

あなたの王国が来ます Your Kingdom Come

2025-01-19 02:19:08 | 日記
Your Kingdom Come

Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) ruled the United Kingdom for seventy years. She was by far the longest reigning British monarch. Each year, on Christmas Day, she gave a message to the nation. In her final Christmas message, on 25 December, 2021 she said, ‘The birth of Jesus marked a new dawn with endless potential. His teachings have been handed down from generation to generation and have been the bedrock of my faith.’ In another recent message she said, 'Only a few acknowledged Jesus when he was born. Now billions follow him. The message of Jesus is never out of date and is needed as much as ever.'

The Queen of the United Kingdom was pointing to another kingdom, a kingdom that Jesus came to establish, and which he will come again to rule. Jesus taught us to pray, 'Your *kingdom* come' (Matthew 6:10). The kingdom of God is the rule and reign of God.

詩篇 10:12-18 NIV [12] 主よ、立ち上がってください。神よ、御手を上げてください。助けを必要としている者を忘れないでください。[13] なぜ悪人は神をののしるのですか。なぜ心の中で、「彼は私を責めないだろう」と言うのですか。[14] しかし、神よ、あなたは苦しむ者の悩みを御覧になり、彼らの悲しみを顧み、それを手にしてくださいます。犠牲者はあなたに身を委ねます。あなたはみなしごの助け手です。[15] 悪人の腕を折り、悪を行う者に、そうでなければ明らかにされなかった悪の責任を負わせてください。[16] 主は世々限りなく王であられ、諸国民はその地から滅びます。[17] 主よ、あなたは苦しむ者の願いを聞き入れてくださいます。 あなたは彼らを励まし、彼らの叫びに耳を傾け、[18]孤児や虐げられた者を守り、地上の人間が再び恐怖を抱くことがないようにされます。
Psalms 10:12-18 NIV [12] Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless. [13] Why does the wicked man revile God? Why does he say to himself, “He won’t call me to account”? [14] But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. [15] Break the arm of the wicked man; call the evildoer to account for his wickedness that would not otherwise be found out. [16] The Lord is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from his land. [17] You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, [18] defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror.

Cry out for the transformation of society

‘The Lord is King for ever and ever’ (v.16a). God is in ultimate control of the universe. Yet the writer also cries out to God: ‘Time to get up, God – get moving’ (v.12a, MSG). He prays, in effect, that God’s kingdom will come on earth. When God gets moving, ‘The reign of terror is over, the rule of the gang lords is ended’ (v.18b, MSG).


無力な人々 (12節)
苦悩する人々 (14節)
悲しむ人々 (14節)
犠牲者 (14節)
父親のいない人々 (14節、18節)
家のない人々 (18節、MSG)
抑圧されている人々 (18節)。
The psalmist prays in particular for social justice. He prays for those who are:

Helpless (v.12)
Troubled (v.14)
Grieving (v.14)
Victims (v.14)
Fatherless (v.14,18)
Homeless (v.18, MSG)
Oppressed (v.18).

If you want to see God’s kingdom come and society transformed, these are the people you must be concerned about.

Lord, thank you that you’re my King. I lift up to you those who are in need… May your kingdom come.

