

力強く祈る方法 How to Pray with Power

2024-11-18 17:01:59 | 日記
How to Pray with Power

教会の人から電話がありました。彼は、手術のために突然入院した奥さんのために祈ってほしいと言っていました。たまたま、私自身も近くで肩に注射を打つ予約をしていました。私はほぼ 2 年間「五十肩」を患っていましたが、その数日前に突然良くなったのです。私は何が起こったのかをコンサルタントに説明しました。彼は私を見て「奇跡だ!」と言いました。私は「五十肩は突然良くなるのではないですか?」と言いました。彼は何度も何度も「いいえ、奇跡です」と繰り返しました。
I received a call from someone in our church. He wanted me to go and pray for his wife who had suddenly been admitted to hospital for an operation. As it happened, I myself had an appointment nearby to have an injection in my shoulder. I’d had a ‘frozen shoulder’ for almost two years. However, in the previous couple of days, it had suddenly got better. I explained what had happened to the consultant. He looked at me and said, ‘It’s a miracle!’ I said, ‘Don’t frozen shoulders suddenly get better?’ Over and over again, he repeated, ‘No, it is a miracle.’

Here was a secular doctor trying to persuade a rather faithless pastor that what had happened could only be explained by the supernatural power of God! I thanked him very much for raising my faith, as I was about to go and pray in the hospital. As I walked through the corridors, I passed a hospital porter who was singing (quite loudly!), ‘Lay your hands on the sick and they will be healed.’ I said, ‘That is exactly what I am about to go and do.’ He looked deeply shocked and surprised. He obviously didn’t think I looked like the sort of person who could possibly believe that!

私は階上に上がってその女性のために祈り、自分の信仰が高まっている理由を説明しました。すると彼女は、ヤコブの手紙 5 章 (今日の聖書箇所) を読んでいたと言いました。そこには、「あなたたちのうちに病気の人がいますか。教会の長老たちを招いて、あなたのために祈ってもらいなさい。…信仰をもってささげる祈りは、あなたを癒します」(ヤコブの手紙 5:14–15) とあります。この時までに主は (私にも!) 信仰をもって祈るための十分なしるしを与えておられました。
I went upstairs to pray for the woman and explained why my faith was riding high. She then said she had been reading James 5 (our passage for today), which says, ‘Is any one of you sick? Call the elders of the church to pray over you… And the prayer offered in faith will make you well’ (James 5:14–15). By now the Lord had given (even me!) enough signs to pray in faith.

The Holy Spirit came upon her with great power. She was not immediately healed (although she is better now), but it gave me a greater understanding of ‘the prayer of faith’. Watchman Nee wrote, ‘Our prayers lay the track down which God’s power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails.’ How then can you pray with power?

詩篇 130:1-8 NIV [1] 主よ、私は深い淵からあなたに叫びます。[2] 主よ、私の声を聞き入れてください。私の憐れみの叫びに耳を傾けてください。[3] 主よ、もしあなたが罪を記録しておられるなら、主よ、だれが耐えられましょうか。[4] しかし、あなたには赦しがあります。私たちは、畏敬の念をもってあなたに仕えることができます。[5] 私は主を待ち望みます。私の全身は待ち望み、私は主の御言葉に希望を置きます。[6] 私は夜警が朝を待つ以上に主を待ち望みます。夜警が朝を待つ以上に主を待ち望みます。[7] イスラエルよ、主に希望を置きなさい。主には変わらぬ恵みがあり、完全な贖いが主にあるからです。[8] 主ご自身がイスラエルをすべての罪から贖ってくださいます。
Psalms 130:1-8 NIV [1] Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; [2] Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. [3] If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? [4] But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. [5] I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. [6] I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. [7] Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. [8] He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.

Pray honestly

Have you ever felt like you were in the depths of despair? Have you felt that ‘the bottom has fallen out of [your] life’ (v.1, MSG)? The psalmist says, ‘Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy’ (vv.1–2).

