

Something about 2010 world cup-01

2010年07月13日 21時46分43秒 | 2010 FIFA
Last night, we couldnot watch any new match about 2010 FIFA again. Suddenly, I felt some nounse feeling, feeling seem to losing something in the heart. In almost a month(32 teams' fighting), I watched and watched, till the mid-night. (even if I have some sleeping period). And insist to write and write my blog about it. (Although I didnot write it too good, I did it.) But I still really thank you for my every reader.

This year, many unthinkable results came out from the match. But I think this is football, and this is competition. So some casino's player lose their money. I really hope that the Casino couldnot attack and destroy our passion of football, and Casino would get rid of from every field that we love.


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