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The days of (port) wine and roses...

2008年09月29日 18時48分18秒 | 英語関係
I told you that I had a pot-luck party the other day.    
They brought me some wines   from the class when we had on the day.   Actually, the theme of that day was 'port' wine.  
Port wines are fortified wine.    Their alcohol are usually from 15% to 19%.  Yes, they're very 'strong' wine, in other words.

Probably,they intended to drink these wine together at the party,   but they're busy drinking with other much weaker( I mean, ordinary,) wine   at that party. They left these bottles here in my house...  
They are 4 bottlles all together. 
Ruby port
madira wine
rutherglen wine
late bottled vintage port wine
You know what I was goint to do with them...
Of course, I drank them!! They are so nice, but at the same time, they are so strong
Oh, my goodness, I confess, I drank too much these days...

I can sing that song The days of wine and roses...
I know that song literally is a kind of sad song, and I have been depressed these days... especially today
Oh,yes, I was sooooo depressed and schocked and desperate...
Oh, my dream has just broken to pieces... Alas( isn't it an awkward way to say ?)
Proper quantity alcohol can make you be more creative, but too much drink is to danrgerous to youy health and also to your mind...
I know...



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Unknown (ゑぬ)
2008-09-30 21:51:47
What made you so depressed?
Dose autumn air birng you such melancholic feeling?
Sorry,I know.(Everyone knows.)
You've lost a chance to go to korea.
Be positive. You'll get another chance.
2008-09-30 22:55:19
Thanks a lot for your encuragement.
I know it's not worth while crying...
You know "Goddes of fortune has only forehead hair."(運命の女神には前髪しかない)
I couldn't grab her forehead hair...
The day after fair...
Anyway, I appreciate your kind comment on this blog.
I can be positive with your warm heart.

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