Your prayers and God’s mercy are like two buckets in a well. When one goes up, the other comes down.

There is an honest desperation about this prayer. Don’t try to gloss over the difficulties of your situation, but instead recognise your dependence on God for help.


| 「もしあなたが、神であるなら、悪行を記録していたら、
|| 誰が勝ち目があるでしょうか?
| 結局のところ、赦しはあなたの習慣なのです」(3-4a節、MSG)。
Trust in God’s mercy and forgiveness:

| ‘If you, God, kept a record of wrongdoings,
|| who would stand a chance?
| As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit’ (v.3–4a, MSG).

神があなたの悪行を記録しないのであれば、あなたも他人があなたに対して犯した罪の「リスト」を保管すべきではありません。愛は「悪行を記録しません」(コリント人への第一の手紙 13:5)。
If God does not keep a record of your wrongdoings, you should not keep ‘lists’ of other people’s offenses against you. Love ‘keeps no record of wrongs’ (1 Corinthians 13:5).

You do not need to get your life sorted out before you approach God. He wants to hear the cry of your heart.

状況がどんなに絶望的であっても、神からの助けが来ることを確信できます(詩篇 130:6)。神に願いを捧げてください。忍耐強く待ち(5節)、神の絶え間ない愛を信頼してください(7節)。
However desperate the situation, you can be confident that help will come from God (Psalm 130:6). Bring your request to God. Wait patiently (v.5) and trust in his unfailing love (v.7).

Lord, out of the depths I cry to you for mercy and help. Thank you that with you there is forgiveness and unfailing love.

ヤコブの手紙 5:1-20 NIV [1] 聞きなさい。あなたがた金持ちよ。あなたがたに降りかかっている災いのゆえに泣き叫びなさい。[2] あなたがたの富は腐り、あなたがたの着物は虫に食われ、[3] あなたがたの金銀はさびつき、そのさびつきがあなたがたに不利な証言をし、あなたがたの肉を火のように食い尽くすでしょう。あなたがたは終わりの日に富を蓄えてきました。[4] 見よ、あなたがたが畑を刈った労働者に支払わなかった賃金が、あなたがたに不利な叫びを上げています。刈り入れ人の叫びは、万軍の主の耳に届いています。[5] あなたがたは地上でぜいたくにふけり、放縦にふけり、虐殺の日に肥え太り、[6] 反対しなかった罪のない人を罪に定め、殺しました。[7] ですから、兄弟たち、主が来られるときまで忍耐しなさい。 農夫が土地の価値ある作物を実らせるのを、秋の雨と春の雨を辛抱強く待っているのを見なさい。[8] あなたたちも忍耐し、しっかり立っていなさい。主の来臨が近づいているからです。[9] 兄弟たち、互いに不平を言ってはなりません。さもないと、裁きを受けます。裁き主が戸口に立っておられます。[10] 兄弟たち、苦難に耐える模範として、主の名によって語った預言者たちを取り上げなさい。[11] ご存知のように、忍耐した人は幸いであると私たちは考えています。あなたたちはヨブの忍耐について聞いており、主が最終的に何を成し遂げられたかを見ています。主はあわれみと慈悲に満ちています。[12] 兄弟たち、何よりもまず、天や地、あるいはほかの何によっても誓ってはいけません。ただ「はい」か「いいえ」と言えばよいのです。そうでないと、罪に定められます。[13] あなたたちの中で苦難に遭っている人は祈りなさい。幸せな人はいますか。 彼らに賛美の歌を歌わせなさい。[14] あなたがたのうちに病人がいれば、教会の長老たちを招いて、主の名によって祈りを捧げさせ、オリーブ油を塗らせなさい。[15] 信仰をもってささげる祈りは、病人をいやし、主はその人を立ち上がらせ、もし罪を犯していたなら、赦されるでしょう。[16] ですから、互いに罪を告白し合い、癒されるように祈りなさい。義人の祈りは力があり、効力があります。[17] エリヤは私たちと同じ人間でした。彼は雨が降らないようにと熱心に祈りました。すると、三年半の間、地に雨が降りませんでした。[18] 彼が再び祈ると、天は雨を降らせ、地は産物を生み出しました。 [19] 兄弟たちよ、もしあなたがたのうちの誰かが真理から迷い出て、だれかがその人を呼び戻すなら、[20] このことを覚えておきなさい。罪人を迷いの道から引き戻す者は、その人を死から救い、多くの罪を覆うのです。
James 5:1-20 NIV [1] Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. [2] Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. [3] Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. [4] Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. [5] You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. [6] You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you. [7] Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. [8] You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. [9] Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! [10] Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. [11] As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. [12] Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple “Yes” or “No.” Otherwise you will be condemned. [13] Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. [14] Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. [15] And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. [16] Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. [17] Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. [18] Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. [19] My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, [20] remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

