ルカ10:2 ESV
[2] イエスは彼らに言われた、「収穫は多いが、働き手が少ない。だから、収穫の主に、収穫のために働き手を送ってくださるよう、熱心に祈りなさい。
Luke 10:2 ESV
[2] And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
ヨハネ 4:35-36 ESV
[35] あなたがたは、「まだ四か月あるから、それから収穫期が来る」と言っているではないか。見よ、わたしはあなたがたに言う。目を上げて畑を見なさい。収穫を待って畑は白く色づいている。[36] すでに、刈る者は報酬を受け、永遠の命のための実を集めている。それは、種を蒔く者と刈る者が共に喜ぶためである。
John 4:35-36 ESV
[35] Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. [36] Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.
Understanding the Harvest
Have you ever stopped to consider the depth of this statement? Picture a field brimming with ripe crops, waiting to be gathered. In spiritual terms, the field is the world, and the harvest represents people ready to hear and respond to the Gospel. Their hearts have been prepared by God, even though you may not see the full extent of His work.
This reality presents both an incredible opportunity and a sobering challenge. While the harvest is ready, Jesus notes that there are too few workers willing to go into the field. He isn’t just talking to pastors, missionaries, or church leaders—He’s talking to all believers. He's talking to you! If you follow Jesus, you are called to participate in gathering the harvest. You don’t need a degree in theology or a perfectly rehearsed presentation of the Gospel. What you need is a willing heart and the courage to step out in faith.
God’s work in preparing the harvest isn’t something we initiate; it’s something we join.
Consider the people you encounter every day—family, friends, coworkers, or neighbours. These are your mission field. When you engage with them authentically and share God’s love, you’re helping to bring in the harvest.
Start by praying for God to open your eyes to the opportunities around you. Ask Him to soften your heart toward those who need to hear His message. Then, step into His field with faith, trusting that He has already prepared the way. Sharing the Gospel may not always yield immediate results, but every faith conversation, act of love, or prayer is a seed sown for the Kingdom.
収穫は準備ができていますが、あなたは準備ができていますか? 今日を、イエスの呼びかけに応える第一歩を踏み出す日にしましょう。
The harvest is ready, but are you? Let today be the day you take your first step toward answering Jesus’ call.
How can you step into the "field" God has placed you in today?
Lord, open my eyes to the opportunities around me. Help me see the people in my life who are ready to hear Your message. Give me the courage to step out in faith and share Your love with those around me. Use me as a laborer in Your harvest field. Amen.