マタイ13:18-35 NIV [18] 「それでは、種まきのたとえの意味をよく聞きなさい。[19] だれでも御国のことばを聞いて悟らないと、悪い者が来て、その人の心に蒔かれたものを奪い去ります。道ばたに蒔かれた種とは、このようなものです。[20] 岩地に落ちた種とは、御言葉を聞いてすぐに喜んで受け入れる人のことです。[21] しかし、根がないので、しばらくしか続かず、御言葉のために困難や迫害が来ると、すぐにつまずいてしまいます。[22] 茨の中に落ちた種とは、御言葉を聞いても、生活の思い煩いや富の惑わしが御言葉をふさいで、実を結ばない人のことです。[23] しかし、良い地に落ちた種とは、御言葉を聞いて悟る人のことです。 この人こそ実りをもたらし、蒔いたものより百倍、六十倍、三十倍の実を結ぶ人である」。[24] イエスは彼らにもう一つのたとえを話された。「天の御国は、自分の畑に良い種を蒔いた人のようなものです。[25] ところが、みんなが眠っている間に、敵が来て、麦の中に毒麦を蒔いて立ち去りました。[26] 麦が芽を出し穂をつけると、毒麦も出てきた。[27] 主人の僕たちが主人のところに来て言った。『ご主人様、畑には良い種を蒔かれたではありませんか。では、毒麦はどこから来たのですか』。[28] 主人は答えた。『敵のしわざです。』僕たちは、『引き抜いてあげましょうか』と尋ねた。[29] 『いいえ』と主人は答えた。『毒麦を抜いている間に、麦も一緒に抜いてしまうかもしれません。[30] 収穫まで、両方とも一緒に育てておきなさい。 そのとき、わたしは刈り入れ人に言う。まず毒麦を集めて束にして燃やし、それから麦を集めてわたしの倉に運び入れよ』」[31] イエスは彼らにもう一つのたとえを話された。「天の御国はからし種のようだ。人がそれを取って畑に蒔いた。[32] それはすべての種の中で一番小さいが、成長すると、庭の植物の中で一番大きくなり、木になり、鳥が来て枝にとまるほどだ。」[33] イエスは彼らにもう一つのたとえを話された。「天の御国はパン種のようだ。女がそれを取って、六十斤ほどの小麦粉に混ぜると、生地全体に広がる。」[34] イエスはこれらのことをすべてたとえで群衆に話された。たとえを使わずに彼らに話されたことは一度もなかった。[35] こうして、預言者を通して言われたことが実現した。「わたしはたとえで口を開き、世界の創造以来隠されていたことを語る。」
Matthew 13:18-35 NIV [18] “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: [19] When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. [20] The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. [21] But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. [22] The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. [23] But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” [24] Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. [25] But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. [26] When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. [27] “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ [28] “ ‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ [29] “ ‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. [30] Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’ ” [31] He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. [32] Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” [33] He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.” [34] Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable. [35] So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: “I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.”

Keep telling people about Jesus

Every time you have told someone about Jesus and the gospel, you have ‘planted’ a seed in their heart. Not every seed you plant will bear fruit, as we see in the parable of the sower. Some seed never takes root (v.19). Other seed produces only temporary results. We can be drawn away from God by ‘trouble’ or ‘the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth’ (vv.21–22).

Yet if the seed grows well, each of these parables shows us that you can have a huge impact. ‘The seed cast on good earth is the person who hears and takes in the News, and then produces a harvest beyond his wildest dreams’ (v.23, MSG).

When I look at the lives of some of those who did Alpha five, ten or fifteen years ago, they have had a massive impact. Some have even started ministries that have had a global influence.

Jesus tells many parables about the kingdom of God (the ‘kingdom of heaven’ is Matthew’s preferred form, following the regular Jewish practice of reverentially saying ‘heaven’ rather than ‘God’).

The kingdom is both ‘now’ and ‘not yet’. Jesus’ parable about the weeds tells us that there is a future aspect of the kingdom. At the moment, the wheat and the weeds grow together. One day there will be a harvest and a judgment. When Jesus returns the kingdom of God will come in all its fullness (vv.24–30).

Jesus goes on to say: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and planted in a field. Although it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree so that the birds come and perch in its branches’ (vv.31–32).

枝に止まる鳥のイメージは旧約聖書に何度も登場し、あらゆる国の人々が神の家族の一員となることを象徴しています(エゼキエル 17:22–24、31:3–14、ダニエル 4:9–23 参照)。イエスは、天の王国はただ一つの国のためではなく、全世界のためのものであることを聴衆に思い出させておられました。
The image of birds in branches appears quite a few times in the Old Testament, where it symbolises people from all nations becoming part of God’s family (see Ezekiel 17:22–24; 31:3–14; Daniel 4:9–23). Jesus was reminding his listeners that the kingdom of heaven was not just for one nation but for the whole world.

植えることにはさまざまな種類があります。たとえば、ある小さなグループが別のグループに植えると、「成長します」(マタイ 13:32)。次に、「教会植え」があります。植えられるのは、からし種のように非常に小さいことがよくあります。しかし、「植えると…成長します」(31-32節)。
There are many different types of planting. For example, one small group plants another and ‘it grows’ (Matthew 13:32). Then there is ‘church planting’. What is planted is often quite small – like a mustard seed. But when ‘planted… it grows’ (vv.31–32).

I look around at some of the ‘church plants’ from our local church and see the huge impact they are having on the area – ‘The birds of the air come and perch in its branches’ (v.32) – with people coming into God’s kingdom who are as unexpected as Gentile believers were to the Jewish nation. All over the world today we see the impact of ‘church planting’. As the church growth expert, Peter Wagner, has said, ‘Church planting is the most effective form of evangelism known under heaven.’