Pray in all circumstances

One of the obstacles to the power of God in our life can be trusting in things other than God. In some ways, faith and wealth are like oil and water. They are hard to mix and do not often go together.

There is nothing wrong with having money in itself. But there are great spiritual dangers inherent in having wealth – arrogance, greed, self-indulgence and disregard for the needs of others (vv.1–6).

富裕層(おそらく今日の西洋のほとんどの人がこれに該当します)にとっての最大の危険は、神ではなく富に信頼を置くことです(テモテへの第一の手紙 6:17)。なぜ世界の貧しい地域では奇跡的な治癒がはるかに多いのでしょうか。富は信仰に対する潜在的な障壁であり、私たちが間違った場所に信仰を置く原因となっているのかもしれません。あなたは、すべての必要を満たしてくださる神に希望を置き、どんな状況でも祈るよう求められています。
The greatest danger for the wealthy (which probably includes most of us in the West today) is that we put our trust in wealth, rather than in God (1 Timothy 6:17). Why is it that there seem to be far more miracles of healing in some of the poorer parts of the world? Perhaps wealth is a potential barrier to faith, leading us to put our faith in the wrong place. You are called to put your hope in him who provides for all your needs and to pray in all circumstances.

この手紙の読者は明らかに困難な時期を過ごしています。ヤコブは読者に「忍耐し、堅く立ちなさい」(ヤコブ 5:8)と励ましています。彼はヨブを苦難に耐え忍んだ人の例として挙げています(11a 節)。そして読者に「主は慈悲深く、あわれみ深い」(11b 節)ことを思い出させています。
The readers of this letter are clearly going through difficult times. James encourages them to ‘be patient and to stand firm’ (James 5:8). He points to Job as an example of someone who was patient in the face of suffering, and persevered (v.11a). He reminds them that ‘the Lord is full of compassion and mercy’ (v.11b).

Pray in all circumstances:



If you are hurting

‘Is any one of you in trouble? You should pray’ (v.13a).

It has been said that ‘most of us have much trouble praying when we are in little trouble, but little trouble praying when we’re in much trouble.’


「幸せな人はいますか? 賛美の歌を歌ってください」(13b節)。

If you are feeling great

‘Is anyone happy? Sing songs of praise’ (v.13b).

St Augustine said that ‘the thought of you stirs \[a person\] so deeply that \[they\] cannot be content unless \[they\] praise you.’



If you are sick

‘Is any one of you sick? Call the elders…’ (v.14).

Of course, God often heals with the cooperation of the medical profession. But also expect God to heal miraculously today.


If you have sinned

There is no automatic link between sin and sickness. However, we cannot rule out the possibility. James says here, ‘If you have sinned, you will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed’ (vv.15b–16).

互いに罪を告白し、祈り合うことは、癒しと回復の過程に役立ちます。人生において、物事が暗闇に隠されていると、破壊的な力を持つことがあります。それを光の中に持ち出すと、私たちは解放されます。これは必ずしも全世界に打ち明けなければならないという意味ではありません。しかし、少なくとも 1 人の信頼できる人、完全に正直で、弱みを見せ、心の重荷を下ろせる人を見つける必要があります。
Confessing our sins to each other and praying for each other helps in the process of healing and restoration. When things in our lives are kept hidden in the dark they can have a destructive power. When we bring them out into the light, we are set free. This does not necessarily mean that you have to tell the whole world. But you need to find at least one person you can trust and with whom you can be totally honest, vulnerable and unburden yourself.

