All about … my things!

君はどこにいて 誰とどこにいて どんな服を着て 何して笑ってるんだろ

We're going to have a party!

2008年09月14日 21時20分34秒 | 英語関係
Hello, there
I supose that I told you that I'm taking wine lesson. Now I'm taking the intermediate couse and this couse will finish at the end of this month.
I'm sure I'll miss these lessons.
As we'll miss our teacher, too, so we've made a plan to have a party this Saturday. Especially at my place,because my husband is out on business through Saturday till Sunday.

We probably bring our favirite wines and get something to eat at the supermarket 'Sapore' which has a lot of variation of cheese and wine.

I usually drink not expensive wine with ordinary dishes. Light, fruity ones. Sapore is the good place for me to get some not-expensive wine and some deliciuos cheese.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my teacher and my classmate on Saturday with nice wines and delicious food.


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