All about … my things!

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I had such a good time! (*^_^*)

2008年09月21日 21時46分23秒 | 英語関係
 Hello, there  
As I told you before, I had a pot luck party last Saturday!  
The course of the intermediate class at wine seminar will end at the end of this month, and we, the classmates decided to have farewell parties (as we have two main instructors).
The first one was held on September 20th at my house for the instructor from Kyoto. Since it was held at my house, we decided to have it as a 'Pot-Luck party'. Do you know what pot-luck party is? Everone brings thier favorite food or drinks to the house where the party is held.
Some of my classmate brought their favirite wine, they were so, super-extraordinary splended wine.
Some went to the supermarket near my house and get two bottles of great spakling wines, one from California, USA, and the other from France.
Do you know the only sparkling wine produced in Champange area can be called 'Champange'?
We had several marvelous wine with lots of great, delicious food, some are cooked here at my house quickly and wondefully...
You know, wine-lovers are often good cooks.
We found out that our instructor was not only a good instructor, but a good cook.

I really hope I can have a party like this soon.
Oh, I love parties and I love wines
This, such a profound, wonderful and delicious world



コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (あやの)
2008-09-21 22:57:55
That's a very good idea!! (桜JJ姫)
2008-09-22 09:39:52
Hello, Ayano~
いや~、いい考えだと思います  It's a great idea for training your English
歌詞の中の英語や、ユチョンが言いそうな甘~い  フレーズを、英検の中に出てきそうな英語で覚えるコーナーにします  
Unknown (ゑぬ)
2008-09-23 18:28:29
Hi, friend.
I'm curious about bio wine.
Bio wine is often mentioned like, "difficult to taste especially when it is just opened".
3 days has passed since we had a wonderful party.
If that" Savennieres Les Veaux Clos" still remain at your place, I want to know how does that wine changed.
Please let us know about the difference in that.

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