Prayer is powerful and effective. James makes this point forcefully by looking at the example of Elijah. He famously managed to control the weather through his prayers, causing and ending a drought, and yet James declares that ‘he was a man just like us’ (v.17). In other words, whatever Elijah could do, you can do!

Lord, thank you that you hear *my* prayers. Today, I pray…

エゼキエル 40:1-49
Ezekiel 40:1-49
エゼキエル書 40:1 新共同訳 [1] 我々が捕囚になってから二十五年、都が破壊されてから十四年目、その年の初めの月の十日、まさにその日に、主の手がわたしに臨み、わたしをそこへ連れて行った。

Pray with eyes open and ears attentive

Prayer is not a monologue. It is a dialogue. God speaks to you as you pray.

Ezekiel says, ‘The hand of the Lord was upon me’ (v.1). He was called to be a prophet and a preacher. To a greater or lesser extent, this is the task of every believer in Jesus. We see what is involved (v.4):

参照: 「自分の目で見る」

周りで起こっていることをすべて、聖霊の目で見てください。D.L. ムーディーが言ったように、「ひざまずくキリスト教徒は、つま先立ちの哲学者よりも多くのものを見る」のです。
See: ‘look with your eyes’

Look at everything going on around you with the eyes of the Spirit. As D.L. Moody said, ‘The Christian on his knees sees more than the philosopher on tiptoe.’

聞く: 「耳で聞く」

Listen: ‘hear with your ears’

Listen to what the Lord says about it all. In your two-way communication with God, what he says to you is far more important than what you say to him.

注目する: 「注意を払う」

Attend: ‘pay attention’ ‘Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity,’ wrote Simone Weil. This applies to all relationships including your relationship with God.

伝える: 「すべてを…伝える」

Tell: ‘tell… everything’

It is not enough just to see and hear. We must obey. Be willing to say what God tells you to say.

エゼキエルは新しい神殿の幻を見ます。それは象徴的な意味を持つ幻の神殿です。この点では、黙示録に記されている都市のようです (黙示録 21:16)。そこには均整と完璧さがあります。
Ezekiel receives a vision of a new temple. It is a visionary temple intended to be symbolic. In this, it is like the city described in Revelation (Revelation 21:16). There is a symmetry and perfection about it.

神殿の中心には、祭司たちが「主に近づき、主の前に仕える」部屋があります(エゼキエル 40:46)。旧約聖書では、「主に近づく」ことは、少数の少数の部族に限定されていました。
At the heart of the temple is a room where the priests ‘draw near to the Lord to minister before him’ (Ezekiel 40:46). To ‘draw near to the Lord’ was restricted to a small number of a small tribe in the Old Testament.

Now, through the blood of Christ, you may draw near to the Lord to minister before him (Ephesians 2:13). What a great and wonderful privilege this is. Keep your eyes open and your ears attentive to hear what God is saying to you. Have the courage to speak and the faith to pray the prayer of faith. You are a much-loved child of God. Your prayers are powerful.

Lord, thank you for the extraordinary power of prayer. Please speak to me today as I draw near to you.

ヤコブの手紙 5:17 には、「エリヤは私たちと同じ人でした」とあります。

私はエリヤのような気がしません。彼は祈りましたが、3 年半雨は降りませんでした。そして、降りませんでした。娘の結婚式で雨が降らないように祈りました。でも、降りませんでした。雪が降ったのです!
Pippa Adds
James 5:17 says, ‘Elijah was a person just like us.’

I don’t feel very like Elijah. He prayed and it wouldn’t rain for three and a half years. And it didn’t. I prayed that it wouldn’t rain at our daughter’s wedding. It didn’t. It snowed!

