにかく、自分が十分に善良であることを確認するために一生懸命働いている自分に気づきました。
Ephesians 2:8 says we’re only saved by grace through faith, not by our own work. Even though I knew what the Bible said about God’s grace and forgiveness, I didn’t always believe it applied to me. I mean, I did in theory, but my mind (and the enemy) can be quick to tell me otherwise. I thought because I messed up, there would be big consequences. Ones that matched my level of sin. I found myself working hard to make sure I was good enough anyway.

教えられたことや言われたことのせいで、私たちは、一つの間違った決断が残りの人生を台無しにしてしまうという嘘を信じ始めることがあります。私たちの選択は一時的な挫折をもたらしますが、それは私たちが永遠に、永久に、そして永遠に遅れているという意味ではありません。人生は違って見えるかもしれませんが、それでも人生は良いものになり得ます。ヨハネ第一 1:8-9 は、私たちが罪を告白して悔い改めるなら、神はすべての間違いや意図的な過ちから逃れる道を用意してくださることを思い出させてくれます。
Whether it’s because of something we were taught or told, we can start to believe the lie that one wrong decision can derail the rest of our lives. Our choices yield temporary setbacks, but that doesn’t mean we’re forever, permanently, and perpetually behind. Life may look different, but life can still be good. I John 1:8-9 reminds us that He provides a way out for every mistake and every intentional wrong if we confess and repent our sin.

God is bigger than you. His plan does not change based on your decisions. He is sovereign. He loves to redeem the past and our mistakes. There is no wrong you have done that cannot be forgiven. All you have to do is run to him. He is closer than you think.

When you live like you’ve been redeemed, living in the light and inviting others to do the same gets a whole lot easier. Try to say the thing you are afraid to say out loud. To God, to a friend, or a counselor. Say it aloud because that’s not who you are anymore.

The enemy knows you’re dangerous to him if you’re no longer in the dark. And you, my friend, were made to bring light.

神は働くことをやめたのか? God Stopped Working?

2025-01-11 05:07:08 | 日記
創世記 2:2-3 NIV [2] 神は第七日目にその御業を終えられたので、第七日目にその御業のすべてを休まれた。[3] そこで神は第七日目を祝福して聖別された。その日に神はその御業のすべてを休まれたからである。
Genesis 2:2-3 NIV [2] By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. [3] Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

God Stopped Working?

おそらく、「安息日」または「安息休暇」という言葉を聞いたことはあるでしょう。しかし、その意味について考えたことがありますか? それは、後でもっと多くのことをできるように、ちょっとの間休むということではありません。それは、ペースを緩めて、神が私たちを実際に休息を必要とする存在として創造されたことを理解することです。安息日は人生のリズムです。
You’ve probably heard the word “Sabbath” or “Sabbatical” before. But have you ever stopped to consider what it means? It’s not just about pausing for a moment so you can do more stuff later. It’s about slowing down and seeing that God has made us with a need for actual rest. Sabbath is a rhythm of life.

Rest is hard to come by with our full calendars and never-ending to-do lists. But even God Himself made time to rest.

The very first time we read about the Sabbath is in Genesis 2:

「そして第七日目に、神はそのなされた御業を終え、そのすべての御業を終えて第七日目に休まれた。神はその第七日目を祝福して聖別された。神がその日に創造し、造られたすべての御業を終えて休まれたからである。」 –創世記 2:2–3 NKJV
“And on the seventh day, God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.” –Genesis 2:2–3 NKJV

After six days, why would the Creator of the universe stop creating?

As God created life, He modeled for us how to live. Work, and then cease. Create, and then stop. Stop and appreciate what you have done, assess it, and even enjoy it.

The Sabbath is the weekly practice God modeled and then instructed His people to follow of stopping work for a full 24 hours and resting during that time.

Sabbath isn’t just practical — it’s a holy rhythm to work and life.

最後に 24 時間仕事を止めて休んだのはいつですか? 過去 6 日間を振り返り、自分が何を成し遂げたかを振り返ってみてください。24 時間仕事を止めて休むと、生活にどのような影響があるでしょうか?
Pause and Consider
When was the last time that you stopped working for a full 24 hours and rested? Look back on the last six days and reflect on what you have created. How would stopping and not working for 24 hours impact your life?

聖別するSet Apart

2025-01-11 04:54:33 | 日記
出エジプト記 20:8 NIV [8] 「安息日を覚えて、これを聖別しなさい。
Exodus 20:8 NIV [8] “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

This Teaching Clip made me think of you. Watch Exodus 20:8 by Jewish Voice Ministries International:





イスラエルに与えられた4番目の戒めは、「安息日を覚えて」それを聖なる日とすることであり、神が創造において示した祝福されたパターンをイスラエルに思い出させるものです。 聖なる創造主が6日間働き、7日目に休まれたように、神は聖なる民にも同じことをするように呼びかけます。



Set Apart

In modern language, "holy" often means something religious or spiritual. But in the Bible, “holy” simply means “set apart.” It means something (or someone) different and distinct from everything else.

God is unlike any other gods the nations knew. The Lord is holy and called His people to be distinct—or holy—too.

Some of the distinctions that set the Israelite practices apart were religious and spiritual. They offered sacrifices in a certain way and had specific instructions for how priests, worship, and the temple operated. Other practices that set Israel apart involved everyday things, like food, clothing, and their weekly calendars. These habits and customs were meant to reflect and reinforce that they were truly different—or holy—because they belonged to God.

The fourth commandment given to Israel is to "remember the Sabbath day" and keep it holy—a reminder to Israel of the blessed pattern God laid out in Creation. Just as our Holy Creator worked for six days and rested on a seventh, He calls His holy people to do the same.

What's holy about the Sabbath? It's a day set apart to be different from all the other days of the week. God intends for one day a week to look and feel different. As people who belong to Him, we can delight in His designation of some days as productive days for work and then other days set apart for reflection and refreshment.

Remember, God created special times for rest—keep those times set apart.

A Prayer to Keep the Sabbath Holy

God, You are holy! There is no one like you. I am amazed that you have called me to be part of your holy people. Help me to remember to rest, and when I do, to remember that I’m Yours and made in Your image. Amen.