

場所奈良大宇陀 江戸の街並み 羅保派

2024年08月14日 | Weblog
柿本人麻呂composed many poems
praising emperors and members
of the imperial family. He served
Empress Jito and left poems revered the emperor as a living god. This was an important role as a court poet.
智の娘、天武の皇后 そして自らも天皇 702 崩御 天武の元妻は額田王 Empress Jito was the first emperor to be cremated. 
過ぎて、夏きたるらし 白妙の衣ほしたり天の香具山 



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2024年08月14日 | Weblog
Starting a job at new school is exciting, but it's definitely not a bed of roses, and while leaving my stressful job seemed like a relief, the new position turned out to be out of the frying pan and into the fire, reminding me that variety is the spice of life.
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人物 山本葵

2024年08月14日 | Weblog

Just before the final mile race, Aoi  collapsed due to heatstroke, so he’s been urgently transported by ambulance to Toyooka Hospital. 

On another day, he set a personal best the day after suffering a muscle strain and raced aggressively. 

He will someday bloom like a large flower.

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作品 藤枝梅庵

2024年08月14日 | Weblog

That person is not an opponent you can match even if all of you band together. Consider yourselves lucky that you only escaped with your lives.


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作品 ブルターニュ 小磯良平

2024年08月14日 | Weblog

コンカルノーの鰯加工場で働く娘たち It feels as if you can hear the lively voices of the young girls in the painting.

小磯良平の斉唱 Although the painting was created before the outbreak of the Pacific War, there is no hint of the chaos of the times. All that can be seen are the girls singing. What catches my attention, however, are the expressions on the girls’ faces. Each face is remarkably similar, and for some reason, they are singing barefoot.

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