All about … my things!

君はどこにいて 誰とどこにいて どんな服を着て 何して笑ってるんだろ

We had a party for my parents-in-law !

2008年09月15日 21時04分57秒 | 英語関係
Everything that I had written these 50 minutes has disappeared... again...
なんで消えるんだよ~  Why such thing happens to me??
信じらんない…  I can't believe this... no, that, either...

Well, I know I have to wrtie it again remembering what I worte before...  

Where was I ? (日本語では「どこまで話しましたっけ?」って言いますが、英語では「自分、どこにいたっけ」って感じ)
Oh, yes, I was talking about the party that I had last night. It was 'respect-for-the-aged' day today. (What a word! but I looked up the dicitionary and it says so... )
Since my father-in-law was rather busy today, so we had a party last night. Well... I don't think treating them 'AGED' is very good, but I suppose nice pleasant dinner'd not do any harm.

do one's harm で「誰かに害をなす」でもこんな風に否定で使って do not any harm 「害はない=大丈夫」のように使うことが多い

We had roasted beef, lots of boiled vegetables, and chestnut sweet with viewing the full moon... Yes, it was full moon esterday... Have you seen it?

It's gettinjg cooler and cooler day by day. The fall is getting deeper. I can feel that my favorite season winter is coming...
Fall is a good season for reading, playing some sports , driving and falling in love... just kidding


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