Jesus goes on to talk about the kingdom of heaven being like yeast that works its way all through the dough (v.33). Your influence can be enormous – in your home, family, school, university, factory or office. This is how the transformation of society takes place.

Lord, help me to plant as many seeds as possible as I seek to bring the good news of Jesus to our world. May your kingdom come in my city, nation and throughout the world.

創世記 36:1–37:36
Genesis 36:1–37:36
創世記 36:1 新共同訳 [1] エサウ、すなわちエドムの系図は次のとおりである。

Bow down before the King of kings

Today we begin the story of Joseph. He was loved more than any of the other sons of Israel (37:3) and his brothers were jealous (v.4). Joseph was famous for his dreams, in one of which he saw his brothers bowing down to him (vv.7,9).

There is no doubt that God does sometimes speak to us through dreams – he certainly spoke to Joseph this way (vv.5,9). Through these dreams Joseph caught a glimpse of what the future held and what God was going to do with his life.

However, it is not always wise to tell everybody about the dreams and visions that you have for your own life. Joseph was aged seventeen (v.2). He was inexperienced. His mistake was to tell everyone about his dreams. This led to further hatred (vv.5,8) and to greater jealousy (v.11). His brothers said, ‘“Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?”’ (v.8a). They hated the idea of Joseph being their king.

Then he had another dream in which he saw them all, in effect, ‘bowing down to [him]’ (v.9). His father, wisely, simply ‘observed’ and ‘pondered’ over what Joseph had said (v.11, AMP). If you are unsure how to respond to a dream or a vision that you think may have come from God, the wisest response is simply to ponder it in your heart (see Luke 2:19).

しかし、ヨセフはまたもや愚かにも家族全員に告げ口し、兄たちはヨセフに対してさらに嫉妬しました(創世記 37:11)。彼らはヨセフを殺そうと企てました(18節)。ヨセフはミディアン人に売られ、エジプトでファラオの役人のひとりで衛兵長のポティファルに売られました(36節)。ヨセフはエジプトの別の王の支配下に入りました。
However, Joseph again unwisely told his whole family. His brothers were even more jealous of him (Genesis 37:11). They plotted to kill him (v.18). Joseph was sold to the Midianites who sold him in Egypt to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard (v.36). Joseph came under another king of Egypt.

As a result of Joseph unwisely telling his brothers his dreams, he had to go through years of hardship and difficulty. God used all this to develop his character and prepare him for his life’s work.

The kingship we read about in the Old Testament is an anticipation of the kingdom of God in the New Testament. In today’s passage we see a variety of human rulers – from the kings and chiefs of Edom (36:31–43), to the Pharaoh of Egypt (37:36). One of the key messages in these closing chapters of Genesis is that God is ultimately above and behind all human rulers. This comes out particularly in the story of Joseph.

The twists and turns of the story can sometimes seem bizarre and random. Yet, throughout, we read of God’s involvement (such as in Joseph’s dreams), and we eventually discover that everything was working towards God’s purposes (50:20).

Joseph is a ‘type’ of Christ. In other words, his life foreshadows the life of Jesus (as we will see in the days ahead). But here at the start we see a contrast. Jesus also knew how God was going to use him, but he was very discreet about whom he told.

この一節には、ヨセフとイエスの類似点の始まりも見られます。ある日、人々はヨセフの前にひざまずくことになり(37:7,9)、ある日、すべての膝が王イエスの前にひざまずくことになるのです(ピリピ人への手紙 2:10、黙示録 19:4,6)。
We also see in this passage the beginning of the similarities between Joseph and Jesus. One day, people were going to bow down before Joseph (37:7,9), and one day every knee will bow before King Jesus (Philippians 2:10; Revelation 19:4,6).

It is when you voluntarily bow the knee to Jesus now, and hold him as supreme King in your life, that you are less concerned about the outcomes of various power plays with other human beings that exist in your life (for example, the teacher, the boss and the government).

Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings, thank you that when I follow you I come under your kingship. I bow before you today and confess that you are Lord. May your kingdom come.

創世記 36:1–37:36
Pippa Adds
Genesis 36:1–37:36
Jacob could do with a copy of The Parenting Book. Favouring one of your children causes problems. But God uses even our mistakes for his purposes.

