By Takeshi Ito ofm.(Roman Catholic Church Iida Chief Priest)
We have only one month remains.
I think you have restless days because of Christmas and the end of the year you are to greet.
Looking back this year all over the world and Japan,we may think we have a seriously troubled year.
In many places in the world,we had a lot of very serious affairs-terrorisms that had frequently happened ,serious starvations in many poor countries by the price hike of grains,serious worldwide depressions by financial crises.In Japan,we had many troubles too.Four examples we have.-1.The increases of old men who were suffering losses from ”Furikome-Swindling”.2.Many dispatched workers who are working under unstable work contracts and many ”Working Poors” who cannot earn enough money though they are working enthusiastically.3.The increase of unemployments and the increase of difficulty of finding jobs.These become more serious by the worldwide depression.4.Many bloodsheds which were commited by terrible and very cruel ways-the Akihabara case,the Permanent secretaries murder case.And many other serious troubles we had.
Adding to these affiars,lot concerning food ploblems we had.Many camouflages of producing districts,addings of insect powders,imported foods which were covered with agricultural chemicals,inadequate rice ventilations which were not eatable (the accidented rice).The Minstry of Agricultural and Marine Products concerned in this case.And so on.I also feel angry to these caes in the standpoint of view of farmers.
The disgusting atomosphere which covers all over the world and Japan.That is the result of the extreme doctrine of ”money for money’s sake” and ”absolute despair”-we cannot have any hopes for our tomorrow lives at all.
About two thousands years ago in Bethlehem of Israel,the Infant was born.He is God who had made this whole Universe.But he was born at the poor horse cabin,and he has infinite possibilities and hopes.
This is the very answer comes from God to the doctrine of ”money for money’s sake” and ”absolute despair”.But we mankind did’t live faithful live to this God’s answer for two thousands years after the birth of this Infant.And in this age,this tendency are becoming stronger and stronger.I regret among we Christians too many people do not pay any attentions to this God’s answer at all.
The birth of the Infant is completed in the Cross and Ressurection.The Cross is the love we give ourself to happinesses of all people of this age when egotism goes to the extreme.The Ressurection is the victory of love in the end.
If the Christmas ends in the Christmas,it means the mass is mere celeblation of the birth.
It means ”be glad adequately”.The birth of God makes us be glad adequately.That’s too miserable.
By living together with the Cross and the Resurrection,which emancipate this world from the doctrine of ”money for money’s sake” and ”absolute despair”,Christmass becomes meaningful and live.
Trans’ed. by Toshiaki Norikura
(Roman Catholic Church Iida)