情報流通促進計画 by ヤメ記者弁護士(ヤメ蚊)日隅一雄

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弁護士会主催憲法シンポジウム『どうする どうなる 憲法9条』

2007-02-13 06:25:23 | 憲法改正国民投票法案そのほか

【日  時】 2007年(平成19年)2月15日(木) 
開場:午後5時半  開始:午後6時
【場  所】 イイノホール(飯野ビル7階) 
【地  図】 http://www.iino.co.jp/hall/map.html
【パネリスト】 ●植野 妙実子 氏
●姜 尚中 氏
●前田 哲男 氏
【コーディネーター】 ●伊藤 真 氏
【参加費】 無料
【事前申込】 不要
【主  催】 第二東京弁護士会
【共  催】 日本弁護士連合会・東京弁護士会・第一東京弁護士会
【お問い合せ先】 第二東京弁護士会司法調査課 (TEL:03-3581-2259)

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2007-02-13 06:04:23 | メディア(知るための手段のあり方)



◆ 会見者プロフィール ◆


松岡利康(Matsuoka Toshiyasu, まつおか・としやす)
Born in 1951 (55 years old). Graduated from Doshisha University in Kyoto.
Has been publishing many books and magazines including "Monthly KAMI-NO-BAKUDAN" (meaning "Paper Bomb", i.e., appealing leaflets) as the president of Rokusai-sha Publishing, Inc.Has suffered suppression of free speech and press by prosecutors since launching "Monthly KAMI-NO-BAKUDAN".

Attackingly arrested in the early morning of July 12, 2005, on prosecutor's account of "defamation by some printed matter" about 2 parties; a largest PACHINKO (i.e., Japanese pinball) and PACHI-SURO (i.e., slot machine-like pinball) manufacturer ARUZE CORP. and a most popular professional baseball team HANSHIN TIGERS.
After that, detained at a holding pen for 192 days.

After the World War II, this arrest is very anomalous because it is the published contents that is targeted as the very grounds of capturing any publisher or journalist. Futhermore, this 192-days-detention is the first and longest case against publishers and journalists in postwar Japan.

Sentenced as guilty and " HARD LABOR PRISONMENT FOR 1 YEAR AND 2 MONTHS, ON PROBATION FOR 4 YEARS" at the 1st trial on July 4, 2006.
On the 27th of this February, 2007, the appeal court (OSAKA High Court) is giving its judgment.

PROFILE OF Rokusai-Sha Publishing, Inc.

The company was founded in 1969.
Converted to a joint-stock corporation in 1972.
Mr. Matsuoka assumed the (incumbent) president in 1988.
Suffered the suppression of free speech and press by procuratorial authorities on July 12, 2005.
Resumed publication business with the help of many supporters, in spite of the catastrophic damage.

Soon after the first publication in April, 2005, the magazine suffered the governmental suppression, despite which it continued intermittently with bare life.
Now it has resumed monthly base.

FREE SPEECH AND PRESS of Rokusai-Sha Publishing, Inc.


Rokusai-Sha Publishing, Inc. had accused numerous unlawful activities of a largest PACHINKO/PACH-SURO manufacturer ARUZE CORP. through many publications including 4 books of thoroughly investigative journalism.【★1】


But each time of the publication, ARUZE CORP. stridently pleaded with court to issue press prohibition order. And what is more, ARUZE filed 300-million-yen-claiming civil lawsuit, as well as lodging a criminal complaint against Rokusai-sha for "a libel" .

By the way, Rokusai-sha had, since 2002, pursued after a mysterious death for "plunge" of an old pro scouting agent of HANSHIN TIGERS, a most popular pro baseball team whose home ground lies near Rokusai-sha's head office by chance. And very interestingly, around the same time of ARUZE case, Rokusai-sha faced another criminal libel suit.【★2】

Both ARUZE and HANSHIN TIGERS are notorious for employing ex-police "AMA-KUDARI" officers ("AMA-KUDARI" meaning "descent from heaven" in Japanese is an euphemism saying that "retired bureaucrats parachuting into positions as advisers and executives in private firms"), as well as for "YUCHAKU" (meaning "corruptive collusion between civil and public sectors") with police officers. Especially, ARUZE has a deeply-rooted "YUCHAKU" temperament to such an extent that it employed a Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis as Supreme Advisor.

Matsuoka and Rokusai-sha had scrupulously investigated these corruptive collusions, the truth about the HANSHIN scout agent's so-called "plunge death", and a broad range of unlawful activities of ARUZE, and made public in these books and magazines like "Monthly KAMI-NO-BAKUDAN". Matsuoka, advised by his concerned friends to be careful about terrorist attack, suddenly got arrested on July 12, 2005, and detained for a long time. These attack put a destructive damage on his publishing company, Rokusai-sha. These governmental action decisively violates the 21st Article of the Constitution of Japan which assures "freedom of expression", "freedom of speech and press". In a democratic society, freedom of expression, speech and press of any journalist and publisher must be assured.

ARUZE is spreading out its casino-hotel business multinationally including in Las Vegas and Macao. But Rokusai-sha has, using many documents such as court verdicts, already revealed that ARUZE had unlawfully obtained gaming licenses by way of tricking the Nevada authorities about its criminal past in Japan. Moreover the publisher provided a investigation team from Nevada state Gaming Control Board with important (English-translated) documents in August, 2004.

By the way, Okada Kazuo's younger brother, who had once lived in Las Vegas as preparation staff for "Invasion to USA", committed mysterious "suicide" by injecting ricin, which scandal was also revealed in Rokusai-sha's investigative reporting book. This book was written with some help of Kazuo's older brother, so it is highly credible.

After the WWII, YAKUSA has penetrated into both PACHINKO and pro baseball businesses in Japan, striven for the power and interests, On the other hand, police sector has spreading itself into such game business world by strengthening "YUCHAKU" with PACHINKO machine manufacturers, gaming halls, dealers, and baseball team companies in the sacred name of "elimination of YAKUZA".

Under these situations, people such as ARUZE owner Okada Kazuo's brother and HANSHIN TIGERS scouting agent died by mysterious incidents, whose truths has been investigated by Matsuoka and Rokusai-sha.
Rumors tell us that there seem to be mafia activities behind the casino business in which ARUZE is involved. We sincerely hope you may pursue that potential scandal.

【★1】ARUZE CORP. is a leading and largest PACHINKO/PACH-SURO manufacturer whose shares are listed on the JASDAQ (Japan Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) market. It has once held 50 percent of the PACHINKO/PACH-SURO machine market share of this country.
Mr. Okada Kazuo, founder/owner of this corporation (and now, Chairman of the Board of Directors), once (in 1999) became the top on the billionaire's list.
PACHINKO/PACH-SURO is a gambling industry, said to be "30-TRILLION-YEN BUSINESS" though gambling is legally prohibited in Japan, unlike USA and other countries.
YAKUZA has been very rampant in gambling industry of this country like Mafias in America, Macao, etc.
【★2】HANSHIN TIGERS is the most popular professional baseball team, whose home ground is Koshien Stadium (KOUSHIEN KYUUJO) in Nishinomiya city (near Kobe city) in Hyogo prefecture.
Rokusai-Sha Publishing, Inc. had its head office near the Stadium just until suffering the governmental suppression attack, which damagingly made the office close. Incidentally, the interviewee Matsuoka still lives near the Stadium.
